Why It’s Not Enough To Do What You Love

You also have to love what you do.

Flipping the slogan of “Do what you love” to “Love what you do” changes how we spend our time. Instead of dreaming grandiose thoughts of succeeding at our passion, we can love what’s right here in front of us– even if we’re struggling with something that’s not so glamorous.

“‘Do what you love‘ is in the future. Love what you dois right now.”

– Paul Buchheit

You’ve probably never heard of Paul Buchheit, but his work helps millions of people everyday. He invented Gmail.

Paul worked at Google and helped build it from the ground up, back when Google was tiny– less than 30 people.

Why do some companies stay small, while some grow to mammoth scales like Google? Is it just luck? Being in the right place at the right time? Or does it have more to do with our choices?

Finding Your Larger Purpose

Paul compares growing a business to launching a rocket. What’s most important is why— our purpose, and our deep human need to explore.

“It’s often assumed that business is all about money. But to me, that’s like saying that rockets are all about rocket fuel. On some level, it’s true. You won’t even make it off the launchpad without fuel…But among the truly significant founders [businesses] I’ve known, there’s always a larger purpose. It’s not just the nihilistic pursuit of rocket fuel.”

Success Comes From Loving What You Do Everyday

For 5 straight years, I lived as a full-time potter but barely made minimum wage. Sometimes I had to fight to keep Cherrico Pottery alive and often traded pottery for food.

Looking back now and admitting that is embarrassing. But at the time, people would constantly tell me, “At least you get to do what you love!”

That’s not how I survived. Cherrico Pottery grew because I woke up everyday and loved what I did.

I was genuinely excited to work 18 hours straight on a kiln firing. To me, it felt like playing with clay and fire day!

I didn’t care that the payoff was maybe a few hundred dollars worth of pottery to sell for the week (before expenses). I loved the artistic process. The work of making pottery, living as a potter, was it’s own reward. And I always sold/traded enough pottery to get by.

And years later, that love also helped grow the business too, starting when I created the “Cosmic Mug” and raised $34,099 in one month on Kickstarter.

“Frugality, Focus, Obsession and Love”

– Sam Altman

Focus is so rare today, with our easy digital distractions. But when you lean into the difficulty of an intricate craft, you reap the rewards. Years of toil and strife set me up for the skills necessary to captivate people in a Guinness World Records spectacle, achieving the record on my first try. But that wouldn’t have been possible without 10k+ hours of deliberate practice.

Frugality taught us how to package pottery with post-consumer and eco-friendly materials, like when we shipped 1,000 pots with 1,000 egg cartons.

We don’t make art because it’s necessary for our capitalist society. We make art because it’s necessary for humanity. Loving what we do means that even when times are hard, when things aren’t going so well, we can still find joy everyday. Long-term, that’s a recipe for success.

GIVEAWAY: What is one thing that you do everyday because you love it?

(ENDED: congrats to the winner, Helen W and she was emailed and notified about her free gifts. Thank you for your wonderful comment Helen, and thank you everyone for participating! To get notified about all future giveaways, please join cherricopottery.com/newsletter

Leave a comment on this blog post before 2pm Central this Friday 8/17/2019 answering the question above (What is one thing that you do everyday because you love it?) and I will pick one person to win one free “Random Cosmic Mug” from our back stock paired with a coin I carry in my pocket almost everyday. It says, “Amor Fati” which means “Love of Fate.” It reminds me to love everything, both good and bad, everyday. It helps me use even my hardships as fuel, like a fire that turns everything in it’s path into fuel. I got it from dailystoic.com because I really enjoy their work, and I’ll mail it to one of you for free (giveaway 21+ void where prohibited, no unicorns, etc…winner will be chosen by Joel Cherrico and announced in the comments around 3pm Central Friday 8/17/2019). Please allow 24-48 hours max for our moderator to approve your comment 🙂

432 Replies to “Why It’s Not Enough To Do What You Love”

  1. The one thing I love to do is photography, I’m slowly building my business but I am truly happy behind my lens and capturing memories. The other half of that is even though tedious is editing the photos and seeing the faces of my clients whether it is an event for a charity or a simple portrait session. Either way, it’s being in the moment and making people smile.

    1. I have been going through a depression lately so I haven’t been in the “loving anything” mood. But at least once a day I just stare at my kids and appreciate them and their lives. Their little faces is what helps keep me going.

      1. I get up every day and go to work as an RN in the hospital. I do it because I love to do it. I am humbled to be apart of patient’s journeys to wellness and healing.
        I come home every night and care for my infant daughter and my husband because I love to do it. Family is the most important aspect of my life.
        I am a proud mother, nurse, and wife every day because that’s what I love to do.

      1. I am an abstract painter. Every day I wake up and mix paints. I am in the process of building my business. Reading what you wrote was great. At this time in my life, financially speaking, it’s been very much the “starving artist” lifestyle. Working my buns off just to make sure the lights stay on. But I am doing something I love, creating. I just have to keep striving every day to improve my business, live out my passion and push through. Thank you for sharing your story!

    2. When i first wake up i pray to God to bless me another day of life and then i like to take a walk to clear my head for the day then i go and see what advice people have left me i love to talk to people and lisren to them and ill usually answer back i also love you website you have such a gift to make such beautiful artwork God bless

    3. I believe when we like what we are doing a love comes out of it. It builds up the excitement and thats a driving force in that. Example I like baking I want to experiment with diffrent flavors and styles. Im not advanced by any means but I have a passion for it which who knows it can turn into something bigger. If not I just keep on baking for the enjoyment and passion it brings to me and the satisfaction it brings others 🙂

    4. I’m a library clerk at an elementary school. I’m a lover of books & having the ability to place a book In the hands of a child is rewarding. Books take you on a journey. Books teach and guide both the young and old. If you find magic in the things around you chances are all you need is a book. I am an amateur potter – the very first thing I did to learn about the process was buy a book…. followed by taking a class where I was guided to other potters books.

    5. I try to dig in the dirt every day. I guess it started when i was young like 3 or 4. I still managed to garden while working full time and raising kids. Now i am retired and my 13 year old dog lays beside while i dig the earth and water and harvest vegetable and herbs. Love watching things grow.

    6. Why is not enough what you Love? It’s no brainer because having a true Passion of what you Love God will take good care of you & open doors that no man can open. Each day is a new day new adventure new beginnings. That’s what makes it exiting never a boring moment.

    7. I go to school with my children and my client with developmental disabilities. (same age as my twins 5) I love being a supporter of quality education and helping my client interact with the world around him. It’s a huge reward to see my children treat him like a sibling and be excited to be his friends. I’m so grateful for all the wisdom and opportunities being his support has given me!

    8. The one thing I do everyday that I love is waking up and having my first cup of coffee. I also sit and enjoy that first cup of coffee in my favorite mug which reads Love You to the Moon and Back!

    9. I love to find things like old furniture or lamps and mirrors and fix them up and make them beautiful again. Its time consuming and alot of work and I absolutely love doing it. However, there are alot of people out there doing the same thing, so its getting harder and harder to so. Its not enough doing what I love, so I am going to try and add a second love of mine and that is gemstones. I am going to try and make some furniture to incorporate some gemstone embellishments to make my pieces stand out from the rest! Heres hoping it works!😊💖 Thank you for the opprotunity to win one of your beautiful mugs! I hope you have a very blessed day!😊💖

    10. I love you do wood burning because it is an inspiration to nature and what god has given us. I give my burnings as gifts to people

    1. I teach rock climbing to youth and adults. I’ve been in love with the sport since I committed to it 10 years ago and always try to share my love and passion for it.

      1. I wake up every day and take care of my beautiful little girl 💗 and in my extra time, I love to make pottery as well 💗

    2. Well, Joel let me tell you what a perfect creative day would be like for me. I would get up in the morning and get my favorite hot beverage of choice. Then I would grab my cookbooks and browse through them until my creative juices started flowing. Pen and paper in hand my list of all the ingredients for the two to three recipes I would prepare on this day. Off to the market to get even more creative. wondering around a grocery store increases my excitement of what is to come in my kitchen later. Being at the store is a nice social time smiling at others as I go up and down the aisles and maybe sharing a recipe or two. I am not a professional chef just a person that loves to cook. I have always said my kitchen is my canvas. Joel thank you for encouraging me to write about what I love

    1. Hi Joel! I am 54 years old and was stuck in a job that was draining the life out of me for a big part of my life. In September 2018, my cousin (owner of company) fires me! Because I looked unhappy! At first I was devastated! I thought my life was over! Until….I was blessed with a job in a small law firm! I have never been happier in my life!!! So, I am lucky enough to get up every morning and look forward to going to work!!! I’m still playing catch-up from getting behind financially but I’m so Happy!! I had no idea you could actually be happy at work!! I’d like to thank you for ending some of my days with the most relaxing feeling after watching you live out your passion!!!

    1. I’m an ER nurse but now mostly review charts but I make sure I always have some intervention with a patient everyday that I’m there and I also still go work out on the floor at times. So rewarding to help save a life or making my patient feel better, or even just seeing the reassurance on their face when you explain to them what is going on and that everything is going to be ok. I have helped save lives but I have also lost lives from infants to elderly. Working in ER is very rewarding but also sad

    2. I love tending to and admiring my plants! Every morning and every evening I check on them and appreciate each bloom and each new leaf that sprouts. I find it to be very therapeutic and rewarding to watch the beauty of nature grow.

  2. As a retired baker by trade, I still find the greatest joy in baking for my husband and friends. The decorating isle excites me! Lol. I could spend all day picking out the perfect sprinkles!

  3. I’ve been working with pottery since I was 13 Joel, today after many years I teach special needs adults & kids classes. I love them with all of my heart. Every single piece is a masterpiece of creativity for someone that’s waiting for another to show them the way & believe in them. I live for my 3 son’s & this extended clay family that I’ve created.
    I’d love to be able to afford a piece of yours that I could have in the classroom – I constantly remind all my students to shoot for the stars!
    Many blessings & much love,
    Shari ✨💞✌🏼

    1. Hugs. The best hugs I give are to my son. But I hug someone everyday, and mean it. A nice warm genuine embrace. Where so little can mean so much.

  4. I work as a florist because I love the work. Been doing it 25 years! There are good days and bad days but seeing a bride that loves everything on her wedding day makes the bad days worth it.

    1. I’m a therapist and work with teens which is something I love doing every day- being a good listener and really try to push my kids to be the best them they can be. I love incorporating art therapy using different mediums. It’s amazing when I work with someone who immediately says “I’m not good at art”. I quickly correct them and say “we all are good at art. We all just have a different way of expressing that.” I love their smiles and watching them put the paintbrush to paper after we talk about this. I love to see through their lens once they finish a piece of art. I truly love this. So, to answer your question… I suppose every day I love to challenge my kids beyond what they believe or think is ever possible! 🙂
      P.S. – I’ve always dreamt of having one of your beautiful mugs! You also have inspired me to want to take a class in pottery soon! (I took it years ago and it was so therapeutic!!!)

      1. I love helping my neighbor she can not get out so I go every day and spend time with her and we talk I even help her with her Medication i do without to help her .i feel Blessed to help her it is not much but I also make her feel someone loves and care about her

  5. it’s great that you do what you love Joel.
    I care for people with dementia amongst other illnesses because I love to care for those people.

  6. I like to watch my son in his music class. The diversity of personalitys and caracteres that complex mix of things make life interesting.

  7. I walk the beach and find rocks and shells to paint. After painting and sealing, I hide them around the island (Dauphin Island Alabama) for locals visitors and vacationers to find. A little piece of happy goes a long way. I love knowing g something so simple that I love to do anyway can bring happiness to someone’s day!!

  8. I dance it out every day because I just can’t get enough and I love that it makes me feel better and gets my spirits up

  9. One thing I do every day because I love it is being a mom to the two most amazing and beautiful minds. Both of my children have special needs. I was sick for a very long time and told I would never have children.
    My husband and I tried for what seemed like forever, with no luck to get pregnant. Little did we know there was another wonderful plan in store for us.
    We decided to foster but asked for special needs. When we dated, one of our favorite things was volunteer work at our local children’s hospital. Through that work we realized there are so many children that are at that hospital alone and could be adopted. We wanted to foster with the intent of adopting.
    We were getting ready to start our classes when I fell ill. I didn’t know what I was going to do because taking those classes and being certified was one of my biggest dreams. We found out that I was actually not sick; but pregnant with my daughter.
    I have had two very traumatic pregnancies with what we though were going to be horrific outcomes. However, we beat all the odds!!!
    I am a mom to a 15 year old girl and 12 year old boy with the most beautiful minds ever; and being their mom is the BEST thing I get to do every day!!!

  10. I make it a point to tell my husband “I love you” multiple times a day! I do this, well because, I do love to tell him how much he is loved and appreciated!

    1. The one thing I try to do everyday is to try and make it to the beach. It helps relieve the stress of the daily grind and resets my mind to deal with the pain I deal with on a daily basis.

  11. Everyday I wake up before My family And I go for a walk to the beach with my pups. I watch the sun rise and I mediate I give thanks for my breath. I love this I do this everyday it always helps to prepare my self to be a better mother, wife and artist.

    1. I love to create wire wrapping art everyday, I never feel satisfied that’s why I keep on keeping on creating and sharing my art making others happy and feeding my creativity.

  12. Cooking! Making dinner everyday for my family. I never stress over it because I love to cook. My children are all adults and I do not need to be in the kitchen half as much as when they were younger. I enjoy to give them a meal with love . It brings me satisfaction . Love it even more when they bring people home who do not get homemade meals often!!!

  13. I crochet presents for friends and family to include everything from afghans to infant dresses and beyond because I love to crochet and give the finished products as gifts from the heart.

  14. Everyday I hell my best friend with her kids. She needs me because she has no family. So I go and help her take care of them.

    1. I am a swim coach. I am happiest when I am spending time on the pool deck teaching young people not only the skills of swimming, but also the life lessons of hard work, perseverance, and team work.

  15. Every day brings its challenges and changes but also many moments of clarity and beauty. And everyday I choose to see the bright side of things. I find happiness in everything I see and do. It is my daily quest to see the glass half full and find beauty in my world no matter the circumstances.

  16. Everyday I text my husband, who is currently deployed for a year, a good morning pick me up message to start his day in a positiv way and to motivate him that together we will get through this year apart…

    1. I love drawing, I do it everyday. Sometimes I get frustrated but I always end up going back to it and trying harder than ever before. I can definitely see my progression. Practicing can be hard but is essential to a good product!

  17. I love that you made a business about something so personal and obviously makes you happy!! Cheers!!

  18. I help people in need everyday because it brings me joy. I volunteered at the lower elementary school everyday for 8 yrs until the teacher I was helping retired because she got cancer. Now I take care of the elderly during the week and help on farms on the weekends. I am disabled myself but there is alway someone in worse shape than me.

  19. One thing that I do everynight is go out into the yard barefoot. I cock my head all the way back and take a good look at the stars! It helps to remind me to release the day and helps me to feel more grounded. We are all part of this vast amazing universe! Don’t sweat the small stuff!

  20. The one thing I do everyday is paint, hope to one day be super successful with it! Nothing like having a long day and at the end of it just relaxing and doing what you love.

  21. I’m a cashier. I’m genuinely kind to EVERYONE everyday. Happiness is a choice, I choose to be happy. Smiling everyday makes me happy.

    “Be the change you want to see in the world.”-Ghandi

  22. Waking up every morning is my favorite thing to do! After a double masectomy since having cancer this year, every day is a blessing! Besides that, I love making people happy! Helping others or making their day just a little easier let’s me have a big smile and warm my heart!

  23. What I Do Everyday That I Love —

    Waking up.

    Would love to have my morning coffee in one of your beautiful mugs.

  24. i love watching you great real art. Ive become a patreon to support your craft as so many hand crafted arts are becoming a thing of the past. Follow your heart and passion and it will lead you to a much more fulfilling life.

  25. I wake up every morning at 5 a.m. so I can watch the sunrise. I love the quiet at that time of day before the neighbors wake up.

  26. I love my children & loving doing things for & with them. Everyday regardless of how I feel, I care from feeding them to reading with them to listening to them tell me stories. And, many more moments in between that we get to enjoy together. They are a piece of my heart that walks around outside of my body.

  27. I’m a mom to 2 energetic boys. While some moments are draining, it is also a very fulfilling “job” and I’m truly lucky to get to spend so much time with them. As time allows, I teach (& sometimes make) pottery. And I also occasionally work alongside a master chocolatier.

  28. Every day I find the time to sit outside with my dogs and a hot drink and just take in what’s going on around me. No matter how I’m feeling, or what’s going on, it grounds me and reminds me that life will be what it will be but the sun will always keep on rising. I love that.

  29. After teaching art to young children for 35 years I am enjoying my retirement and my chance to do my own art at my own pace…..no timetables, school bells, or alarm clocks! I feel blessed to have been able to make a living doing what I loved every day. In my later years….a young thinking 71 year old….It is fun to still enjoy my passion to create.

  30. One thing I do every day because I love it….my job! I’m the K-8 teacher, principal, and superintendent in a one room school house. It’s a heavy work load, but I love teaching, making a difference, and setting these kids up for success!

  31. Besides the fact that I get to do what I love as a job-special educator for 20 years., I also do what I love at home which is crochet! A good friend and coworker taught me 15 years ago and I took off with a passion. I love it when people ask me if I can make……..I say, I will make it! I don’t think I’ve turned down an offer. If I can’t find a pattern I look at other work and figure it out for myself. So besides working, raising two little girls and caring for my mother in law I always try to find time to do what I love.

  32. The one thing I love doing every day is taking care of my 3 pups….they give me so much comfort and joy….idk where I’d be today without them💖💖💖

    1. I talk to my dad everyday he is 84
      He is my rock I love him to the moon and back he our world
      My heart is so filled with love for him he always knows when their is something wrong even over the phone
      He gives the best dad hugz ever one day those cuddles won’t be there so for now everyday I either see him or call him
      We all the family let him know how much he is loved
      He would love this mug as he is and will always be our universe

  33. I always try to find a few pieces of my jigsaw puzzle every day. All good things take time and patience 🙂
    And at least once a week I try to paint.

  34. I read every night before I fall asleep. It helps me wind down. I have also been reading 365 of Wonder to my sons…each day starting Jan 1st. They are thought provoking, inspirational quotes that aim to bring out ones best.

  35. I had an urge to learn how to make all natural bars of soaps, with of course watching you design throw and glaze! there are endless possibilities and imaginations that become so real and calming in many aspects of life.
    I’m learning every day how to encourage myself to pop out of this mommy bubble and take on a challenge of making soap that my kids can also participate in, on an everyday basis! I always have a Tim Hortons coffee or tea on hand to give me a boost or perhaps mix with the soap 🙏

  36. I listen tho music every single day. It’s as important to me as breathing. It levels me, picks me up when I am down, calms me when I’m shaking with rage, occasionally brings me to tears when the lyrics and the melody both speak to me at once. I create my (usually bad, but that won’t stop me) art while listening, I make it through my shitty day job by listening. I travel the country chasing that incredible high I get seeing it performed live with thousands of fellow fans. I wouldn’t be me without music tho I’ve never played an instrument. I must listen to music every day, it is my happy, let there be songs to fill the air 💗

  37. I have five cats and I try to spend time with each of them everyday. I have always loved animals and have always had cats in my life and even though I have quite a few now, I try to spend individual time with them to show them that I love them. They give me so much love back, it makes me happy in my heart.

  38. Everyday I wake up and raise my child in a mindful way. I try my hardest to be the person he deserves as a mom. I love doing this because it not only helps him to grow into a great little person, but I have caught myself when I am going too fast or when I am too concerned about things that don’t truly matter. I love being there for him and being able to raise a child who is curious, happy and kind.

  39. The one thing I do everyday because I love it is be a mom. I know it’s probably not the answer you were looking for, but it’s my honest answer. I waited/ tried for 8 years to be a mom. I had finally gave up. I didn’t think it was possible. The one thing I wanted most in life seemed impossible to have or do. And then one morning I woke up and everything was different. I was pregnant. My beautiful son made me the mom I’d always wanted to be. Now 6.5 years later I’ve been blessed with my second child, my daughter. They are my life. I wake up every morning excited to mom today. I’m not always the best mom but I love my kids and would do anything for them. Staying home and taking care of my beautiful, amazing children is the thing I love most!

  40. I couldn’t agree more! Especially when it comes to work..it won’t feel like work..ever.
    One thing I do everyday..actually two. Cook..love it and play with my orchids. Massive collection.
    Both are where my creativity shines along with expierementation..then photograph it..so maybe three.
    Weekends are for collecting seashell, and becombing for creative endeavors.

  41. What is one thing that you do everyday because you love it?

    I stare into my 17 yrs old cats eye and tell him I love him because I love it. I get all warm and toasty in the heart adoring him. My sun El Niño!

  42. I wake Up and meditate, visualizing happiness and peace. Do a few stretches, and I’m up and on my way! Love this feeling of being in charge of how my day will unfold.


    1. One thing I do everyday because I love it is to read. There are so many things I don’t know and more options than I could ever cover. Love to watch your video. They are very relaxing and your talent and love shows – stay in the zone.

  43. I sit in my rocking chair with my cup of coffee ( in my cosmic mug), a couple of my furbabies and a blanket watching urban explorers. It’s a nice soothing way to wake up and I love that😌

  44. What is success? Success is a passion for the work you do, the creations you make and the memory of what you create and leave behind. It’s a form of passion that translates into the pieces of art that are created by the artist. Regardless of money, loving what you do to do what you love is what everyone needs to strive for. This will bring happiness and production and imagination to life.

  45. One thing I love to do everyday is to check on my houseplants. I have around 200 or so plants and they are so calming to be around. They give me joy when I see they’re growing, showing that my care for them is paying off. I love learning about each one, where they’re from, care requirements, etc. Another amazing thing that has happened because of my plants is getting to make new plant friends from trades! Such nice people that love to share their plant babies and share their advice/experiences. It has definitely become a big hobby of mine, I love it!
    And thanks for doing the giveaway, I love the colors of the mug! Beautiful work!

  46. I love helping people. I’m disabled and don’t work at the moment but I am working on that and hopefully will be doing something from home in the near future. But whilst I’m sorting that out, I love to give something back. Being the youngest adult in my family, I like to make sure everyone is looked after. Even if it’s in a small way.
    I help out with ideas for the community too and I’m admin on a mental health page. I dedicate a lot of my time to helping others because I know what it feels like to be at rock bottom and I try my hardest to not let people get to that point or I help pull them out of it. I love helping and always have. I am passionate about it and it brings me a lot of happiness

  47. One thing I do every day is teach. I teach my students, my kids- even my friends. I like to ask good questions and see people start discovering things for themselves. For a profession I teach English and Public Speaking, but it really doesn’t matter the subject. Teaching others to think and process for themselves is what I love to do.

  48. I retired from law enforcement and I wake up every morning living life. Regardless of the bad times, there are always going to be good times too. I often hear….not every day is going to be good but find the good things in every day….I wake to see my children growing into young adults. To see them respect their elders and make the right decisions in life that will lead them to do what they love everyday. No failures as to fail only means you stopped trying. Love life. You only get one. Make it count.

  49. The one thing I do every day, simple because I enjoy doing it? Hugging people. There is something to be said for personal touch. On any given day, I can hug a dozen or more people. I get to work every day, and make my rounds just to give hugs to anyone that wants one. Not only does it improve my mood to feel close to those around me, but you never know when someone might be having a rough day, and that simple action of affection can make all the difference. I consider myself an artist of love. I try to spread non judgmental love everywhere I go, caring for those around me and trying to help in any way I can! Which usually means, just LISTENING and HUGGING. 🙂 <3

    1. Aw Sam! I wanna HUG you just reading this. I believe that the gesture of a caring kind hug ( for those of us that are huggers ) goes such a long way. Like you said, you never know what someone is going through or facing, and your ” simple ” hug could make a huge positive difference in their day.

  50. Aside from my 3 daughters, my personal passions are my photography, hand making natural bath and body products, normalizing medicinal marijuana use and drinking coffee. I recently read this quote and it has really helped me move forward with the little things while keeping the bigger picture in mind, ‘you won’t always be motivated so you have to be disciplined’. Your work inspires my creative soul and I’m so glad you are blessed to do what you love and love what you do, I’m working on it now and I’ll get there some day!!!

  51. It’s to thank God , that he allowed me to opened my eyes to another fantastic day , to send my granddaughter (5) off to enjoy her day in school . I LOVE seeing her smiling face as she asks me to sing her favorite song Somewhere over the rainbow b4 she goes off to school and keeps that Big smile all day. It makes my days seem brighter ..

  52. I wish I could say that I have found what I love to do every day. Since getting out of the Marine Corps I have struggled to find a purpose. I struggled with severe depression and didn’t love anything. Only recently have I started feeling the motivation to go out and look. This is mostly due to my children. I guess you could say I now love the search of what I could possibly love and enjoy doing daily. Your videos bring me peace while I work on projects, even if they’re just playing in the background. I want to find what you have. Something I can steadily work on with just some music in the background. I want something that allows me to feel like I have accomplished something. The closest I have gotten is burning images into wood. The process is time consuming and soothing. Hopefully, I can make this something that I love doing every day.

  53. Every day I have the privilege of praying to my Heavenly Father. Not only does He love me, but His Son died on a cruel cross to pay my sin debt, He saved my soul. He has also blessed me with retirement. I was a nurse for 45 years and now I’m able to help with my grandchildren. Due to retirement I’m able to spend a lot more time with all of them.

  54. One thing I love doing everyday, is taking care of my rescue dog. 💜 I rescued her, and she needs full time attention. I love her so much I enjoy giving her all of my time. My ex left me after being together for 22 years, and also walked out on this lil girl’s life knowing the hard life she had. After he left us, she grieved for month’s up until 2 month’s ago, but she still looks for him and waits for him. When she was going through the grieving process, it was so hard on her and myself seeing her go through that it broke my soul for her. I took her to her vet’s, and her vet cried seeing how bad she was grieving. It broke my heart. I wake up everyday so blessed to have her in my life. Some people say dog’s are just dog’s, but they aren’t…they are our family! Our babies! We are their voices. I believe in sign’s, and I believe God placed her with me to love her and give her the love and family she never had and wanted and needed. She’s my bestfriend in the whole world. 💜

  55. Hello Joel. To start off, I’d like to thank you for being so vulnerable (beautiful quality) and sharing part of your life story with us.
    One of the things I love to do almost every day, is crochet and sometimes knit. As a child, I watched my grandmother crochet and knit and make quilts. She worked on various projects every day. I was memorized! I couldn’t believe the beautiful things she created with her hands. Since I was kid at the time, I had the silly notion that this activity was reserved for grandmothers only.
    My grandmother has been gone now for many years. I miss her, and I wish more than anything that I had asked her to teach me her craft. A few years ago, I taught myself how to knit and crochet.
    I find crocheting particularly enjoyable and soothing; a form of therapy if you will. I find my peace, my bliss in the time I get to create something from my very own hands. When I give someone something I’ve made and their face lights up, oh man, I love it! Nothing better than Shari g your craft with someone. I also believe that my grandmother would be so proud of me if she were here today and could see me crocheting away.
    Anyhow, that is something that I love to do.

  56. I live putting a smile on someone’s face, everyday I my goal is to lift someone’s spirit up, as we never know what others are going through.

  57. One thing I do every day because I love it, is read! I love to read! With technology everywhere it’s nice to disconnect and curl up on a chair on my porch with a book and get lost in the pages.

  58. I love to help people who are searching for help with something. People asking for help on facebook. I see some pretty negative comments at times. When someone is just asking for recommendations.
    I watch for people who post their buisnesss and screenshot them.
    And when I see someone looking for that kind of help I post it for them to see. I feel fulfilled when I was able to give someone a place to start anyway. This is a daily thing I love to do. Also encourage
    People daily whether family, friend or on facebook. My artistic
    Love s quilting and painting. However I cant afford to do them right now. My mind is always creating what my heart loves.
    I give away everything I’ve made.
    I go with what inspires me.

  59. My pation is being a mother & grandmother, the most rewarding job of all, the love you give is never-ending, with each breath I take, I give for them.💞

  60. Loving my Golden Retriever, Bonner. He gives. me kisses and cuddles at my low points of dealing with anxiety. His love comes unconditional. Love taking him on walks. Playing in his pool. Loves giving paw shakes. He takes away all my emotional feelings. He loves hugs and belly rubs. I couldn’t imagine my life without my buddy. Love is the most important thing we bring to each other.

  61. I use Young Living essential oils and body and household products everyday, because I want to be as toxic free as possible.

  62. Everyday I read a book because I love it. I love how books take me to another place and help me forget about my struggle. I love your work by the way 💜

  63. Just “LOVE” for sure isn’t enough. While I was listening to your live, and hearing your words all I could think was heck no love isn’t enough. For example I LOVE my children, for goodness sake I love them endlessly, but did I love sleepless nights, dirty diapers, uncontrollable screaming, & now teenager days (as I call them) well no, but they are so worth it, they are my greatest love and I will continue to raise them until it’s time for them to leave.
    My marriage (lord has it been tough) 1) had a baby way to young, 2) we had no right getting married 3) men vs women (haha) it is a full time job, a job that I dont get paid for with money, my hardest job, a job where at times I thought just quite! But no, we continue to love and grow! I am paid with laughter, 5 beautiful amazing kids, companionship, a partner, a cheerleader, and my own biggest fan.
    Now yes this could be anyone! But as you said no love isn’t enough, you have to want it, maybe even need it. But it is hard, and takes so much work each and every day.
    Anyways I really enjoyed this read, and cant help but wonder are you really this sincere, smart, funny guy, who lets all of us in. I haven’t been able to watch every video you’ve made or even alot of your lives (I do try my best) but you’re always so great, and nice, and its wonderful to see someone who loves his art/job as much as you do. (Sorry my words aren’t coming to me correctly)
    Thanks Joel, I appreciate all you do for us fans! I hope you continue to grow and much success in your life.

  64. I try to take time every day to spread positive affirmations, thoughts, and surprises. I figure if I impact just 1 person, the world is a little better because I was here. Fighting skin cancer in my 30s brightens every day a little more because it’s another I was blessed to live.

  65. The one thing that I do every day is sing to my 6 month old baby boy. I make up new songs that are silly and make him laugh. It has been the best part of my days since he was born.

  66. I love everything you create. You are soulful & wise beyond your years. Living is loving💙.

    PS I love the quilt squares by each comment. I am a quilter & love seeing new blocks💙

  67. The thing I do every day that I love is crochet. Some chronic health issues have stolen other activities and my kids are getting older and not home as much, so this is one thing I’ve found that I can do by myself but for the people I love. Crocheting may be a solitary activity mostly, but I get joy knowing my blanket will be there for my daughters and loved ones on a cold, lonely night or a happy movie night on the sofa. It’s like I’m knotting up a whole lot of mom hugs for when I can’t be there!

  68. Every day I am a mother, which is the greatest love of my life. I try to mold them into loving, caring, and giving people. I wish I could mold and construct pottery on my wheel like you can and like I can mold my children into great people, but I try and fail. I try and fail over and over. But, you have to keep trying over and over if you really want to accomplish something in life. My husband wants me to sell my wheel, but I refuse to give up!

  69. Love how passionate and committed your are to your craft which clearly shows in each one of your pieces! Your talent, creativity and consistency is what will take you far as an entrepreneur and world renowned artist!!! Congrats!

  70. I love painting rocks and placing them in parks, around town and in the mountains while hiking. I Love spreading happiness to the finders. I like to think that someday my little painted rock will be enough to snap someone out of having a horrible day. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your mugs Joel. I’ve been a huge fan for a couple of years now even though you’ve caused me to lose sleep at night as I just can’t stop watching. You’re an amazing human being Joel!!

  71. I own a very small custom picture framing business and know the struggle of making less than minimum wage. But something I love doing every day is unwrapping the finished pieces for my clients and showing them their family treasures and mementos that I’ve preserved for them to put on their walls to enjoy for years. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had clients who are overwhelmed with emotion upon viewing their pieces. It’s the best part of my job and why I love what I do and do what I love.

  72. I am retired from what I loved doing, working with the elderly in a nursing home. I continue on by volunteering there. And add the love of water aerobics I now get to enjoy. And lastly, relaxing while watching your pottery videos!

  73. I love helping people ( kids with multiple disabilities) for the last 13 years. I work at a local High School and love when they accomplish a small goal. I enjoy introducing the public to each ones uniqueness/specialness. All the kids I have cared for are my family and they deserve to be treated like the special humans they are. The one thing they know is love and kindness. We live in a generation where people are way to unkind to people/don’t value life.. All life matters, even the ones with no voice. No one chooses their start in life… Everyday is a diffrent day and I wouldn’t change it for the world.. I love my job!

  74. I help women feel amazing in their clothes by offering ideas to help dress themselves. While this is my “work” I also call it my purpose! I love empowering women and helping them find their beauty they all have!

  75. My love of making wreaths…I love working with my hands and making something beautiful that someone will love just as much as me !! This is what I love to do with my time !!

  76. I love crafting of any kind! But I start everyday with prayer. Thanking God for giving me the talents that I love the most!

  77. I try to sing at least one song with my 3 yr old daughter, most of the time on the car ride to daycare, every day. Being a musician, I feel no purer joy than living that moment in her voice. Maybe someday, we’ll even jam together. To do THAT every day would be beyond doing what you love. It would be living what you love… or more simply it would just BE love.

  78. From the time I was a little girl I wanted to be a dancer. I would read anything and watch anything on tv I could see. We didn’t have access to a studio in town. So every day I would practice on my own at school my gym teacher would help me all she could. I didn’t have access to college it was a different time it was in the 70’s. I married young crushing my dream but thought maybe my child would want to dance and maybe they would have an adult class. Not to be I had twin girls one of which died a few days later and then then no time for dreams just life and raising my daughter with my husband and finding a new dream with my daughter but still doing my dance exercise in my spare time. When she started school. I decided to take dance class in modern and jazz. I was shaking so hard I don’t know if from happiness or scared to death because I was twice the age of the other students. But after the class I don’t think my feet touched the ground. Finally my dream was coming true now came the hard work, could I do it, would they except me. The work came hard for me I was older but I tried harder practiced longer and finally it fell into place. I danced for many years even doing some ballet and doing a guest spot with Richard Bull’s company from N.Y. but I had a stroke at 36 which ended my dance career. During my life I made a lot of decisions. I didn’t have to get married I could have followed my dream then but I fell in love. After we married I could have followed my dream then but his job was here and we wanted a child so when the time was right I followed my dream. Sometimes you have to make hard decisions and wait for your dream and if you are lucky enough you have it all. When no ones looking I still dance! 💃

  79. Every day I get up to a different version of me. Will I be somewhat happy or extremely sad, will I feel safe or scared ? I never know. Joel your pottery is beautiful & watching your creations take form gives me a temporary peace. Thank you

  80. Gardening and spending as much time as I can, with both.
    They both needs lots of TLC and I get to watch them all grow and mature.
    I seek such satisfaction in this achievement- moment to to moment; each and every day.

    Stand tall and proud Joel. Never be embarrassed to admit that you traded pottery for food, in the beginning- hence the term starving artist- which you prevented…
    In standing strong and carrying in, you’ve flourished and can truly reap the benefits of all of your dedicated, inspiring, and beautiful hard work.
    God Bless.

    1. My daily love is my Me Time. I have a daily ritual of sipping my coffee as I watch the sunrise, listening to and watching the birds in the backyard. It’s my little slice of peace, a time to reflect and set goals for the day ahead of me.

  81. I love waking up every morning and taking the dogs for a walk. Then I love having that first cup of coffee, and waking up the kids. Then I go to work at a plant nursery where I love taking pride in keeping the plants alive and healthy and happy until someone gives them a home. I love going home and hearing about my daughters’ day and cooking dinner and late night walks with the dogs. I just simply love the routine of my daily life.

  82. As cliche as it is, I get to spend every day with my son and I love it! Being a mom is the most rewarding “job” I’ve ever had. The pay is snuggles, laughs and sometimes crying (both of us…you know some days are just hard). But everyday I get up I look forward to making him a nice breakfast and watching Sesame Street! There isn’t anything I’d rather be doing because I have everything I need right here💗

  83. One thing I do every day because I love it, is make sure to spend at least an hour in nature, the timing of the day varies with the responsibilities of life but be it 2 in the afternoon, or 2am in the coolness of morning. I feel such a connection, a drawing, a peace in nature Its a very important hour In my day, one I look forward to daily.

  84. I have always loved to sing,I sing in church an every morning it fills my heart with joy,an I have always sang to my children an now the grandchildren,they will always have those memories we made as I sang to them

  85. I practice gratitude because I think if I appreciate and love being a mom, taking photos, art loving and working on my house. My hope is to start a jewlery making business soon so I too can appreciate and love my every day even more!

  86. I love to help others. It’s in my nature and what I’m studying to be – a counselor; just so I can do that – help others, for a living. I’m a “helper” by heart. So, as cheesy as it sounds I love to post the cheesiest graphics on my instagram or send those “you’re amazing” texts to friends just to brighten their days. If I make even one person smile – friend, family, stranger – then my day is made. All that other stuff, the stress, the long hours, everything, is meaningless if the people I have in my life don’t know that they are worth something, valued, and have someone in their corner. That’s what I love to do everyday.

  87. Take time to read as I love to learn new things and like my dad before me, consider myself a knowledge hound!

  88. On my daily travels, I make a point of freely giving away smiles and holding doors open for people–perfect strangers, as well as people I know. It is a gift to see them accept this small courtesy and the uplifting effect it has on their spirits. It doesn’t cost me anything. In fact, it pays me back with the good feelings generated–so many smiles appear on the faces of strangers. And I love it!

  89. I learn one new Korean word every day. I think Korean is such a beautiful language and I’m enthralled by the culture. I’m a kpop fan but I fell in love with their language and spirit, so I decided to teach myself Korean. Today’s Korean Word of the Day is 의자 which means school chair according to an app called Word Power. I may not know a lot of Korean yet, but discovering this new language is like a breath of fresh air and I love it.

  90. I love to sit and make my miniatures every day. It lets me create a place which I dream about and can never have. I achieve this in my art.
    I love to create and fantasize what I can do.

  91. Today I Purchased a trumpet for my youngest son. I love music and all 4 of my children play an instrument. Music is a wonderful thing to share.

  92. Each day I spend a little time with my chickens. It enables me to let my stress from work go away, they like to huddle around and talk to me, and it just gives me some peace at the end of the day. I guess my 6 fat bottom girls are more like pets, and we just enjoy being together.

  93. I need to make a conscious effort to do more of what I love. It is easy to slide through the monotony of the everyday. I am a helper by nature, comes naturally and I love it. And do it everyday.

  94. I love it! I started selling my pots in a small shop in a small town, that was only a couple months ago, but reading this post makes me believe that if I enjoy what I am doing the outcome is what I make it!

  95. I began my career in dental assisting 24 years ago. A forced career change from being downsized out of banking. What I did not know then that this was the most fortunate event to happen! I went from business suits high heels and pantyhose and long hours to basically pajamas and sneakers. My banking job paid the bills but did not make me feel valued at the end of the day. When I started in dental assisting, I was a very new 1st time mom and just needed another job. What I found was a love in a field that I never expected! Most people dread going to the dentist. My role in their lives is to remember them by name make them feel Comfortable and educate to the best of my ability. I truly care for each and everyone of my patients. I’ve been to weddings baby showers and funerals. Being invited to such events means I made a connection and I am valued to them. I cannot imagine a career more rewarding than what I do!

  96. I donate my time to help out at the local Shotokan dojo to help teach the kids Karate 3 days a week and coach the National Team every year. I love watching the kids gain a sense of independence while learning manners and self defense.

  97. I love taking care of my 35 year old African Gray Parrot! It is hard to believe he has been with me half of my life.
    I have learned a lot about myself through him. It takes a lot of commitment, much like a child, when you are a bird owner.
    I wouldn’t have it any other way!!

  98. Since the 80s I have offered love, light, and healing energy to myself, my family friends, humanity, earth mother and all that reside on her. I look at news headlines to see where there are events that have created a need for more focus. I do this at least once daily. It is one of my most passionate things to offer.

  99. Every day, Mon.-Fri, I get to do what I love, teach. Certainly the money is not there but I teach not for the money but to spread the love, joy, and happiness that there can be in learning. I hope to make a positive difference in all my students lives. I hope they love learning as much as I enjoy teaching it.

  100. The one thing I do everyday that I love is take care of my disabled Vietnam Vet. husband. I get him in and out of the shower, dress him and all the many other things that most people can do for themselves. I do this out of pure love for him. His grown children find that he’s to much for them to deal with, so there’s just me to do these things. I call it, conditional love for him, not pity as some do. I’d be honored to carry your beautiful coin each day and drink my coffee out of this beautiful cup. Thank you.

  101. The one thing I do daily that I love, is I write someone special about the day in a journal for my son and make Monthly photo collages for him. Although just 2, I want to be able to document his growth and journeys in life, as well as the friendships, memories and love shared each day! These are things we often have no recollection of and I want to be able to give him a glimpse of what he did from day 1 in this world and how he’s lifer his footprint ever since.

  102. I read every day. At lunch at work, it helps me to get back to it. At night before bed it takes away all my stress.

  103. Every morning I sit with my pups and drink my coffee. Hanging with my dogs and drinking my coffee relaxes me and gives me time to reflect.

  104. This reminds me, through much adversity I have a true love of fate. You aren’t truly alive unless you feel and acknowledge it all. A Mother first, my career is Mining High Quality Opal in Northern British Columbia.

    My passions are many. I have done much with my life. Rehabilitating from a brain injury aquired years ago, this I even did with passion. From learning how to read children’s books again. Learningnonce again how to write properly and articulated. How to walk without falling and even to see more accurately. I have learned so much. Which takes me into each day with such wisdom provided by each day previous. An attitude which takes conciousness to mantain. Most recently, I have experience with the fortitude to fight and win against an agressive cancer.

    I spent some time learning Joel’s outlook, common to mine. The Man’s glass he works, reminding me of my experiences and inspiration for Earth’s glass. At a time my health couldn’t allow me to make my passions my priority.

    Besides the motivation to stay emotionally involved in my own work, my experiences of inspiration by Joel’s sharong, led me to purchasing my first Cherrico mug. A nuka iron spiral mug. With 2 beautiful crystized drips. One on either side of the handle. For me it served as a visual representation of 2 healthy lungs. My affirmation that the soft ball sized tumor above my lungs wouldn’t last.

    All the while I have been still trying to leave a proffesional, educational, and artistic mark on the world. From writing, jewelry making, and opal mining.

    These beautiful stones. Created by earths studio of minerals and fire. The experience of mining the Earth’s glass, provides me with much; though my attitude provides much to the mining, or anything else touched by my passion to grow, share and care.

    Being inspired to do something with such passion, wisdom and commitment, are the types of contributions that change the world. Those are the people leaving their mark for the next generation

    A quote from a piece I wrote the first month of this new year:

    Although I am pulled in when I struggle, I can not simply be brought a board and spared my trouble. I must keep swimming

    1. I help spread hope to other souls, and empower them to live a better quality of life. 28 years of social work, working directly with the mentally ill in the community, helping them secure housing, food, jobs, services, medical care and remain independent. Providing support and advocacy as they navigate through a failed system. Reaching out a hand, and letting them know they matter. With a caseload of over 50, burn out threatens, but never comes. My passion for the work, and love for my clients, always wins.
      And… watching the videos of Joel creating pottery, while hearing the chill music playing in the background, are very relaxing, meditative, and healing, after a stressful day. Thank you! ❤

  105. I make sure to read everyday and I try to do something creative, even if it is small. I love both of these things and they make my life better!

  106. Everyday I wake up and have my coffee in my mountain mug. I live in an RV resort of 90 acres of nature. I cart through the park and thank mother nature for the gifts she gives. I love to craft I crochet, sew,woodburning,most become gifts. I’m learning how to use plants of all kinds for the goodness they provide. Someday i will open a website .

  107. I make time to read every day. I allow extra time in the morning to have my first cup of coffee and read a few pages and also end the day with a good book.

  108. What is that old saying, if you do what you love – you will never work a day in your life! I can just tell by watching your videos that you absolutely love what you do and do what you love. Thanks for the opportunity to win some of your awesome items!!

  109. It’s not enough to love what you’re doing if you don’t have the resources. If you don’t have the resources what you love becomes too difficult to do

  110. Passion. Live every day with passion. I have a soft spot (passion) for children, animals and the elderly. We must always take care of those that cannot care for themselves. ComPassion if you will. 😊Another passion of mine, pottery. I’m not where I want to be but I love the feel of the clay and the process of creating.
    Do what you love and you WILL love what you do.
    Love your blog, Joel. More than that… I LOVE YOUR PASSION!

  111. Somethings I love to do everyday are read and write. Reading gives me an escape, and Writing is a passion of mine. My children are really big on supporting my writing, so that helps!

  112. My love is my job. I’m a high school teacher. People often say I’m crazy for teaching high school but I’d never think of anything else. I realized later in like that education was where I was supposed to be. I love getting to know my kids and watching them light up when we make connections in science! We learn and we have fun! I’m especially fond of my special education science students. I know I make a difference in their lives and that tells me I’m doing what I’m supposed to be. Teaching is a thankless job. We make little money for the hours and stress but it’s worth it!

  113. Everyday I choose to wake up early even when I don’t have to! I’ve found that waking up early every day makes me feel most invigorated and happy. It gives me a great start to the day, and this almost always leads to a great rest of the day. Over time, I’ve found I crave that “early morning” feeling, a time I can do some great work and be super focused.

  114. The one thing I do everyday that I love is read. It gives me some much needed me time, and an escape for a bit.

  115. Everyday I meditate & spend some time acknowledging what I am grateful for in my life. I also spend time with my furry children as they bring me much joy!

  116. I go to work each day knowing someone is going to come along and it’s going to be a devine appointment for them or me or both. Meaning it could be lending an ear, a few words, a good laugh or maybe even a tear or two.

  117. I am retired now so I do not have to choose about whether to follow my passion and do what I love or forced to something to “make a living”. I choose to start my day by taking my dog for a walk – we both feel better afterwards!

  118. I go to work! I absolutely LOVE my job but despise a co-worker of mine. There are many times I want to call off because of this person but I continue to go because I love it.

  119. I have cared for dementia patients for 20 years and now retired. My work was my everything next to my family. I still do voluntary work at the nursing home where I worked. The looks on their faces when we have music is so gratifying. I would not miss it for the world.

    My other passion is miniatures and making them.

  120. Several times a week I volunteer at a thrift store where the proceeds are used to give families in the county a hand up. Very satisfying!

  121. I am very passionate about what I do, I work with victims and their families of childhood sexual abuse, I provide them a safe place to open up, I offer them comfort, a supportive shoulder, a security net and helping with direct links to various therapies, mental health professionals, drug and alcohol rehabilitation and anything else I can help with I will do my upmost to provide. I hold their hands through the entire journey letting them know they aren’t alone and I will be their for however long they need my presence.

    I beyond love what I do, it’s truly an honour these vulnerable people who have stored years of abuse closed away festering and eating them alive, robbing them of living their life seek out my help. I am able to help free their mind, remove those ties and help get them the peace of mind, security and quality of life they so desperately deserve.

  122. That’s a deep question, very cool though. What I do everyday that makes me happy when I clock out from work coming home and sketching while listening to music (a must). I haven’t taken that leap of faith yet bc of the fear of not knowing how… I LOVE to draw bc it’s my escape from the craziness of the world and my depression while meeting others on the same journey. You don’t feel so alone. Sorry for the novel, but thanks for this cool question regardless of my outcome. ✌🤙

  123. I make something with yarn, either knit or crochet every day, because I love to do it and it feeds my soul.

  124. Every day I love my dog and show her why she is so special. She has gotten me through tough times and I owe her everything.

  125. I absolutely love that mug! If I could make something that beautiful, I think I’d never sleep. Gorgeous !

  126. I go to the state forest with my dog to not only get exercise for the both of us but to just be one with nature and enjoy the peace and beauty.

  127. “Viva la vie boheme” Live the bohemian life. Even living in poverty because art and the joy that art brings to others is more important than riches from a job that drags you down. I wake up every morning and do just that, make art that brings people joy. I’m 21 and just learning what it is like to work as an artist but I’ve always known this is the life for me. Making things that people love and will include in their stories is what I love. I strive to do just that, every day.

  128. Sounds corny, but LOVE cooking for my family. My daughter and son in law work hard and when they get home it makes me feel great that they can relax and have a meal ready.

  129. Something that I love to do… go to work! I am a full time Direct Support Professional and Lead Staff of our ceramics studio at Fine Line Studios, an art base day program with Resources for Human Development.

  130. I walk through my garden. Every day I walk through and am amazed at the life it brings. I plant edible, ornimental and apothecary plants. I breathe easier because of them and they bring life to the yard. Birds, animals, insects… It’s pretty cool to be a part of it. The worst days melt away when I can get my hands in the dirt.

  131. I reaaaallllyyyyy would Love to have that Mug. It’s gorgeous and anyone who knows me, knows how obsessed I am with my coffee/tea mugs. Oh and the coin/metal reminds me of strength and hope. Not sure why but that was my first feeling on seeing it. Keep on creating beauty, please 🙂

    1. At first I thought I don’t do anything everyday that I love anymore, but then I realized at almost 62, the one thing I still do everyday that I love and have, as far back as grade school every single day is listen to music in the morning. And certain songs move me to think about my day, whether its work or play and truly my spirit…yep its music.

  132. Treating myself to chai lattes ( yes, more than one) and support my local coffee shop instead of the big corporate kind.

  133. I have only recently started pottery, but I’m loving every minute. Yes even the failures. I’ve spent the summer working on tea bowls, by hand rather than by wheel as I’m not at the wheel stage yet as far as I’m concerned. I cannot wait to get in the studio again and finish the stacks of tea bowls wrapped in bags on my counter. I don’t expect this to make me a production potter at first, but rather to remind me that the flaws are ok, the changes of the day could cause me to do something very different, and to not be afraid to lose a few pots along the way. I love watching your videos and following your growth as there’s so much to learn. Good luck to all!

  134. One thing I do everyday is read because I love reading. I also love your pottery. The creativity and skill that goes into producing each piece is what makes it a treasure!

  135. Everyday… I try to make others laugh or at least smile! All it takes is a quick wit or a kind word! So easy to do! Smiles and laughter rule!!! I read a lot of these posts…. so many great replies!!! I don’t envy you having to choose one! Good luck to everyone that did or does reply!!! Love your work!!!

  136. Every morning when I wake up I have my pup get in bed with me (it’s too small to share all night 😬) and cuddle for awhile before starting the day. I love her so much and am grateful for every day with her! And she loves the belly rubs!

  137. Everyday I either ride my bike or walk 10 miles, I have done this for over 30 years, there are times when the mere thought repulses me. But I do it and when I am done I am very satisfied and happy.

  138. I love to walk in my garden every day to find something beautiful to photograph. It helps me to de-stress and to look for the beauty in every day, no matter how gloomy it may look. 💜

  139. I’ve just recently graduated with a BFA in Studio Art and I love to work with my hands. I find myself happiest when I’m sculpting or throwing and just loose myself in the creative process. I’m still striving to get to the place where I can do what I love full time so right now I just love what I do in my spare time. I’ve been a Studio Assistant at East Tennessee State University for 4 and a half years and I loved helping teach people the ceramics process.

  140. Being retired from everyday work now, I love checking daily on elderly neighbors.
    Living the life i love now.

  141. The one thing I do everyday is… I’m raising my 3yr old grandson. I love it. We get up we eat breakfast play. Eat lunch play more and more… He brings joy to my life. He’s a hand full but sooo worth having in my life….I love my lil Oliver.

  142. I embrace my mortality…every day. Death awareness goes hand in hand with my living in the moment. As an end-of-life doula, I love what Frank Ostaseski has to say about death and dying. “Death is not waiting for us at the end of a long road. Death is always with us, in the marrow of every passing moment. She is the secret teacher hiding in plain sight, helping us to discover what matters most.”

  143. I am a nurse. I have wanted to be one since I was 4 years old and helping my mom with dads mom, so my baba. The love of helping people keeps me going each day.

  144. There are actually two things I try to do every day because I love them both. I take a walk around my neighborhood every morning. It really gets my day started. I’m a costumer by trade and am at my sewing machine quite a bit creating.

  145. What is one thing that you do everyday because you love it? I love spending time with my dogs, playing with them, interacting with them, teaching them, and nurturing them. I love watching them learn and really, is there a more pure love than what you receive from a dog? So innocent and loving.

  146. Wow! Reading this was inspiring and a bit perplexing. 🤔
    I really had to think. I do a lot of things that I love MOST days. But EVERY DAY….that’s tough. 🤷‍♀️

    I am fortunate to love my job. I have a great family and a nice home. I don’t do much for myself because I’m called to be a servant. By that I mean a Mom, wife, daughter, employee, volunteer, friend. I dont know if it really is about doing what you love every single day-personally. 😊

    My joy (not to be equated with happiness-although it thankfully is most of the time) comes from faith and overwhelming grace. 💜Through which my kids, my relationships, my family, my work…etc. bring happiness as an awesome extension of that grace. ❤❤❤

    Making someone else’s lot in life a tad bit easier every day is something I love and man I hope in some small way or another I manage to do that every day. 😍

    CZ ✌

  147. What is one thing that I do everyday because I love it? I love looking after my 83 year old mother, who is in the final stages of renal failure. I love looking after my younger sister, who was born with brain damage, and is a bad diabetic. I love looking after my nephew, Chris, who has aspergers, and lives with us. He is amazing. So smart. I love looking after my standard poodle, Abbey, and my maltese mix, Baxter, that I adopted. I love looking after feral cats that come up everyday looking for food.

  148. Time is the most precious thing. We can always get more money but we cannot get more time. Cherish your time , in any way you choose. 💕

  149. Listen to the sound of running water from the fountain in my backyard. It centers and inspires me and is the next best thing to listening to the ocean. I also love to photograph nature, especially water, but don’t do that every day.

  150. I love what I do everyday! I’m retired so now, I get to think about pottery every day! How the improve my skills and designing and trying new textures and designs. I’m not great yet, but I’m having fun!

  151. I read every day! Sometimes it is fiction to relax with and some days it’s to learn. Either way, I’m doing what I love!

  152. Thank you for all you do! Your videos are a great way to distress and you give out a lot of great information about art, you support and promote your friends music and you are very informative about running a business.

  153. Every day, I try to take a moment and reflect while enjoying my morning coffee! Perfect way to start any day.

  154. I don’t do the same one thing I love everyday, but I do something I love everyday. Whether that be making a homemade macchiato, walking around our pond and frog catching with my son and his frog catching net, taking a long bubble bath, jamming out to my favorite music in the car. It’s important to do at least one thing everyday that sets your soul on fire!

  155. I try and do beadwork or something artistic, incorporating healing and love. This is what I’m passionate about. Sharing love and healing to those who need it 💞

  156. The one thing that I do every day that I love is… to show children kindness and love. I’ve worked in a school district as the high school secretary or special education secretary for nearly 12 years. I’ve come to learn that so many children don’t have a great home life and that sometimes they just need someone to be not their side, give them a hug, show they care, smile at them or simply listen when they speak. I love being able to be that person for so many children…

    1. Kristie,
      I know this is month’s old, but I’m just getting back to reading the comments. I had to stop and thank you for what you do. I was one of those kids myself, whose only bright spot was the staff at school for a time. The kindness you show matters in the lives of those children and when they look back on their life, you will be a shining light that got them through. Thank you and keep being that beacon of hope for these kids. I for one appreciate it!

  157. One thing I do everyday because I love it is taking care of my nephew who is autistic! He lives with me and he brings me great joy! 💜

  158. I play animal crossing every morning when I wake up. It’s such a peaceful way to start the day. I love your work, btw!!!

  159. I find time every day to read – it is my ‘downtime’, my ‘me’ time. It calms my mind and helps keep me balanced.

  160. Something that I love is listening to music 🎧. It helps me get through the toughest of times. There is a genre of music the complete every mood I could be in. It can hype me up, mellow me out, make me happy, or make me feel more deeply.

    Along with this I love asking people for recommendations, or hey what are you listening to? This helps me expand my musical taste and learn new types of music or artists.

    Music brings me peace ☮️

  161. One thing I do everyday because I love it, is taking care of my nephew who is autistic. He has lived with my husband and I now for almost 3 years. He brings me great joy!

  162. For me, it is my time. I always felt like I could do more or be more. I would go to work and then home. I just felt stuck. So I started volunteering at a local theatre. Helping out with whatever they needed. It stared with taking production photos of the plays and then I started maintaining their website. Now 5 years latter I am on their board of directors and am surrounded by some of the most amazing people! I am so thankful for these people who have become a second family to me.

  163. Everyday I show up! Everyday in whole isn’t always the best but that’s okay bits and pieces are good. I love to show up to my life
    I am grateful everyday I get up that I have a chance to do it right!
    I love talking to people I love listening to everyone’s story and everyone has one , I love to show up and collects these threads from everyone that become the fiber of who I am ! I guess I just really love life!

  164. I think it’s so important to do what you love. I am so happy with how your business has grown and admire your passion ❤💙

  165. Hey, love your pots! I work in healthcare, patients are like pots. All are unique and special. Everyday is a privilege taking care patients and their families.

  166. I do as much as I can, as fully as I can, everyday out of love. I try to do most things out of or in a sense of love – even social media scrolling. Doing even the smallest of thing out of love makes my physically limitations due to multiple disabilities not so bothersome. With the peace acting out of love affords, even though I am only able to live a small life, mine is a full life.

  167. I think that not only do you need to love what you do but you need to do it now. I almost died having my last child at 29. My goal had always been when my kids were old enough I would go back to school. Well the damage done to my body was extensive. At 40 I finally bit the bullet and enrolled in college. 3 months later I had to have my second surgery to repair the damage from almost dying. It left me disabled. Although I tried to continue on with school, I made it three years and then couldn’t do it anymore. It almost became a goal just to graduate with a bachelor’s at that point but I couldn’t finish. Most discouraging thing ever in my life. So do not wait. Do not put off your dreams until after this or that. Do it now because you never know what tomorrow will bring.

  168. My love is for baking decorating cakes
    Everyone of the are different from design to flavors and so one
    Love to make people smile and ask me is that really a cake lol
    And the plus is I get to make my 8 grandchildren a birthday cake every year love making smiles

  169. I’m sick. I’m really sick. I have gastroparesis, which is just a fancy way to say my stomach is paralyzed. So I can’t really eat, I spend a lot of time at the doctor’s office and the hospital, and I can’t do much else.
    But I love to write. I love to sit outside with my dogs and a hot drink, a notebook and a pen, and write what’s probably some not super great poetry and prose. I do it because I love it, and because it’s mine, and because that makes everything else feel okay. Just for a little while.

  170. Helping others. From small tasks to big. It may not be anything but a 10 minute chat to recharge a person’s mind and soul. That alone could be the difference between someone being here and leaving here. Not only do you need to love what you do. You need to love the people around you!

  171. I don’t always love what I do. I do administrative work and it’s tedious. Some days it is very rewarding. Somedays it’s totally boring. However, I do love being a Girl Scout leader and seeing girls grow into what THEY love to do. I have 6th – 9th grade girls – they are a challenge for sure. Do what you love – love what you do. I get both with my girls. Thanks for doing what you love because it is amazing!

  172. I’m a musician and I love it. I may not make very much money found it but it’s not about the money but the joy that music brings to all people. Whether I’m playing a gig, a street corner, a hospital or teaching it’s always fun and there’s always a positive impact. Nowadays I’m teaching more and volunteering my services as opposed to trying to make it. I work a regular job just like anyone else but that allows me to afford to bring music to everyone no matter the situation or setting. I never leave the house without a ukulele or a 1/2 size guitar, never. I give out music 24/7.

  173. The one thing that I love to do everyday is play with my granddaughter. She brings me so much joy. Even on those days when I’m feeling down as soon as she wakes up she comes looking for me and that just brightens my whole world. Her smile, her little giggle, everything about her just makes me melt inside.

  174. You should do what you love, but you should also do what you love enough to put up with the sucky boring parts of. Loving something you do is great, but if the hard parts make you miserable, it might not be the right fit, no matter how much you love it.

    1. Exactly. In the videos above, Paul mentions enjoying about 80% of his time slogging through long hours at Google. Your comment reminds me of passages throughout “Mastery” by an author with almost your identical name. The boredom, the slow cooking of the idea, is so important to learn how to love.

  175. I spend time with my grandchildren every day. I love being a part of their lives. At 1 and 5 years old, these are precious times in their lives and I get to be a part of them.

  176. The one thing I love to do and there never enough time to do it , is painting and making my Dreamcatchers out of natural materials. I always working crazy hours and on my days off I don’t have the time to do either one because I’m on the go. Just once I would love to be able to do either thing. Especially if I can work on my dreamcatchers, some of the webs on my dreamcatchers the center hole has been a star, I don’t plan it that way, my hands are just guided that way by the Creator.

  177. I love to exercise and spend time moving outdoors every day. I’m not myself unless I’ve done one or both of these things!

  178. Because I deal with anxiety and depression everyday, I try to continue my love of reading and playing games. I love spending time with my husband, even just for a short while everyday.

  179. A few months ago I took a sharp left turn in my career path, and went way out on a limb. My background is in social work with an emphasis on children in poverty…but I was offered a job working as a property manager making a much more livable wage, and I took it. I now work for an agency that is working to eradicate poverty in Cleveland, Ohio. We provide housing to chronically homeless persons with mental health diagnoses. Every time I am able to hand a new client keys to a new apartment or house that they can afford, I know I made the right choice. I love making a difference, and I can make a difference with an organization I love serving a population that needs a little love!

    And as an added bonus, the better wage has made it possible for me to purchase several pieces of Cherrico Pottery and become a Patreon (because self care is important, and tea from a cosmic mug is the best self care!)

  180. I love to watch my youngest play and learn the violin every day! And also, we watch your live videos together often. Thanks!

  181. Everyday I HAVE to read! Besides loving to read, it’s like breathing for me.
    And to learn at least one new thing every day, whether it’s the meaning of a new slang word I heard, a new recipe, a use for an essential oil, or any other mind bender.

  182. I love to watch the sky. Especially the night sky with the International space station quickly going over, meteor showers, moon phases and early at dusk- bats.

  183. The power of hearing what you think you already know said with confidence eh! Needed to hear this more than I’d like to admit, it’s so easy to loose your love, momentum and enthusiasm when life gets tough. I think hearing about overcome obstacles is just as important as hearing about the success that they lead to. Especially for artists. I’m sure it’s not just my perspective you’ve helped turn around with this post, came very weirdly at just the right time for me, thanks ✌️

  184. I love my job because it doesn’t feel like one!! I work the toy department at a local Walmart and to hear and watch the kids get so excited at a new toy or just finding the one they really wanted is what makes me smile😀

  185. The one thing I love to do and try to do almost everyday is exercise. A year ago this month I joined my local CrossFit gym and I absolutely love it. The people and the atmosphere are great. I love working on me to make myself both physically and mentally stronger. Not only for myself but for my kids and my husband too.

  186. I couldn’t agree more with this. I started my own company out of pure passion, not because I wanted money but because I wanted to love what I did every day. I think there’s no other way to live.

  187. I write something. Whether it’s something for my own enjoyment or something for when I have the nerve to try to get published. I spend most of my days as a wife, a mom, and a nurse. I love being all of those but they aren’t something that I do soley for me. My writing is. It connects to a deeper part of me that I’ve sadly put on a back burner for all of the other parts of me. But I assure you, one day it will take the front most position!

  188. I love my job! I manage a restaurant and I love it. My husband thinks I’m crazy with all the long hours and sometimes stressful situations, and thinks I should do something else but I tell him I don’t dread got work every day and enjoy my job and that’s worth a lot.

  189. I recently found a new love of running. It allows me time to clear my head each day out in nature and have some time to myself in a hectic world.

  190. Getting to spend time with my horse is something that I strive for everyday. I’m so grounded and at peace when I’m around her, really gets the creative juices pumping for other fun things.

  191. I usually crochet everyday. I began daily when I was diagnosed with cancer and going through chemotherapy.
    I found a great cancer foundation that offers classes in clay. I live going there making my little creations. I stated in April of this year. I had never worked with clay before. I enjoy being able to to to clay class and share with others who are or have gone through the same thing I am.
    I found your videos and love to watch how you make your clay creations so easily. It is so relaxing. Thanks.

  192. I do several things I love everyday. I wake up 2 hours before my kids so I can spend time researching herbs and natural health. I read medical studies and case studies and anything interesting about health that I can find. I’ve had this routine for nearly a decade and have become quite adept at natural healing. Then I tend to my plants and dogs, cook breakfast, and wake up my kiddos; all things I love doing.

  193. I have been asking myself, “What I want to do when i grow up?” I’m grown up now and I still don’t know what I want to do. I went to college for something that I don’t even do now and have nice interest in doing at all anymore and am still paying on the loans for it. I’m hoping one day I will be able to find my niche and soar with it like you have!

  194. You really made me think! What is the one thing I do every day because I love it?? I am a social worker at a large nursing home. And while I love to help and brighten the day of my residents, that is not the thing (but I do love it)! I do handmade jewelry and that always makes me fell better after a long day, I even lose track of time and spent hours making my creations, but still that’s not the thing. My 5 shot coffee latte every morning and the friendly baristas that have it ready when I pull up…love! Still, nope, not the thing. I think it’s all those things combined. I don’t love and live to do one thing. If I didn’t love what I do, I would look for something else. I love my job as a social worker, I love my morning 35 mile commute in Montana weather. I love my morning coffee. I love coming home to my horses, dogs and husband. I love de-stressing by hand making jewelry late into the evening. Then I love going to bed and waking up to another day to do all the things I love ❤️.

  195. What I do everyday that I love is being a mom. I was told at a young age that I would not be able to have children. I was married at the age 21 and just a few short months later I was told I was pregnant. She will soon be 13 years old next month. I couldn’t have been blessed with a better child. I absolutely love spending every second with her…even on the days my heaf is pouring and I have had very little sleep. Being her mother is a blessing from God.

  196. Spending time with my new grandson is something I love and am blessed to be able to do every day. I work full time as a caregiver for developmentally disabled adults (which I also love) and I look forward to coming home after a long stressful day to his snuggles. He is the joy of my life.

  197. One thing I do every day is make Journals. For my kids and grandkids. They are works in Progress. I want them to have once I’m gone Home from this world. I sip my coffee, contemplating my life and theirs. I journal, Art, Draw, schetches, paste pictures, CREATE something to leave behind. Somehow they’ll know who I was.

  198. Afternoon walks with my husband. It’s our time to unwind and decompress from the day. It gives us time to talk about upcoming events and planning things we want to do without any distractions. We just get to be in the moment with each other which is really nice.

  199. Every morning I fill a favorite mug with coffee or tea and sit at my kitchen table looking out the window. I enjoy looking at the trees and birds and taking in the start of a brand new day.

  200. I love waking up each and every day to the love of my life. This reminds me to stay humble and love each day to the fullest and never take a day for granted. I love being a nurse. Helping people everyday in their time of need. I have been there when someone has been diagnosed with cancer. I have been there when they have been told they are in remission and cancer free. This truly humbles me, reminds me to do my best not to judge because you never know what a stranger is going through. Take the time to smile. To say hi. To help some one. You never know, you just may be the answer to their prayers.

  201. The thing I love to do every day is care for my family. It’s not always appreciated, and most often than not it’s overlooked and even expected. I may not make money doing it, but I get great satisfaction knowing that my family is loved and looked out for by me.

  202. I try to do at least one act of kindness a day! It can be something simple, like letting a busy parent go before me in line at the store! Buy a homeless person a meal! Or maybe show kindness and patience with myself for something I said or did! I’m a giver, so whatever I can do to help another person have a better day!

  203. My everyday is nothing as creative and unique as your pottery, but it is fulfilling in a different way. I’m a recruiter; every day I get to meet new people, listen to their stories, and try to find the best fit for employment for them. I love when someone that I have helped succeed tells me how different their lives are because they met me.

    I’ve been on the other side of that desk, so I know how intimidating and uncertain it is over there. I try to make their time spent with me inviting, warm, and encouraging. Being unemployed can be so discouraging. I always hope that they leave my desk with a renewed hope. It’s an awesome career! I’m thankful to the one who took a chance on me.

  204. I wake up every day knowing that I lived long enough to enjoy my retirement with my husband where we are having a healthy happy life.

  205. I spend my days taking care of my family and our pets. We have a furbaby (13 year old Boxer) that has some health issues so he has gotten so spoiled but I love being able to make his life fun!

  206. I love 4 things that I do or try to do each day. Photography,there is always something beautiful or interesting around every corner. Sketching, painting. drawing which I really enjoy & I often add my poetry. Gardening a lesson in patience, coaxing beauty from clay based earth, they bring me happiness, & challenge me.

  207. At first I thought I don’t do anything everyday that I love anymore, but then I realized at almost 62, the one thing I still do everyday that I love and have, as far back as grade school every single day is listen to music in the morning. And certain songs move me to think about my day, whether its work or play and truly my spirit…yep its music.

  208. I suppose there’s not really a choice in it but, I love waking up everyday. I’m starting to embrace my dad’s attitude of I woke up today, I couldn’t be happier.

  209. What I do every day that I love? Create! Whether it’s creating a piece of stamped jewelry, putting artisan components together to make my own creation, trying a whole new craft/art form or just coming up with ideas of what to create – that’s what I love.

  210. I started playing the harp 4 years ago. Now that I am an empty-nester I am following some of my passions in life. I absolutely love it! I’m never going to be a concert harpist…I just love playing it! I do it for my own enjoyment. I also volunteer at our local humane society. I walk the dogs…another thing I love to do! I adopted a dog there 4 years ago & it is a way I can give back. 😉

  211. I love to embrace the randomness of the day not any one thing. I open my eyes and know not one day is alike. Yes there are repetitive behaviors things you like and do not care to do but who will come to your door or who will be on the end of the telephone when you pick it up. If I embrace something creative what will it look like as its brought forth those are the things that light up my thoughts. Nothing changes but everything changes.

  212. The one thing that I do everyday because I love it…I love being a nurse. I love being present for others. Being fully present for others is therapeutic. You can enter a state of deep interconnection with those you serve and feel as though time stands still.  You earn trust of patients and families therefore becoming privileged to hear their stories. The stories hold the key to healing. I have come to recognize the unique feel or energy of a story. When it starts, I turn my full attention to the story being told as though nothing else in the world matters, for, in fact, nothing else does matter. The story reveals what a particular person or family needs to heal. Solutions are often embedded in the stories they tell. I love being a nurse because it challenges me to find what makes people whole and understand what they need to heal.

  213. The one thing I do every day because I love it is feed & give water to my 16 chickens and 4 ducks!! I just so much fun to just sit there with my cup of coffee & watch them!! I also love working with anything having to do with fiber!!

  214. Everyday I get to do what I love. Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be in the medical field. I truly wanted to help people. I work with some of the most forgotten society. I help Veterans in their healthcare. I really love what I do. It is an honor and privilege to work with them everyday. It’s my paycheck of the heart ❤️

  215. I wish I could do what I love which is painting an drawing as I love but unfortunately it doesn’t pay the bills…. proud of you for doing what you do …your art is fantastic

  216. I wish I could do what I love which is painting an drawing as I love but unfortunately it doesn’t pay the bills…. proud of you for doing what you do …your art is fantastic… Good job

  217. I love to show up to work. I know that is an unconventional answer and in reality my job is not all that exciting. The reason why, little, cute birds that have discovered the seed I put out for them. It is a pleasant distraction!

  218. What do I love doing every day- Nursing, caring for people then I come home and care for my kiddos, one with special needs. Also love sneaking off to take a hot relaxing bath with cup of tea, coffee or wine.

  219. I love to wake up every morning and thank the creator for another day to be alive. At 11:11 a.m., I love to read Bible verses for the day to seek inspiration and guidance. Love is what makes the world go around, without it how can we survive.

  220. I play with my dog! I make sure we do fun things together when I get home such as hike, run, walk, play fetch, or even just snuggling. She makes every day good!

  221. Something I like to do everyday… dance! It brings me great joy and allows me time to meditate. It inspires me, and in a sense makes me feel connected to the universe and it’s energy flow.

  222. I’m a quilter. Every year I make and donate at least 30 quilts. Some years a lot more. Keep doing what you love. It lets your heart and soul grow.

  223. The one thing I do every day because I love it? Advocate for animals. I have been an active volunteer with a non-kill animal rescue organization for over 20 years. I have found homes for over 700 cats, by matching cats with people. I advocate for more stringent laws against those who abuse animals. All my pets are rescued, of course; the most recent my dear German Boxer, Mia.

  224. I read, everyday, if only for a little while sometimes. I love it, it veings me a sense of peace and centers me as I lose myself in new adventures, meet new characters, and learn new things.

  225. I love spending time with my children. Whether its reading a book, playing a game, or going for a swim. You only get so many summers with your children when they are young. I try to spend some time with each of them everyday.

  226. I love photography. Ever since I was young, I’ve always loved that I could get lost in a single photo. Everyday I try to take at least one photo of something that catches my eye, or even just my family being silly. Photos are memories frozen in time. Thank you for this opportunity, your art is beautiful!

  227. I wake up Every morning around 5 am, put on a uniform, and go to work. I love what I do. I help protect the constitution of the United States and Everyone who lives in the United States. I am a United States Marine. I work on Jet Engines that pilots use to train with, go on missions, and etc. I love my job because of this. I love being able to help people and give to them.

    1. Thank you for your service, Helen. You were chosen as the winner- congrats! I just emailed you to receive the free “Cosmic Mug” and coin. Cheers! – Joel Cherrico

    2. Thank you for your service! My father was a marine in Vietnam. He lived to tell but was never the same. Agent orange, very poor health, he passed when he was 62 . You deserve to win the piece by Joel. Enjoy your morning cup of coffee in it before you go off to protect your fellow Americans.

    3. Congratulations Helen on your entry!😁 but mostly I want to Thank You for you dedication to your service to our country.
      USA 🤗😍🙋‍♀️👏👍💝

  228. It may seem silly, but the one thing for me is spending time with my family. Between dinner and chores at home, I never feel these things are a burden because I love doing them for my family.

  229. Every day i do something that relates to personal growth. It entails anything from breaking comfort zones, podcasts, seminars, you tube, reading, tai chi, meditation, webinars, biking, gym and business opportunities. Personal growth is key to experience and get the best out of life, your inner reflects your outer 🙂

  230. There are times i have anxiety bad and watching your videos help because they are so relaxing. You make me want to do pottery myself. You definitely inspire people. ❤

  231. Work in a long term life support unit, saving lives and caring for those that cannot care for their selves anymore. Some have been lifers and others just got there. But if I can make a difference in their life and make them smile daily. My job on earth is done.

  232. This is so real. With so many options in the world now with the internet, I often have a mindset of what else can I do with my time because this job sucks! Always seeking outside of “right now” to find happiness. But that next thing will grow old and boring and then i’ll be looking for something else. What I feel we need to do is truly look at how lucky we are right where we are and know that someone somewhere WISHES they had our life. Then look past what we don’t have, and focus on what we DO have to give to others and make other people’s life more enjoyable…. Loving one another is what life is really all about.
    “All you need is love”

  233. I love getting up in the morning before everyone else and drink a hot cup of tea, no matter the season. It is a peaceful moment before I run to work.

  234. I go to work. I love what I do because I make someone else happy. Just my presence makes my client smile and say “I’m so glad you’re here”. I have always loved taking care of people, and making people happy.

  235. I too am a potter, I make work just about every single day. A life without clay is a life I do not want.
    I love your story, it’s like rocket fuel for my dreams and helps lift my inspiration when it’s getting low.
    Thank you so much for sharing ❤️

  236. Every day I try to get in touch with nature. Walk barefoot in the grass, touch a tree, rub fresh lavender between my fingers and just breathe it in. Watch a squirrel munch on an acorn or just put a hammock up and watch the clouds go by and let go of the day. 🙂 Thank you for your beautiful pottery. I love my moon cup.

  237. Beautiful description of what a change of perspective and preserverance can do in someone’s life.
    One thing I do everyday that I love is making sea glass jewelry. I started with wire wrapping, to silver plated materials and now I’m working my way into the precious metals.
    As my maturity leave comes to an end I am more determined than ever to make this work. Many of time I have felt discouraged. Thinking “this is never going to work” but I keep going. Thank you for the inspirational vlog that reminds us we all have to start somewhere. Sometimes the beginning isn’t pretty but we are the ones that determine our destination.

  238. Everyday I take at least one moment to hug my daughter. I do what I love by being a mom, but I LOVE what I do as a mother. I cannot imagine a life without her. It is not a job or a chore to be her mom, it is most definitely a privilege.

  239. One thing I do each day, because I love it, is doing something nice for someone else. I always make it a point to do ONE thing for someone that will make a difference for them. I don’t expect anything in return and I usually don’t tell anyone about it (except my fiance, I tell him everything!) It makes me SO happy to make other people happy.

  240. I am disabled and recently widowed so finding something I love to do has been a challenge for me. I recently joined a gym and surprisingly getting up and going is something I truly love to do!

  241. Every day I try very hard to do something nice for someone else. I may not know them, nor see them again but trying to give them a better day is all I try to do. Like finding that person who really needs a quarter at Aldi! 😊 “Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you.” -Princess Diana

  242. Everyday I do puzzles. Word puzzles, spatial puzzles, word finds, engineering puzzles, even car packing puzzles. I love being able to figure out how that last piece fits even when everyone says it won’t or being able to see a solution several steps ahead.

  243. I try to do as many things as I love every day. My job helping disabled adults it because I decided I needed to do a job that I love. I love taking care of my family. I also try to paint every day, because I love it. Watching my skills as a painter increase with every painting makes me happy. We only have one life – we should try to live it in joy.

  244. I try to find time to crochet everyday. It’s not a business for me, but I find that keeping my hands busy while my kids are otherwise occupied is good for my soul. I like to make gifts for others. When I’m unable to crochet for a period, it feels like I’ve lost a little piece of myself during that time.

  245. I love to do yoga! It is my way of feeling connected with my body and with the universal source! It gets me outta my head and into the present moment!

  246. I’m thankful that everyday I get to be a mom to my amazing daughter. She is a blessing I never planned for earlier in my life. And it’s been a struggle to be a mother that I can be proud to be. But she is such a beautiful soul and I’m so glad I get to be her mom. She is my present and my future as well.

    I have always wanted to learn how to throw pottery. I have a new potters wheel that I’m very intimidated by and haven’t even touched really. But I will. I’m going to. Hopefully that will be a big part of my future. And maybe something my daughter and I can learn together.

    Thank you so much.
    Much love.
    Have a great day everyone 🙂

  247. Besides drinking my coffee first thing in the morning, one of my other loves would be baking. I’ve been baking/cooking since I was 8 years old.

  248. Because of my disability I have several limitations. But I do enjoy reading daily and looking at art online daily.

  249. I meditate almost every day because it helps me to clear my mind. I have a CD of guided imagery that I use while I’m driving. Not everybody can do this as sometimes it makes people sleepy, but it helps me to get all of the garbage out of my mind before I go home to my 7 yr old daughter. I have a 45 minute commute each way.

  250. My life changed this year when I became a mom. I love being a mom but it is definitely the most tiring and poorest paying job ever! I try to be in the moment with him and enjoy each day as he learns and grows. I know these moments are fleeting and I’m thankful that I get to spend them with him.

  251. I design and make jewelry. Mostly single -strand, simple beaded creations for necklaces and bracelets. I have made more complex pieces, but I prefer the elegance of a single-strand of beads that someone can string a pendant on.

  252. I would have to say that the one thing I do daily that I love is drink coffee.

    If only it was out of one of your awesome mugs! I swear I will purchase one day if my bank account allows!

  253. another way to flip that saying is,
    Love as thou Wilt.
    it comes from one of my favorite authors.
    it means love however you want, who you want.
    i try to live by that and use it for everything i do.

  254. Your mugs look amazing. One thing I love to do is glass blowing with Art of Fire glass studio. Thus past summer I made some amazing pieces. Been doing this for about 4or 5 years now.

  255. The one thing I do every day is play with my dogs. They are who make me a better person. They depend on me and I depend on them. Without them I would go crazy and I think they know that.

  256. I love making beaded jewelry. I design my own necklaces, earrings and bracelets. Now started having Rheumatoid Arthritis in my hands. Your pottery is lovely.

  257. Try to look for the positive in the situation as my life has been filled with things that most people would see as very un-positive 🙂

  258. I go to work everyday. I write scholarships and I love giving money away to students who need it and the Active Duty Soldiers who are furthering their education. I really love what I do.

  259. Everyday, I’m thankful I have lived long enough to have met, loved and enjoyed my three daughters and my grandchildren! One daughter makes beautiful jewelry and was a heavy equipment operator years ago who gave me 3 grandsons — 11, 16 and 30. Another is a superb baker and works in the banking industry. My third daughter works for a nation wide logistics company and went to Bennington and fell in live with pottery making. She gave me my 7 year old granddaughter and still makes pottery when she can find time as a single parent and $ to do so. We both watch your posts. Loved your new friend that was with you recently. Posted remark Cooger Alert and your friend laughed. Good luck always with your business. ..and keep entertaining us!

  260. Its hard to say what it is I do because i love it. To me its a simple breath of air. I didnt know what it was that i got up for everyday. Things happen that change one view of the things we are most certain of. The breath of fresh air means i can live another day among my close friends and family, sharing the worst and best of things . So I have a mind to love every single moment living for what we call life😌

  261. I recently, as in a month ago, resigned from my 19-year career as a public educator/counselor to fulfill a dream. My purpose has always been to impact someone in some way each and every day, in my daily interactions as well as a high school teacher/guidance counselor. I LIVED the “love what you do” mantra, until this past year. When I realized after a year of soul-searching that I had a larger audience to reach, I began writing. I quit my stable job to pursue this passion each day…to continue writing blogs, as well as a novel based on my grandparents’ story of love and loss, based on the letters sent between them while my grandfather served in the Korean Conflict. Writing is what I do each day, not only do I love the flow of thoughts and feelings but also know that someday (soon), the product will impact those who read it.

  262. i like drinking coffee every morning, my son used to work for starbucks and i would get coffee and cups from him now and then, watching you site has been a charm because your work is art not just something thrown together and winning a cup and medal would be AWESOME!

  263. As someone who was recently in a position where I was worried about the stability of my day job, and considering starting my own business, this post made me think about how exciting it is to plan to do what I love and love what I’ll do!

    One thing (ahem… three things) I do every day for the love of it: eat something sweet, give my cat a good head scratch, and smooch my husband. 🙂

  264. I love to bake! I’m in the process of creating new and different cookies that I’m hoping to sell by mail. I have always loved baking and cooking. I could spend all day making cookies and listening to music. I take days off from work to bake. I’ve met some amazing people on social media who have “volunteered ” to taste test my cookies. It’s a hard job, lol. My latest creation: an apple pie oatmeal cookie that may or may not include a touch of moonshine. Some of my cookies may be a little tipsy
    I truly hope that in the near future I will be taking orders and making money.

  265. Wow I really love this blog post it shows the heart of the artist you are. At least to me.
    The one thing that I get to do every day that I LOVE is to learn, no mater what it is. I love to learn different craft techniques so I watch different designers and learn. I watch color wheel discussions. Watch and learn, read and learn. Maybe it is a new wreath or arrangement. How to determine which ribbon or greenery to add and why. The why is what gets me thinking the most. But I think crafting/creating and reading/ learning truly go hand and hand.
    You learn the people around you and even your pets. We have a 6 month old kitten and he amazes me every day with the way that he plays and learns new ways to get the toys or ambush us. I learn from the special education students that I work with. compassion and joy of all the things. They are amazing young humans with the way they view the world.
    So LEARNING is my everyday love.

  266. I’m a paramedic, both paid as my full time job, but I also volunteer with my local FD. Each and every day, at any given moment, I drop what I’m doing to answer the calls, because I truly love helping people

  267. I sing. Every single day, anything that expresses what I am feeling that moment. I sing to my mother in heaven, I sing to my daughter, I sing to the food I cook , I sing to the shower , I sing to my fish, I sing to anyone and everyone. I sing whilst shopping, I sing in the post office, I sing at the doctors office, I sing waiting for the dentist to shut me up with numbing medicine, I sing in the weird in between rooms that echo when you walk through them to get into the bank or the library. I sing when I’m happy or when I’m sad or depressed or angry. I don’t care who hears me, I hope I can put a smile on their face. I love it. I can do many things, I love many of the things I can do. But I never need a break from singing. It never gets old.

  268. I’m getting back into teaching and writing!! Everyday, whether I’m working on my master’s, writing curriculum, or teaching a class, I’m loving it and so blessed to be able to pursue my dreams again!

  269. The one thing I do EVERY day is to call my parents. My mom and I actually talk multiple times a day, and although i only talk to my dad once a day, we make it count. I love them both so very much, and this small act makes them both so happy, which in turn, makes me happy! 💕

  270. I get up and take care of my two adorable cats, Max and Dawson. I look forward to giving them love every day.

  271. The one thing I do everyday BECAUSE I love it so much is get the coffee ready for the next morning. If I leave it for my wife to do, we end up with grounds in the pot or weak coffee 😕. I love knowing that when we wake up each day the coffee is going to be ready and it’s going to be good. My wife agrees.

  272. I dream. Every day I dream of a healthy whole abundant loving world. Where the bees aren’t dying, everyone has food, shelter, love. A world where our food isn’t poisonous and our oceans aren’t sick. Every day I take note of the sun and pray the truth of it’s life reaches every heart. Every day I move towards loving more and better than the day before, I choose life. Every day I ask how playing in the mud can nourish, save, help, heal, give life. I tend to my garden and house plants, feed my cats, and try to make my bed. I go to work where I have the honor of nannying two of the most beautiful boys I know, hoping to go adventuring with them, building them up and showing them more of how to love this world and everyone in it. Every day I choose not only to live, but how to live better with more love, giving away more beauty, truth, and abundance than the day before. Every day I worry about money and how to get to a place where pursuing my dreams doesn’t seem in contrast with being stable. Every day I choose to fight myself to dream anyways, and step into the more wait for me, to take hold of my stars and shine. Mostly, almost singularly I seel to love more. Every day.

  273. Doing what I love every day brings me joy and peace of mind, as well as tranquility and a love of life in general. But I also know that when tomorrow comes it’s a new day with new adventures (and possibly difficult obstacles). I suffer from depression. Every day is a challenge for me just to get out of bed. Every day I have to talk myself out of my own self pity party. It’s extremely easy for me to sink into that deep, dark place where I lived for way too long. After 20+ years of doing something I dreaded just to pay the bills, I still wake up with a feeling of dread. (It’s been 3 years since I left.) But then I remember what I do and how much I love it and how badly I want to be better at it than yesterday. I pray every day for strength, courage and happiness.

    I control my own destiny. I control my own happiness. And there is always someone else out there whose living a life worse than mine.

  274. My passion is quilting and sharing my joy of quilting with others. I love what I do in the studio every day regardless of sales/income. I’m thankful for the opportunity to spend as many hours as possible working on quilts, videos, kits, and teaching. This is my favorite blog post. You have put my feelings into words better than I have ever been able to do.

  275. I recently moved 10 hours away from home to attend pharmacy school at my dream university. As a pharmacy student, I am able to wake up everyday and immerse myself into learning my dream profession. I thank God and my mother everyday for my blessings.

  276. I love having coffee from my favorite handmade mug every morning. It’s a connection to that artist, and I think about the pottery I’m going to make that day. They might be the best I’ve ever made or crap but at least I have my hands in clay.

  277. There are so many things that I love to do. I love painting, drawing, making candles, anything creative really. However I love cooking and it’s probably the only thing I do everyday. I get so much out of it. I get to be creative and Inventive and when I’m finished I know my family is going to enjoy an amazing meal, (not always but most of the time) that I put a lot of time and love into. The presentation is always important to me, and I always take a picture. Often my kids say hurry up and take your picture mom we’re hungry 😋 I love that during this time I’m doing a little bit of everything I love. I turn the music on and the dance begins. Music, dancing, and artistic food. In January I went outside of my comfort zone, and presented my wing recipe to the chef where I work. Hoping maybe I could compete in the best wings on the shore contest. He Absolutely loved them and allowed me to enter my wing for our restaurant, even though I would be the only server competing against 20 chefs in the area. My wing was a sushi inspired wing with a sweet ginger sake sauce, topped with tuxedo sesame seeds, wasabi ranch, seaweed salad and a little pink pickled ginger. We were going for 2nd place (most creative) but ended up winning 1st place. Best wing overall. I have never experienced anything like that before. Now 7 months later I’m looking into starting a restaurant of my own. I never dreamed this could be possible. I had my oldest son when I was 17 and I was a single mom. I’ve been a server my whole life. I’m 37 years old now and my son will be 20 this year. I thought it was to late to start having a dream like this. To wake up everyday doing what I love. I was wrong. ❤️

  278. I love getting out of bed and just starting the day!!!^_^ Carpe Diem, you never know what to expect of tomorrow or the next, and its always good trying to make the most of ones or many peoples day!!!^_^

  279. I am a qualified artist, but I always wanted to work with children, so I studied education. But sadly it was not as rewarding as I had hoped. Teaching a classroom of 6-year-olds jumping up a down and screaming is no fun at all! And the pay was horrible. So I ended up not loving what I thought I would. It was only later when my two daughters were born that I realized that private tutoring was amazing and fulfilling. I feel that now I can truly reach someone with my art as well as my passion for teaching.

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