Working For Artists: How Cherrico Pottery Teaches Students To Be Original

(estimated reading time: 6-8 minutes)

This is a guest blog post written by Megan Schroeder,  student worker at Cherrico Pottery from 2017-2019 during her undergraduate studies at the College of St. Benedict/St. John’s University. This post is a reflection of her time at Cherrico Pottery, written after her college graduation. Enter Megan:

This story is important for anyone who doesn’t see themselves as an “artist” but loves art.

It’s also important because Joel and Sienna Cherrico are doing incredible things beyond just making art. They’re great at knowledge work: trying to educate their audience, workers and everyone they come in contact with. Cherrico Pottery encourages people to come up with their own original ideas.

Being part of an artistic process in a professional business is unique. I was surrounded by art in daily life, but I could see the real impact happening in the lives of others– specifically, pottery customers and fans.

The blog post shares what I think are the most important lessons that Cherrico Pottery offers people, and how to create things that are truly original.

It all starts how and why Joel decided to start a pottery company.

How Cherrico Pottery Started: The College Years

Joel Cherrico started at The College of Saint Benedict/Saint John’s University studying Biology/Pre-Medicine in 2006. But after freshman year, he decided that he would rather try and figure out how to make a living as a full-time potter, and changed his major to Art.

He worked two years of unpaid internships at JD Jorgenson Pottery. According to Joel, this is what taught him first hand about the hard work, dedication and love involved in building a pottery studio. They built a 30ft ft. long wood kiln, filed it with pots and fired it.

Joel inside the 5ft. x 6ft. x 16ft. long kiln interior, loading over 1,000 pots, and then firing with only wood for 7 days non-stop up to 2400 degrees F.

Joel also worked at the college Ceramics Studio all four years, which gave him more experience with the technical aspects of ceramics, while supervising and teaching other students. Samuel Johnson was his college professor and a key mentor who guided Joel during this job.

Three months of working in the St. John’s Woodshop, also gave Joel woodworking experience, and wood to build pottery shelving that he still uses today (our “Pottery Office” cubicles are made from shelves Joel built). The first Cherrico Pottery sales came from filling those shelves with pots for sale in front of the student bus stop in 2009.

From College Student to Professional Potter

In 2014, the American Craft Council and Joel worked to create a web exclusive blog series called, “A Potter’s Journey.” This story reveals insights about how he developed a plan to become a full-time potter and small business owner during college, and then launched and built his passion into a profitable business.

What I find so interesting is that his art is serving people. Joel isn’t afraid to put himself into the public eye, like when he was interviewed by Guinness World Records. But what’s really important is that he found lessons that are worth sharing in a professional outlet like the American Craft Council.

Joel performing pottery demonstrations at the American Craft Council headquarters, alongside a show of his large jars and wall platters, 2018

My College Experience: Working in the Pottery Office

I started off knowing absolutely nothing about pottery or business. But in running a small business, you learn to do it all. We helped with writing, photography, packing and shipping, customer service, marketing, operations, and even figuring out how to sell pottery myself.

Our job was to keep Joel on the pottery wheel, and away from office work.

Basically, we had the freedom to do anything that got pottery into the hands of people anywhere on the planet.

Being at Cherrico Pottery felt like a privilege. Joel is smart and has audacious goals that he is constantly thinking about. One of my favorite things about interning for Cherrico Pottery is that Joel lets us read during our shifts.

Yes, we got paid to read books. It was actually required!

Joel wants his workers to be constantly learning and thinking about new ideas and perspectives, but he can’t always be in the office (duh, he’s gotta be making pots!) so he leaves the teaching to his collection of office books, and our own work ethic.

I have taken lots of professional and personal advice from these books. My three favorites have been The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann, The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss, and #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso.

It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.”

Quote attributed to Leonardo Da Vinci, qtd. in #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso

Balancing Education, Work and Life

I graduated in the spring of 2019, and said my goodbyes to Cherrico Pottery, Sienna, and Joel. This goodbye was very hard. Cherrico Pottery was one of my very first internships and was the one most pivotal in my college experience.

I got to see my work actually do something and that’s one thing I have learned about working for a small business – you get to see your work make an impact in people’s lives all over the world.

Not only have I had the privilege to learn from both Joel and Sienna, but I have also got to work alongside other student workers; John, Lauren, and Jack. Joel and Sienna are not the only ones that have had an impact on me, but these three as well.

John and I actually maintained a loving relationship throughout our time at Cherrico Pottery (John has also written over 6 blog posts for Cherrico Pottery).

It isn’t easy to work with someone you love, but Joel was supportive of our relationship. He and Sienna work hard to do the same everyday. My time at Cherrico Pottery helped me learn that John and I could keep a balance of enjoying time together both in and out of the office.

The Next Generation of Student Works

We also got the opportunity to usher in the new helpers to the business: Avery and Aubrey. Part of my job was to train them in.

Every month, each employee (including Joel) posts a quote on the wall from the reading they did that month. This way, we can see what book everyone is reading and what resonates with them.

Photo by Avery, Joel in front of our Quote wall with one of his favorite books: “A Potter’s Book” by Bernard Leach, even though his quote from this month was from Bruce Springsteen’s “Born to Run” audio book

I think these aspects of the work are impressive because we can learn from Joel’s methods of balancing knowledge work with handcrafting art.

Now, this blog post isn’t just to inform you on how Joel started, how he does business or what his student interns do, but I really wanted to get across how thankful I am for Joel’s mentorship these past two years.

He has made a positive influence in my life while running his business full-time. I know Cherrico Pottery has big things ahead and I know the next student interns will have an influential experience, but it’s time for me to say “cya later”. The support, knowledge, and foundation you have put into my life, did not go unnoticed.

Thank you, Joel, Sienna, and fellow student workers for teaching me new things each week. I am very grateful!

– Megan (Cherrico Pottery “Magic Pottery Elf” Alumni)

GIVEAWAY: What is one thing you have learned from Cherrico Pottery?

*GIVEAWAY ENDED 1/15/20. Winners: Michael W, Angelique L, and 1 bonus winner: Lauren T. is also receiving a Mountain Mug. Winners were email privately and notified, and their comments were responded to below.

Leave a comment on this blog post before 2pm Central Wednesday, January 15th, 2020 answering the question above (What is one thing you have learned from Cherrico Pottery?) and we will pick two people to win two free “Random Cosmic Mugs” from our back stock, each paired with two books from our “Reading and Research” shelves: #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso and The Go-Giver by Bob Burg. We’ll mail them to two of you for free (giveaway 21+ void where prohibited, no unicorns…view more detailed giveaway policy here: winner will be chosen by Joel Cherrico and announced in the comments around Thursday). Please allow 24-48 hours max for our moderator to approve your comment 🙂

268 Replies to “Working For Artists: How Cherrico Pottery Teaches Students To Be Original”

  1. Knowledge is not ours to keep.
    Thank you Joel, you so freely give all of us your knowledge of pottery. You educate people around the world, and in return, in conversation, I pass that knowledge on to people in my life.
    The circle continues to grow.

  2. Gosh. I have learned so much actually. One of the things I have learned is why handmade pottery is priced the way it is. I knew there was work put into it but had no idea exactly how much work and time went into one piece. That along with the materials used. It’s all so beautiful.

  3. Grace. You handle criticism and praise with grace. You have eloquent and well thought out responses for those who criticize price, or your new ventures into mold making. You have humble responses for the many compliments you receive. It inspires me to work towards that same goal and to stay true to myself, my work, and my business. You show my students that there is success to be found in art making. Also, the spiral. I have learned to throw the spiral into a vessel by studying your hands at work!

  4. The biggest lesson, is that someone can turn something that they enjoy doing and are passionate about into their full time job. You inspire others to go for their dreams and along the way learn about your pottery process.

  5. Cherrico Pottery taught me that it’s cool to use a kick wheel, and so I got a kick wheel and I’m going to learn how to throw on it!

  6. I loved learning about your moon mugs and the varying methods to get texture ranging from carving out the clay to using simple tools like your nails and chopsticks! It makes me miss the ceramics courses I took in high school! Reminds me of one assignment where we had to bring items from home and incorporate them in our piece to create new and interesting textures!

  7. I’ve just learned that to get where you want to be with pottery, you have to be willing to work and hustle! Your drive is motivating and your personality on your live feeds is inspirational! Thanks for sharing so much with your fans and fellow potters!

  8. when i first saw the cosmic mug and I went to the Facebook site to see how much it was, I told myself no way. After watching the videos and it calming my anxiety, I actually saw how much work went into it. I saw him making the pots, then bisque firing, sanding, glazing, firing again. All this work went into making a piece of art. I learned that I could get any pretty mug but to have a piece of art was special. I bought a mug and I loved it so much I could see all the special details he talked about in the videos about leaving details that show the process of making the art. Other people may not understand why I buy these “mugs” to to me I see what makes me happy I see the work that went into it and that to me is what art is about, when it speaks to you.

  9. The biggest thing I have learned, and never really had considered, is that pottery involves a lot of chemistry which as a biochem major I found fascinating.

  10. Stay true to your art don’t compromise quality/name. Don’t be afraid to try new things, and be good stewards to the environment.

  11. I’ve learned to not give up and not stop doing the one thing that brings me joy (besides my kids). I love to paint and am now making time for me by painting. Watching how calmed and relaxed you look while making pots reminded me how calm i feel when painting. You made me realize i need that calm and painting brings me there. Congrats to you and sienna, i wish you a lifetime of joy and happiness.

  12. From Joel at Cherrico Pottery, I’ve learned that you really can have a career creating art. My parents felt art classes were a waste of time. So i drew little sketches when i had free time (i still have the pad). Joel has opened my eyes to dig deep to find the talents I’ve kept hidden for years. Along the way I’ve also learned really cool applications of glazes. Also how and why certain glazes react in the kiln. Pottery is truly an art form that is mesmerizing and Joel is a very talented potter! (Thank you Joel) ~~~~Michele

  13. I learned that it is so important to utilize your talents and follow your passion. To be able to enrich and add beauty to people’s lives is truly living life to the fullest. Life should include surrounding ourselves with things of beauty that are unique and tell a story of those that produced these items.

  14. You are always sharing tidbits you read so there’s not one thing I’ve learned but my favorite thing I have learned from following you is around making the world record for most pots thrown in an hour. I was just talking to my boyfriend today about how our brains are not nice to us, imposing doubts and fears into our lives and plans. Your story of meditation and preparation reminds that with planning and practicing we can reach our goals. It’s amazing how that allowed you to eliminate all those distractions, you didn’t prepare for or practice with, the crowd around you, noise, talking etc. I see this when I’m out of practicing running, but hear one of my favorite running songs. It reminds my body what to do. Music is such a helpful sidekick to practice. It would be awesome if you were able to share what other books are in the library you keep for yourself and the interns. We need a Cherrico book club as well.

  15. So far I have learned the importance of patience. And that there isn’t a exact length to something built or measurements or not the most important!! I feel it is all about the rhythm and dance of the artistry that must be-embraced really get familiar with this art. That is what I have learned most by watching you create! Thank You!

  16. I’ve learned that pottery is an art and one that takes patience and time to craft properly. I’ve learned why it’s important to view other artist’s work, and appreciate what they do as well. It’s a personal process in which each artist puts some of their mind and creativity in each piece. In doing so, the potter leaves a legacy with each piece that is created.
    I find it amazing to know that the clay that is used is thousands of years old, and taken straight from the earth. It’s a fascinating possess to watch! Thank you!

  17. I have learned to strive to continue learning. Whether it be by honing the craft. Finding a new, improved process. Perfecting the business side with better packaging and customer sevice. Mentor while learning from the interns. Each one of those examples has been shown through the videos, posts, blogs and it has provided me with the thought that I can carry into my own work and home life. Never stop looking for the opportunity to learn. Thank you!

  18. I love watching the fluidity of your work. Watching you has shown me the variations in throwing on a wheel that you control the speed of verses the electric ones I’ve used in class. But I think the best thing I’ve picked up, is the use of size guides. Calipers that are reset every time someone else picks them up vs having a set easy to grab and see guide like yours for specific pieces is a game changer. I love seeing that tool come out, it’s innovative and shows you pay attention to each detail even if each piece is slightly unique.

  19. I’ve learned so much, but I think the one bit that has been most valuable to me is on valuing your art/work. Even when people complain about the pricing, you go on doing you, and if you do speak up it is to encourage those nay-sayers to take advantage of the contests and sales. As a creator myself, I spent years getting discouraged by those voices and selling my creations for barely more (and sometimes less) than the cost of supplies. I devalued my skills, time, and experience and let others convince me that those were worth nothing. I now price my work at what I feel it is worth, and it sells 99% of them time. I also have learned not to beat myself up when something doesn’t turn out exactly how I wanted, instead I call it an experiment and move on to the next project. Thank you Joel for teaching us to embrace our own value and creativity!

  20. I’ve learned that if you make a mistake or something gets broken that there is beauty in the flaws and that even if something can’t be fixed – you can always try again! Keep up the great work Joel 🦋 One day you will make something butterfly 🦋

  21. The one thing I’ve learned from you about pottery is you can still do your passion and be different and crate your art the way you want and how you send out all your pottery with biodegradable cosmic tissue paper and peanuts and packing ..I love how you shared that process with us.You had a vision to change the wast product as you send your pottery out and you did it..

    1. I have learned from watching Joel that we are the greatest creators when we are following our passion. Because he loves what he does he is giving the world pieces of his heart in every piece he creates. His passion for pottery and his dedication to the art and the process are what make Cherrico pottery unique. Success can only truly come when you are doing something you love and you then share it with others!

  22. To celebrate each piece, as it is unique it’s its own way… even if it has a crack. 💛

    Former potter- Sheridan College, Ontario Canada.

  23. I’ve learned that your inspiration comes from space/ stars and the cosmos! Living so close to Kennedy Space Center…Space is something that I’m truly passionate about! And your artistry reminds me of that every time i watch you work and your videos!!

  24. Just amazing 🙂
    Outstanding stamina 🤗
    Eager to learn and teach🙂
    Loves to share his passion for pottery!

    The one thing I have learned from you Is…….every time I drink from my mug I see something new. It excites me still to this day. The hard work dedication and love you have for what you do is reflected in not only my mug ,but everything you make.
    Thank you!

  25. I have always loved and been drawn to pottery , watching you work and your love of the art is amazing. Not only do you let us into your studio and watch you work, you are very informative about the process. Watching you work is very relaxing and exhilarating at the same time. Please continue to let us join you while you work.

  26. I love wisdom and knowledge. I appreciate that Joel shares the history of pottery.
    Every live is a 5 senses learning experience.
    Music, culture, respect, art, kindness and peace are freely given.

  27. I share many views with you as well as learn from Joel as an artist. Today I’ll take an opportunity to share a piece I created earlier today. ~ I posted the photo to the facebook post about the mug giveaway ~

    I’ve learned much about art in general from Joel. One thing I have learned is to better observe – incidences of perception in abstract art

  28. I’ve learned there is so much more to the making of pottery. The time and detail involved is tremendous but you seem to love every aspect of the process

  29. Glaze composition is complicated and it can take months/years of experimenting (ingredients, temperatures, and layering) to make a glaze that comes out the way you want.

  30. One night I was sitting on my couch dazed from the stress of my own life. I questioned myself about if I made the right choices, if I accidentally offended anyone, or if I loved my husband enough. As I sat there tired and full of anxiety, I aimlessly started to scroll through Facebook searching for anything to give me a glimpse of happiness. I somehow stumbled across Joel Cherrico. By the grace of my creator, it happened to be a live video with the most relaxing, and beautiful music I’ve ever heard. As I sat there mesmerized and relaxed by the music and Joel’s technique, I started to drift in and out of euphoric sleepiness. I was incredibly sound and in complete bliss—something I hadn’t felt in quite a while. As time went on, I tried to catch as many live videos as possible. Joel’s live videos became my “safe place”. A place I was wanted. A place to relax. A place to not worry. A place to become happy again.

    Thank you, Joel, for helping me heal myself from the inside out. You taught me how to love and care for something, and that something was me. You have a beautiful soul and thank you for sharing your art with all of us.

  31. Joel has taught me about the joy of experimenting with glazes and clays. To be daring and not worry if it doesn’t work out just right. I have also learned a ton about firing temps, food safety, and material selection. I tune in to his live videos because he is so knowledgeable and willing to share and educate others! Thank you for doing what you do!

  32. Know your true worth, and what you take from our earth you give back ten fold. Love you guys. Thank you for opportunity to win xx

  33. The one thing I learned from Cherrico Pottery is the positive energy that goes into his work. I ended up donating all of my old mugs and started a new collection that will only feature Cherrico’s art. There is a certain vibe I get from Cherrico art pottery pieces that I do not get from mass produced ones. I love seeing his online videos. They bring me great serenity and have taught me a new appreciation for pottery. Seeing someone that loves what he does for a living makes me happy. I love how I can be fortunate enough to drink my coffee from art that he created with his hands.

  34. I didn’t know anything about pottery!! I know that it takes way more work and talent than I have!! Also, you prefer kickwheel method, which would be difficult for me because I’m lazy😁. To watch you work is mesmerizing at how quickly it can be shaped or destroyed. Really love the fact that no clay goes to waste and that you make the pots to store it in. Just bought my first piece from a local potter and love it!! I want a cosmic mug terribly!!!

  35. I stumbled upon Cherrico pottery during a particularly difficult time in my life. During his videos I learn something new seemingly every time I watch him create. The single most important thing I learned came during a question I asked about S cracks, during a live video… I asked “do you destroy the mugs that come out of the kiln with S cracks?” As I stated before I was going through some debilitatingly difficult things in my life and looking back on it now I can say I felt damaged, defective for lack of a better term. I fully expected that Joel would reply about how the S cracks are defects and render the pottery useless. Much to my surprise he replied that the S cracks did not in fact make the pottery useless or nonfunctional so there was no need to destroy them. I now look forward to seeing the S crack mugs and pots because they prove that what we may see as our imperfections, do not have to define us or render us incapable of our purpose. Some might even say our imperfections are what make us unique from all the others.

  36. I am amazed at all the steps that are taken to make, paint fire repaint and fire at to make one mug or a serving piece. I’m a retired gift shop owner 75% of the items I sold were made of porcelain, I had no idea all the skill that was needed to make the items I sold in my shop. Joel also explained to me about “crazing” of porcelain! I wish I would have had the knowledge back then that I have learned by watching his live broadcasts .. But then again the internet was as informative then as it is now! I look forward to your broadcast, thank you ..You are a fantastic artist!

  37. I have learned that all pottery is not created equal! As I get my mug from my cabinet, I always seem to put my thumb on the bottom where your thumb created the pattern. I am in awe that my mug was created by you as I have watched you create art, thinking I could have been watching when my mug was made! I hope to add another some day soon! Thank you!!

    1. Honor yourself by charging what your work is worth. If you live remotely or your local area does not support that price, be creative and explore options online, markets in other areas, etc. Don’t sell your work at a reduced price.

  38. I have learned an awful lot about pottery from watching your videos. It’s hard to choose one thing. I think the first notable is that it takes multiple firings to complete a piece. I had no clue before watching your videos. Thanks for sharing your craft with the world.

  39. The level of effort you put forth to produce one piece is astounding. I was so blissfully ignorant of all the work it takes to bring a handcrafted piece to life.
    I started watching by happenstance. Someone shared the page and I was in a trance watching you work.
    For once in real life, I felt like I was in a meditative state watching you work.
    I’ve learned more about glazes then I had ever endeavored to and I have come to recognize mass produced items and handcrafted ones.
    I have grown an extraordinary respect for the time it takes to bring them to market.
    You often create an escape for my mind with your live feeds.
    I am in awe of the care you place into everything you do.
    Stellar work, my friend!
    You have educated me universally. Thank you so very much. Keep that wheel spinning!

  40. You are a inspiration to many, and a teacher to all on how to be ambitious, goal- minded and to never give up on your dreams… What I’ve learned from your pottery is that each piece is unique in itself… from the finger marks all the way down to the signature… Each piece you make comes from a place you have experienced or admire from afar…. lee up the good work…

  41. One thing I have learned from Cherrico Pottery, is to never stop trying, whatever you are attempting at the time (pottery for the first time or cooking a new meal) and if its not perfect well keep trying and you will get better results every time you try!!

  42. I have learned that the process of creating art does not have to be influenced by the business of creating functional artwork. Joel is masterful at explaining his artwork as well as the business of creating beautiful functional pieces.

  43. I learned that you leave your finger prints on your pots as a trade mark and it’s an easier way to hold the pot while applying the glaze. So unique.

  44. One thing I’ve learned from observing your crafstmanship as Cherrico Pottery is that the possibilities are infinite. If the wheel slows down, give it another push, if the clay gets low make a smaller useful object. In essence I’ve learned resilience and grit to further immerse myself into my own passions. Pottery is to life what the breath is to body…. Thankyou for all the wholesome vibes and wisdom. ~Nesta Sol in Facebook

  45. I’ve leaned you have an awesome taste in music for one, and you throw the most amazing useful pieces I’ve ever seen!!!

  46. Your commitment and dedication to an almost lost art is outstanding and because of that I see pottery pieces in a completely different way. I appreciate them truly in a deeper level; their perfect imperfections as no pieces look exactly the same. Just looking at the entire process from start to finish on your live videos gave me a whole new appreciation for the art. Sharing your knowledge with all of us, all the Q&A’s, tips and even recommended literature combined with the great music you play is always a highlight for me. I am also a huge fan of Sienna’s work… her paper is the perfect complement for your beautiful pottery!!! Little details and final touches make all the difference…. for me it’s like “stop, smell and enjoy the coffee”. Thank you so much!!!

  47. I have learned the education, time, energy and talent that goes into creating a pot. It has fostered a great appreciation of pottery art for me.

  48. I’ve learnt from Joel…from his vlogs, that it’s more about the quality than the quantity of products he puts out. He is very proud of the art he produces…& we love the product. I am very happy drinking out of my cobalt mug that I got in his “Grab Bag” special. I hope to own more pieces in the future. I love the product that Sienna produces as well. Looking forward to purchasing one of her pieces in the future as well.

  49. I love reading and watching and I find this whole process fascinating. I’ve learned a lot about how difficult it is to produce art in this manner. I also thoroughly enjoy watching Joel live. It’s very calming and meditative.

  50. I learned that in anything you want to do right and do well, you do it 100 times. Then do another 100 after that. I’ve learned a great many things through the years I’ve watched and waited to get my own mugs made by you. 💙 y’all keep up the good work!

    1. I’ve learned that it helps to be a chemist when dealing with glazes. I did not know that so many metal type liquids were involved when glazing pots, and that the colors react with each other during firing. Fascinating!

  51. I’ve learned that pottery is an art. And yours: Functional no question, beautiful no question, creative no question. Yes making pottery can be a job but when it’s tempered with passion it becomes an immeasurable gift. My friend Karen Deaton shared your broadcast over two years ago and I’m so glad she did. Every question I’ve asked has been answered. You have a beautiful gift and I get to enjoy each time I tune in. So, I’ve learned about creating glazes(not that I’ll do it) but I’ve learned about great references. I’ve learned about firing in kilns. And through it all I’ve learned to appreciate someone else’s gift as the art it is. Thank you.

  52. One of the things I learned is in multi parts. I learned that pots have to be fully dried over a lengthy time to ensure it won’t crack during firing; I also learned that you fire the pottery once before glazing, and then again. I figured it was all pretty much done at once. I knew about drying- but figured an hour or two would do.

    I also learned what a Japanese kick wheel is. I never have seen or heard of one. I used a pottery wheel in art honor society through high school (I’m definitely better at Papier Mache though than clay)- but it was electric. It shows that even the power needed to turn the wheel is artist-driven. Makes the pottery even more valuable!

  53. youve taught me there is much beauty to be found in mistakes and brokenness. Sometime a new perspective or added substance to a piece of work, can make it more beautiful, and even worth more, than originally intended. The learning process is never complete and you only need a few great friends/people that you care about, trust and love to run an amazing business such as Cherrico Pottery. Each time I’m blessed and able to make a purchase, just seeing the packaging upon delivery fills me with joy. I know each and every aspect is put together with care so that my beautiful pottery you’ve made gets to me safely. That takes a great team of people to accomplish. I’ve always been proud of you and I learn very much from all you do and share with us through videos. Thank you!

  54. That my coffee tastes better in a handmade pot than a mass produced one, which in turn has me slowly replacing all my mass produced pots and plates! That is your hint to make some plates!

  55. You are amazing. I could watch you all day. I find it very soothing and relaxing. Each piece is a new work of art. You using the kick wheel is totally just tends to just be so natural to you now. The hours you have put into this is just unreal. This mug is definitely one of my favorite ones that you make. I would be thrilled to win a set.

  56. Its natural, in every way. From space nebula to ashes and earth. It’s an ancient art and way of life. Nothing comes easy but it is easy when you do what you love and make it extra special. In such a modern world, you bring back what is old and make it the future. It’s a timeless art. Each piece of pottery made is unique, refined from hard dedicated by hand craftsmanship, and each peice will speak to everyone differently. Never give up on your dreams, one pot at a time! ♡

  57. I’ve learned everything feom you. I have never made pottery so this is very interesting and completely new to me.

  58. The best thing that I have learned is that there is still good out there on the internet. I found your fb lives about two years ago, and it was so peaceful to watch you throw pot after pot. You handle the questions that people have with kindness, and really care about teaching others. I love that you looked at nature, and said ‘how can I portray what I see in my art?’ I love that you share your entire process; like how you keep detailed notes about your test firings. Not hiding disappointment when something did not turn out like you had hoped. Each cosmic mug that I own is beautiful, and unique. Thank you!

  59. Megan, what a wonderfully written piece! It’s great to get a bit of insight from someone that knows Joel and his buisness process/practices. Seems as though he also inspires his interns/employess as much as he does his fans. Some of the advice that Joel has given to artists old and new in his FB lives and I’ve been able to take away is that patience is a virtue, perseverance is a necessity, imagination a must, and a love for art and creation that’s soul deep certainly helps. Also within art there really are no “mistakes” just lessons to learn and grow from. Joel, your gorgeous work reflects the knowledge and advice you give out so freely. Thank you for sharing your beautiful talent, knowledge and advice with us all!! Keep reaching for the stars friend. Much love! ❤🤙

  60. Your art is a gradual evolution process- I love your videos and watching how you immerse yourself in your craft.

  61. What have I learned from you? Wow! So much! I remember coming across a video of you spiral wedging clay, 2 or 3 years ago, and I was hooked. My then 3 year old was as well. We would watch so many videos of you throwing pots, glazing, mixing glazes, loading and unloading kilns with excitement to see how everything turned out. Clenching my teeth when you lift a full board of your work, hoping you don’t loose balance. Watching you do your art has truly inspired me and my daughters. They go to pottery classes now and we try your techniques! I love how you are unapologetically honest and so open with your knowledge. Sharing your business model, inspirations, books you’ve read, people and things that inspire you, other potters, it’s all so wonderful. Thank you for all of this. I new NOTHING about pottery before, now I feel like I can hold a informed conversation on it. I am also very happy you and Sienna have found love together. I wish you both lots of luck in the home/studio journey.

    1. I love this so much!! I would love to be able to try my hand at pottery one day. What I’ve learned from Joel are all the actual steps that go into making just one mug. It’s amazing to me. Pottery is a work of art, an awesome way to create something beautiful and also useful!! It looks so relaxing too!

  62. Joel’s journey has taught me
    To follow your dreams no matter how lofty they may seem. As a mother of a high school senior I have directed my daughter to this blog numerous times to show her that hard work and dedication to a craft you love is always worth it in the long run!

  63. I started watching Joel in a very stressful period in my life and it really took away my anxiety. He shows it is possible to follow your dreams and do something for a living that you truly love. I also have more of an understanding of why art pieces have some of the price tags they do. It takes time and soul to create such beautiful pieces.

  64. A dedicated craftsman with so much work to create a true work of art. I admire people who have the patience and capacity to keep focused to make these. Pottery is such a wonderful and lovely way to decorate the house and drink coffee.

  65. I have learned to appreciate the value of handcrafted items so much more than I had before, because of all of the thought, effort, and passion that goes in to creating them. I’ve also had the priviledge of hearing some amazing music from artists I hadn’t heard of before!

  66. Cherrico Pottery reminds me that you should always do what you love & follow your dreams. Thank you for sharing your art with the world!

  67. I’ve learned a lot since following your journey, but the biggest thing that you’ve taught me is that with hard work and determination you can grow huge things. You’ve developed and grown a passion into a career that you still enjoy. Art can be beautiful with and without imperfections.

  68. I’ve been a fan for a couple years now! Absolutely fascinated with the entire process. It takes immense amount of patience and perseverance to create such a wonderful product. Art is that much better when the artist has a deep passion in their work. Keep on pushing Megan! I’m sure you’ll do nothing but succeed in life!

  69. I have learned a couple of things that stand out … 1. Local, hand-made quality CANNOT be beat! 2. The fact that local hand-made pottery still exists as an art gives me hope. I grew up in the area surrounded by pottery from two local pottery legends: Jim Loso and Tim Connors, I love that the pottery legacy lives on!

  70. Such dedication to a craft is amazing to watch. Pottery is a work of art and to watch these people make the pottery to decorate the house or use to enjoy food and drink. How fortunate we are all that all of you make all of this.

  71. I think the main thing I’ve learned, and that I will take away and put to good use as I venture into my own type of online business…is that, you can’t just be an artist to be successful. You need to be just as dedicated to being a business person and an entrepreneur, and really have your own ideas and take on running a business, to be successful. It’s not just enough to have talent. You either have to be good at everything else too, or have people around you who are, and are just as passionate and dedicated to your craft as you. In other words. Find your voice. And find your people. Keep up the inspiring work, Joel and Sienna! And congrats to you, Megan, for spreading your wings, finding your own voice and venturing out into the world, armed with all the knowledge you gained from Cherrico Pottery. I see great things for you.

  72. This is a great blog post. I really enjoyed hearing the whole story. Not knowing anything about pottery, I have become fascinated by Joel! Your pieces are so incredibly beautiful! I have learned about the whole process from Cherrico Pottery, I really had no idea it was so involved and an immense amount of work! I pray, that one day soon, I will be able to afford one of your mugs! They are the most beautiful mugs I have ever seen! It will be a privilege to show it off to my family!

  73. I’ve learned from you just how much I truly love pottery. Your beautiful style inspires me and has helped me to start the journey to become a potter! I just recently started a three year professional ceramics course!!!

  74. Well now I want to go back to college and take a ceramics class. How awesome of you to share your skills with the world.

  75. The biggest thing I learned from this post, and an astronomical life lesson, is that you can make a living doing what you love. Your hard work (2 years unpaid internship sounds rough) and dedication to you dream caused you to push through all this, break a Guinness world record, and persevere to become a loved, successful business owner. A story like this isn’t to be envied, but followed. Hard work pays off, and I’m proud to have seen this growth over a couple years.

  76. One thing watching pottery being made, has taught me to be patient, sit still and watch-all while understand the process. My son is a huge LEGO fan. His best ‘creations’ are build from a pile of legos and a blank slate. As he reaches in and pulls out parts, imagination starts to take over and ideas are born. Just like pottery, it’s amazing to see the end-but it’s learning to trust the process!

  77. I really enjoyed reading this post. I like the idea of the quotes posted on the wall. Maybe you should let us know what they are each month. I would love to read them and perhaps weigh in on what they mean to me.

  78. Among the many things I learned from you Joel, is that in order to be a successful small business owner, you need to put yourself out there. Meaning, go LIVE on Facebook! This propels people to connect with you and in turn, invest in your business, however that might look like in any small business, whether you are selling pottery, paintings, make up or clothing!

    People will buy products once you have made a personal connection with them, even if it is one-sided. This is what you have done and you have done it exceptionally well.

    Congrats on your success and enjoy your time off with your new bride! 👏👏👏

  79. Well I have learned alot!!!! But the most valuable thing I think I have came to realize is sometimes imperfection turns out to be absolute perfection!!!!

  80. The lesson I have learned is, it’s possible. It’s possible to do and make what you love as a full-time job. Still trying to figure it out for myself so it’s nice to follow someone who is a reminder that it can be done. Thanks for what you do and share!

  81. He showed me the hard work and dedication pays off and imperfect pots are perfect in their own way. Keep up the hard work

  82. I love reading from other perspectives about things I normally would dismiss for myself because I’m not much of an artist

  83. I have learned all the time and hard work/skill that goes into your beautiful art. Worth every penny and I also have learned how to properly care for pottery thanks to you!

  84. I have always loved handmade pottery. I have learned so much about what it takes to create something so beautiful. I’ve also been blessed by watching you as you follow your dreams. Thanks for sharing your art!

  85. My husband and I have been watching Joel almost a year and we have learned to enjoy the simplest things in life. We lost our passion to craft and after watching Joel with making pots we started planning our crafting come back and we also read a lot too. We have gifted a few mugs from Cherrico Pottery and they are the most beloved gifts. We appreciate the videos and the awesome music and we look forward to seeing what Joel and Sienna create next.

  86. I have been in love with pottery since the first time I saw a throwing video. <3 Everytime I get a lil money saved up to buy one, boom life event. Lol

    Keep up the beautiful work!

  87. You’ve taught me a lot about the art. But your patience with internet trolls and how you maintain composure actually speaks volumes about your passion and craft. You make and sell art! Just because its functional shouldn’t take away from that. Sadly those that don’t see the work and love that goes into it only see the artwork as “just a cup”. Your business and passion are growing and changing and you’re doing amazing. Keep up the great work, everyone here supporting you loves it!

  88. Very interesting read! You are definitely very talented! Keep up the great work! Thanks so much for the chance!

  89. I’m very grateful for the artists and artisans whose works grace my life and home. It takes courage to share the work of their hands. And I love seeing the hand of the potter imprinted in the clay.

  90. How lucky Megan is to have had this opportunity. I wish there were more small businesses that would do this, not just in the art world. I have learned a lot from Joel’s blog posts as well as his live videos, but I think what really hit me was how much went into each piece of art and why they cost so much, some more than others. It’s amazing the attention to detail he has and what he considers top notch. He notices things nobody else would in his art. Keep it up, Joel!

  91. I have learned a new love for all things made by individual artists. It made me definitely appreciate the time and patience it takes to make each piece. I love your work and watching you get in your groove and making it look so easy although we know it’s not. You are very talented.

  92. Joel worked years to get where he is today through classes and interning. Not only learning all the processes of pottery but woodworking and how to build it for himself. Education to others is important to him through his work.and how important it is to have fun in a relationship while working together in and out of the “office”.

  93. I learned that you should pass on your knowledge to others so that they can learn, benefit and enjoy from it. Beautiful!

  94. I’ve learned that with consistent practice and persistence I can make something otherwise difficult appear easy and can challenge someone, unknowingly, to perhaps step out of their comfort zone and make a living from a beautiful hobby.

  95. I learned that this is a great place to work, if given the opportunity. Besides learning quite a bit, you’re encouraged to consistently broaden you mind while learning to run a business (with oversight but a fair amount of freedom). I think it’s amazing.

  96. I’ve learned that hard work pays off, and you never know what will inspire people. You do what you love to do while giving others a little bit of hope that they can do the same!

  97. From watching the Cherrico Pottery videos, I have learned to be true to my values and to try to put quality over quantity. It reminds me to support artists and to put efforts into my own passions. It is more than a mug, it is a philosophy; a way of life.

  98. I’ve learnt that you have to follow your heart and do what you love! I recently started back at University to study Photography after initially studying Law 12 years ago. For the first time ever, I was studying something that I loved!

    Follow your dreams, I can’t wait to see what 2020 holds for Cherrico Pottery 💕

  99. Wow, I always love seeing all the beautiful mugs you make! I always loved pottery and wish I could make some they look so fun to make and would be so satisfying to see the beautiful results when they are done! I’ve learned that this really is an amazing talent that you have and that you can only make so many at a time and you need to have patience. I would be soo excited to get one of your amazing works of art because the mugs you make are so amazingly beautiful I cant even! Omg, keep up the good work!!

  100. I have learned a lot from watching and listening to Joel as he makes pottery. I’m very intrigued by why people design the way they do and the knowledge behind that. Joel has taught me a lot about pottery in general but particularly about the various styles of his work and the history that inspired those pieces. Absolutely fascinating!

    1. I love watching you do your pottery., I’m fascinated by it! I’ve learned so much just from watching you. I’m so glad I got to see some of how your processes work to get the finalize product. I didn’t realize how much went into each piece of art and why they cost so, much, some higher than others. I’ve learned that each piece is unique in its own way. It’s amazing the attention to detail you have. You are definitely very talented.

  101. The hard work, dedication, and love you have for your craft is never ending. You’re and Sienna’s work is just beautiful. I always look forward to your email newsletters to see what ya’ll have created.

  102. Having known nothing about pottery, I’ve learned a few things from the videos. One thing I found interesting was that the pots need two firings. However what I really enjoyed learning was how relaxing it can be to watch the process.

  103. I love seeing a creative mind work. I love seeing the excitement it brings to a person. Not only the artist, but the ones watching as well. I wish I had a great talent such as making pottery!

  104. I have learned from Cherrico Pottery that one should always follow their dreams and to not give up! We all have a special gift that is meant to be shared with the world!

  105. Pretty much everything I know about making pottery has been learned through watching Cherrico pottery.
    But I think one of the greatest is constantly researching and experimenting with materials to and how they impact the glaze process.

  106. My home has many pieces of Joel and Sienna’s pieces of art. If someone asks which piece is my favorite, I would rely on something I have learned from Joel. My reply, “That would depend on my mood and wear the art takes me.” I am not an artist, though Cherrico Pottery has educated me to admire the talent, education, skill, hard work, repetition, determination, imagination, business skills and true love an artist has for their passion in each masterpiece. I have applied what I have learned from Cherrico Pottery into my life. Yes, I am a Child Protection Service Case Manager. My art is helping when children are abused and neglected and the family needs services to be reunited. Watching Joel at his wheel has shown me to take time to think. Then also use your whole body and the muscle memory. And when the art takes you in a different direction, let it. Trust all of the amazing teachers and mentors that have taught you well. My mugs and pottery are near me and used well. They remind me to live well and enjoy life. They keep me looking up to the sky, trees and the beauty of the world. Cherrico Pottery has taught me so much.

    Enjoy Life. I’m recovering from a brain tumor removal surgery and appreciate the many positive thoughts and prayers from Cherrico Pottery supporters and Joel. Blessings to you all.

  107. I have been inspired, by you, to try my hand at pottery. To date, I have taken two classes at the Clay Studio here in Philly. I have also recruited others to tag along. It’s something that most people wouldn’t consider. I enjoyed it so much that I am actually thinking about signing up for a “semester” with them.
    Another thing, I love your cosmic mugs. You seem to be the only person around doing them. That is another goal of mine. To learn how to make cosmic mugs. It was actually my intention for the two single classes. BUT… I can’t seem to make it beyond the bowl stage lol Pottery is a lot harder than it looks. Thank you for the inspiration.

  108. You have taught me that pottery can be mesmerizing. Watching you use the kick wheel and just flow in such an organic way has taught me that sometimes you should just flow and let your body take over. You have created some of the most beautiful one of a kind pieces with some of the most magical glazes and watching your intentional strokes when you glaze makes me realize that you put pure intention into every piece you make. I really enjoy watching your lives! ✌🏻

  109. I have learned that we need to be involved and support our artist. I have learned the hard work and thought that goes into creating a piece of art. And I have learned to appreciate being lucky enough to watch and be part of this experience.

  110. I love watching you live. It has really made me appreciate the process. As I am disabled now and getting back to my creative side…you have inspired me and reminded me of the time in value in every artists work. Especially mine. You have inspired me to really change every aspect
    Of day to day. Regardless of budget etc. I have changed everything to buy local, from local artists etc. It is so much more to have something made and created from a good space and true artist. Thanks for reminding me of that…for myself and my art as well.

  111. Love to watch you its so relaxing and love your art whoever wins will be very lucky happy new year to you Joel and thank you for the opportunity to watch you

  112. I have learned a lot from watching you make pottery. However, just today I learned what Raku is. I had never even heard that word until another viewer asked you about it. So I asked what it was & you so kindly gave me an in depth answer. Thank you Joel for always being committed to educating your viewers.

  113. I have learned just how much time and variations happen in pottery. Adding or reducing stuff and how that changes the end result big time. It makes me wonder what all our ancestors used to do when this was far more common as a trade.

  114. Man you are so super talented…. I love you videos and your mugs are amazing! My wife has a cosmic mug that No one is allowed to drink from but her…. 🙂 please do not stop 🛑 doing what you do … !!!

  115. Being able to see all the information has helped me understand how to put my thoughts into art. I enjoy working with clay, I am very new to it. Art doesn’t have to be perfect.
    Thank you for sharing your information and journeys!

  116. The multiple processes to make pottery. From correct clay consistency, the drying process to the glaze chemical recipes and how EXACT recipes MUST be to work out. How the application of layers,thickness and how dipping or brushing effect the final piece. Kiln stacking, advancer shelves and how to hold a whole tray of cosmic mugs 🦾. Most of all you taught me to value your work, it’s a functional art piece. Not made by a machine, but a lengthy process of trial and error of 12 years . 🤘🏽

  117. I learned that it often takes a lot of long hours and hard work to finally get recognized as an artist, whether it’s in ceramics or any other type of art, but if one is dedicated enough and skillful enough, eventually one can succeed and make his or her dreams come true. It takes a lot of time and work, more times than not, to be what some people might call “an overnight success,” but it is definitely possible to do what a person loves and make money at it.

  118. iv learned you can be a artist at anything you can think of an when youu put ur mind to it there are so many things that can come to mindan dont cost to much we are each unique in many ways an have the will power to do it an in the end the results are endless so be happy an carry on 💛💙💜💚❤

  119. I appreciated emphasizing the importance of both artistic creativity and knowledge in various areas, as well as the need for responsibility and being a self-starter. And nurturing the next generation of craftspeople.

  120. I have learned that anything is possible. At this point your journey is amazing. You have worked so hard to get to where you are today. Your pottery is amazing (I own multiple pieces myself) I enjoyed your live streams, reading about your journey and seeing where 2020 will take you. Blessing and prosperity to you my friend

  121. It has taught me that in a world of mass produced things, your pottery is made with love and dedication. Beautiful works of art!

  122. I teach earth and space science to 6th grade students in Pennsylvania. I have learned so much about how science and art can work beautifully in harmony.

  123. That you can have your dreams,be happy and successfully work side by side with your love! Recharge in mature, it is the original muse.

  124. I learned about all that goes into a beautiful piece of art. Something I never really thought about before.

  125. I think I’ve learned to do what you love, and keep doing it. Not all of us will be able to make a living by doing our particular craft, but that doesn’t mean we stop…keep making, and keep improving!

  126. One thing I have learned from watching Joel’s videos is that the difference between handmade pieces and factory-made pieces is that factory-made pieces tend to be “perfect” or flawless, whereas handmade pieces might have fingerprints, or indentations, or paint drips. These add character to a piece and reflects the love that goes into that piece. I appreciate watching the care that Joel takes with every step in making every piece.

  127. I have been a supporter of yours since your Kickstarter was launched, and the one thing I have learned overall from Cherrico Pottery is to just GO FOR YOUR DREAMS, no matter how far away they seem from you. Without the dedication and spirit Joel had in the beginning to share his passion, he would not have created such a wonderful company. He followed his dream and is creating a life for himself by doing what he loves. That is so rare these days, and is very commendable. I will hope to have the same guts and tenacity as him. Great work and keep the pottery coming!

  128. I learned that a potter can purposely share his craft, and the joy in his heart while making it, and still be successful without worrying about copycats. It is such a nice thing to offer others a glimpse at the full process, the rhythm, the painstaking details, the joy of opening the kiln, the care of packaging, and even introducing new music to us couch sitters who enjoy just being present with you in those moments of joy.

  129. I think one of the best points I take away from your blog is
    that you share your knowledge and passion with students and encourage them to not only work hard, but read and post!

  130. The greatest thing I’ve learned from you is … the value of art comes from the heart, NOT the wallet ! Thank you both for this.

  131. It’s not all work work work ! On this journey , you should always be inspired by new surroundings . Also educating yourself on a daily basis is key . Read and Learn . Share and Learn . Experience and Learn . And always be Kind .

  132. I learned to appreciate the art of pottery watching you create these amazing mugs, bowls, vases, dishes and so many other pieces that are so unique. The most surprising thing I learned was how complicated it is to get the glaze just right so that the depth is almost endless especially in the right light. I now have a cosmic mug, moon mug, two shot glasses and a bowl I won from a givaway and I call them the beginning to my new art collection! I can’t wait for my next piece!

  133. What I’ve learned from Joel Cherrico is to invest in what you love. I found one of Joel’s videos randomly while I was in grad school, and watching his videos were incredibly relaxing to me. I love watching things come together, and I loved that you could see in his work that it was more than just making money, it was doing something he felt was part of him. I continued watching him make pottery through grad school, unable to afford to buy any, because it continued to be something that relaxed me and brought me joy. I would share his videos with others who I knew loved art and/or pottery as well.

    I finished my graduate studies in March, two months before graduation. I decided I didn’t want to just watch art happen anymore, I wanted to get back into making art. So I started painting again. I hadn’t painted since I was really young. And now I don’t just enjoy watching Joel make his art, I get to invest in what I love – and spent time and energy painting.

    I was thrilled that for Christmas, one of my aunts who I had gotten hooked on JC a long time ago gave me the gift of one of his mugs. It is so special to me because it was not just getting something I love, but I hadn’t realized she had found so much enjoyment in continuing to watch as well.

    After getting the gift from her I decided I needed to continue to invest in what I love – so starting in December I started paying $9/month to Joel Cherrico as a patreon.

    So thanks for teaching me to invest in what I love – both in my own art and serenity, as well as in your art.

  134. Follow your passion, stay true to what you love, and never stop seeking education. It is always inspirational seeing someone doing something they love.

    Thank you to the author for bringing light to the concept that small businesses can make a big impact!

  135. I used to be a fairly good writer many years ago but due to a very emotional and physical crisis I stopped writing. I really lost myself and just went about every day life. I got married and raised a daughter worked in an office until I became disabled. After watching Joel work with his pottery I thought maybe I could write again. So watching his videos and listening to his passion brought back the excitement I felt when I would catch a good idea in the storyline so now I write and enjoy Joel’s pottery too.

  136. I’ve learned to appreciate the art. There is a beauty in watching Joel work. It takes immense hard work and a beautiful mind, but it’s all worth it. Appreciate small business because that’s their passion. It takes a village to build this lovely functional art.

  137. What I have learned from Cherrico Pottery is that you need to study many different ways to accomplish your goal in whatever venu you are pursuing. Practice is of the utmost importance. There are many steps to the actual completion of the process of making pottery or any art you are working on. Time is important in a self employed business. Management and trust is a must. Encouragement to self and those whom you work beside daily are very much needed to keep the momentum going.
    Joel, your giving spirit, and your sharing knowledge is a definite plus in motivating not just your customers but anyone who wants to be in business for themself.
    Wishing you ongoing success in your pottery studio and much more happiness in life.

  138. I love hearing Joel’s back story about before he started pottery with going to school for pre-med and then switching entirely to the arts! What a huge leap and I love how successful he has become!
    It just proves that if you set your mind to something and stick with it and have pride and passion for something you can get so far!

  139. Watching your videos and articles has made me want to go an take pottery classes. I am 63 and have loved pottery for many years and blessed to own a few special pieces

  140. One thing I’ve learned from Joel is to experiment with glazing. I feel that glazing is the most difficult process for me and watching Joel experiment with new glaze is inspirational. His knowledge of glaze reactions shows in his beautiful artistic works!

  141. I have learned that it’s possible to do what you love and to share that dream with others. Hard work, passion and always learning fuels the creative fire. You are creating a legacy of beauty for many to enjoy. So inspiring!

  142. I loved reading about Cherrico pottery! I learned more about its beginnings and what’s going on now as it grows and brings such amazing opportunities to interns. When you share what you love doing, and show others how to go forth and blossom, it’s a wonderful act of love and giving. What a great gift to us all. Teaching, growing, giving, supporting. Thank you.

  143. What have I learned? Mostly I’ve learned to chill. I ran across Joel’s pottery videos a few years ago and was instantly mesmerized. Partially by the rythm, partially the artistry, and a whole lottally in the music. So I’ve learned how to relax when I’m too stressed to find my own peace, and I’ve learned that the gibbie hibbies are my favorite non-local, local band. Sure wish they’d find their way to the cornfields of indiana and inspire some locals around here.

  144. Cherrico Pottery has taught me how fun and unique pottery can be. The designs offered by Cherrico Pottery are unlike any I have every seen.

  145. From watching and following Cherrico Pottery I have learned that doing something you love, the best you can, can be amazing.

  146. I found Joel’s site when I was in university trying to see how other potters go through their process of creating. I have learned little nuances that he uses while throwing that have made me explore how I throw pottery on my own. Also listening to him talk about what went into creating his business makes me want to learn more to eventually open my own studio. Joel is an inspiration and really fun to watch throw his mugs. Seeing the process of how he forms his pieces and glazes them is eye opening. I became interested in kick wheels more because of him. I love the control that you have with a kick wheel. Thanks for inspiring me to try new pottery techniques!

  147. I’ve learned to appreciate every piece of pottery I see now, knowing how much work is put into each work of art!

  148. You have taught me to have fun to live thru my art, inspire others as you inspire me, and pass on my craft to the next generation so they, and future generations will enjoy❤️❤️❤️👍👍🥰🥰🌸🌸

  149. I have learned that your craft is simply amazing, if you think you know it all your wrong, patients,time,dedication are all major key opponents. The clay you use is very important, and you must know your glazes. Dont forget the proper firing in the kiln. And then you get to see the beauty of your own work,with your own hands and heart. Your work amazes me and can be so calming to watch. Thank you for sharing yourself and your art with us all

  150. I’ve learned patience. It’s apparent from watching you that nothing you do is rushed. That’s been a great lesson for me as I’ve watched your process take shape. So many things in my life go at breakneck speed and I often don’t have time to just breathe – until I slow down and watch what you’re working on listen to what inspires you. It’s been a comfort to me in a time of struggle and I’m so grateful for it.

  151. I learned jut how much work and love go into making handmade pottery. I enjoyed learning about the process.

  152. After many hours observing Joel throw, I learnt how to throw off the hump, how to make pots a relatively similar size and how to put spirals through pots.
    Cherrico Pottery is my favourite example of a successful pottery business and has given me new tips and techniques throughout the years. Most of all Joel has shown me it is possible to make a living from selling your own pottery online. This is something I hope to achieve one day so thank you for being so inspiring!

  153. I love the idea of paying people to learn to be better more informed workers and people. I think many times in the workforce we want people to just know enough to do what they are told. Very good article.

  154. There is magic is in the beauty of your art. A couple of things I’ve learned, Pottery takes patience. LOTS of patience! Also, great things come from great sacrifice. You have built your business truly from the ground up, working hard all along the way. What a sense of pride you must have which is much deserved!

  155. What I learned from this is that being valued as an individual is as important as the art and business. That each person’s influence and opinion are equally valued and that is an amazing quality that can be added to the art itself.

  156. Your work is gorgeous! I’d love an opportunity to own a few of your pieces and give the other mug to my best friend as we read the books and have coffee together 🙂

  157. Very interesting article! As a longtime admirer of your unique, beautiful work, I loved learning about what led you to pottery to begin with, especially the path of your education.

  158. I love how Joel is inspired by science and how it influences his work. I believe that is how a true artist works! Congratulations Joel on the new website. Keep sharing your passions and process. It is inspirational!

  159. I have learned that making these items is hard work. It takes time, love and dedication. Your products are amazing.

  160. What a wonderful read! I knew my answer would be that progress isn’t always progress (there is something very special about Joel using a kick wheel instead of a more modern method) but after reading this post, I know I need to READ. I raised 3 kids & put great effort instilling a love of books into them. They all enjoy reading as adults, and I need to do the same. I am so impressed with the ‘quote wall’ I may make my own to encourage myself!
    Thank you♡

  161. It’s been so interesting to learn and see what all goes in to making pots. It’s so much more than just throwing clay on the wheel, whipping up something fantastic, and firing it. Drying processes, more than one firing on pots. Things I never knew! The glaze and everything that goes into that, is what kind of blows my mind the most. What it’s made of, applying it to the pottery, how it fires different, drips / no drips, the colors and how they come out on the pots…. it’s pretty awesome and definitely interesting!

  162. I’ve learned about the different types of clay used as well as how the glaze is put on. The stacking of the items in the kiln is always interesting to me. I also have always liked to see the process of everything from start to finish. Even if it is putting handles on mugs.

  163. How awesome is it that a mentor encourages literacy and reading while on the job, something else wonderful I enjoyed learning about Cherrico Pottery.

  164. Since I discovered Cherrico Pottery, I’ve learned that experimentation is one of the most important parts of creating. I appreciate art very much, no matter the level of expertise or level of recognition it receives. There is such a graceful presence of accomplishment in what Cherricos Pottery does. Joel and Sienna’s works have become a daily source of awe in my eyes. Thank you for the great blog post, Megan. It is inspirational to read from a student intern who has received an abundance of knowledge from the Cherricos.

  165. I’ve learned to appreciate the pottery process and all the work that goes into it. I love the uniqueness of each piece. Your passion is contagious. I LOVE your cosmic mugs! I’ve learned so much about the different pottery processes by watching your live videos. It looks very therapeutic for you. Thank you for your transparency throughout your journey.

  166. The most important concept that I have been able to grasp since stumbling upon Cherrico Pottery would be patience. Joel stated, “The final result of our pottery is a reflection of 20,000+ hours” Patience comes with multiple lessons and tiers that do vary. For example, the chemistry you build with the work that you’re doing/producing. The effort and time a beginner puts into a piece may be vastly different than that if somebody who has been into pottery for an extensive time. Furthermore, building the chemistry with patience you begin to see a new result. Mastery. P.S I believe that you can’t master a task at hand until you can create something of your own thinking/ imagination (still following the guidelines/ rules of the task, of course)

  167. By watching Joel create his work, I have learned how soothing and relaxing the creative process can be. It’s truly an honor to be able to watch him create incredible pieces of art not to mention the wisdom he shares with all of his followers

  168. That art has no boundaries! No matter what art style you choose, from pottery to painting, there is no limit. If you want to do something, there is always a way to incorporate that into your work. For example, you took the universe and put it on a mug!
    Now that’s magical

  169. I have not only learned how pottery is made, I have learned a lot about how to treat employees & interns and how to balance personal life and work life. Enjoy your time away!

  170. I’ve learned that starting your own business takes patience and dedication. You have to push through the fear of failing, and stick with it. Cherrico Pottery is living proof that if you stick with it and give it your all, you will succeed.

  171. I’ve always just enjoyed seeing how pottery is made and all of the science behind it. My biggest take away is that like us, each piece is unique and even the blemishes and imperfections are beautiful.

  172. I learned that Joel is a world record holder for most pots thrown in one hour! That is an amazing feat. I learn every day more and more from watching and reading these posts. Hard work, passion, and drive are key. I am an aspiring artist but sometimes lose focus. I love watching the clay being molded. Theres something inherently beautiful about it. The way it spins so fast yet the hands manipulating it are so precise. They are slower and more grounding. It is a lot like life. People and things buzzing around faster in chaos but you… you are a constant. A ground. A firm but graceful hand keeping things together. I also am fascinated with the handmade paper and would love to try to make myself. I guess I never really thought of the process behind it. I love processes. As part of my personality test I took for a job, I learned that I am very into processes and how things work.

  173. I have learned that it is OK to go with what is in your heart and pursue something different. I love that you came to the conclusion that pre-med was not for you and went after art. We need more people in the world like you and Sienna. I have been working for the same company for over 30 years and am considering retiring sooner to pursue something different that makes my life and the life of others better.

  174. What I have learned is that pottery, as a work of art, should be admired, loved and cherished as well as actually used and enjoyed whenever possible.

  175. I learned that there are so many different and beautiful colors and shapes that pottery can be made from.

  176. I love reading your blogs and watching your videos and using your pottery. From the most detail of your work to the most broad subjects you discuss teaches me to give back. You have become an expert in your art and now want to share what you have learned to others. I appreciate that you do not want to keep what you have learned over the years to yourself, you want to teach others. It is easy to determine you enjoy teaching the techniques of pottery and business to others. I also enjoy your unique, local music while working. Thank you!

  177. That if you desire so you can become a artist. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Imperfection is beautiful. We’ve opened a paint your own pottery store in our town and that is the one thing I try to tell everyone when they come in. They will say I can’t paint!!! I tell them they sure can! We break out the glazes and they are always so happy with how their item turns out when it comes out of the kiln! So blessed to be able to provide this for my community!

  178. I learned that some designs and details I thought were more common (like the brown glaze in the nuka iron cups) are actually derived from ancient techniques and not to be taken for granted.

  179. I LOVE the reading idea!!! I could see implementing that in our small business. It has been cool to see Joel grow his business. Beyond business it is art and so fabulous! When I can I support our local art scene and wish that was close to Cherrico Pottery!!

  180. Nothing better then watching Joel on the pottery wheel. It is so relaxing to me. I love to watch him work. Thank you Joel

  181. I’ve learned nothing is more calming and satisfying as watching an artist create something beautiful. Your talent, knowledge and dedication to your craft is amazing.

  182. “Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” – Harriet Tubman

    This is what comes to mind when I think about what Cherrico Pottery means as a whole. Passion. Passion for life. Passion for enrichment; mental and aesthetic. Passion for family. Life is not a life lived without it. Thank you for bringing that to the world.

    1. So cool, Lauren. Thanks for sharing! I decided to give you a 3rd prize today, just as a special bonus. I’m having our team send you one of my best “Mountain Mugs” for free. Please check your email to receive it 🙂

    2. Thank you so much, I am forever grateful and will share your art. Stay the course; you all were made for this. Congratulations to the other 2 winners as well ❤
      ‘A trail through the mountains, if used, becomes a path in a short time, but, if unused, becomes blocked by grass in an equally short time.’ ~Mencius

  183. What has Cherrico pottery taught me? Knowledge is to be shared. Learning this one specific thing has changed how I parent. I use to just say they can figure it out and when they didn’t I would get frustrated and do it for my child. Now I give them time to figure it out and then give them the knowledge to figure it out. Life is so much happier.

  184. I have learned some techniques about pottery that I never knew, like the way you use one large amount of clay to make many items and the way you make your own glazes. As a business owner, I also learned alot from you such as taking risks and being different (such as broadcasting your pottery making sessions and being informative about the process) as well as the importance of giving back. Your ability to be creative and connect to nature, especially space, is an amazing skill and has inspired me to be more creative as well.

  185. What I’ve learned from Joel is… there are no mistakes in making pottery. Every mistake is a learning experience! And that we never know exactly what will happen in the kiln. Love the beautiful and the unusual!

  186. Such an epic experience Megan to be able to observe and work with an artist potter like Joel Cherrico! It is clear you were also an asset bringing in your skills, excitement and perspective to the Cherrico team. You are also a word smith as Joel is and that too is to be nurtured and treasured along with your exciting future. I love clay the feel of it within my hands its malleability , mystery & magic. Take Care & keep looking up . You are a Gift

  187. That making art that is functional with a purpose can be uniquely beautiful & give the acquirer a prospective of how much talent & dedication it takes to create a piece of pottery by taking the time to view the many processes it takes to achieve the finished product. So the 1 thing I have learned is the deep appreciation of the artist who dedicates so much time to craft something to give to another is astoundingly wonderous!
    Truly, Kelly

    P.S. I enjoy being able to view via Facebook Live your creative processes. Thank you Joel for giving your viewers these opportunities to see your skills & all that it takes to create your artistry.

  188. I have learned from Cherrico Pottery that pottery is truly an amazing craft! It’s very original artwork that has been crafted by very special hands. It’s truly one of a kind!

  189. I’ve learned several things about pottery that I had just never considered before. I’ve never given thought to a potter’s wheel, let alone knew about a kick wheel and how simply beautiful one could be. I never knew about glazes or the different components their made up of, the same with clay. I understood the jist of how pieces were thrown, but never the small working details that really affect the outcome of the art. My horizons have broadened just by being a member of Joel’s audience.

  190. Love watching you throw man! Please don’t stop sharing. I’ve learned that local artists must commune and support each other to thrive (it’s so dope how you patronize places that buy your pottery) AND that the playlist is ALWAYS listed in the comments. 😁 Thanks for what you do; you’re enriching the lives of the people who work for/with you. 🙏🏾

  191. I have been following Cherrico pottery for a few years now and there is no shortage of things that I’ve learned. The fact that space and nature are incorporated are what kept me hooked at first, but the process and craftmanship kept me coming back to learn more. The colors that are able to be captured, especially on the lunar pieces are beautiful. Please keep the beautiful art and life lessons coming!

  192. I have learned (from this blog) that I am not the only one who fell in love with ceramics when I was on a completely different path in college. I admire Joel for his ability to chase after a dream he hadn’t yet discovered and to work hard developing not only the talent it takes to work on the wheel, but the creative inspiration that has led to his success. I chose to continue following my path, even after being drawn to ceramics. I spend my days working at a job I love in marketing while spending my evenings on the wheel, building my small business and fueling my creative outlet. I love that there is encouragement to read and continue learning and being inspired! I’ve already bookmarked a couple of the recommendations and look forward to more inspiration from the Cherrico team!

  193. A blessed congratulations to you and Sienna on your recent nuptials. Wishing you both a happily ever after. One of the things I have learned is why handmade pottery is priced the way it is. I knew there was work put into it but had no idea exactly how much work and time went into one piece. That along with the materials used. It’s all so beautiful. I should have known this since I knit and crochet items for sale!

  194. I Love that Joel does research on things he is passionate about and and he and Sienna are Living their dream!! And watching his Video’s are so relaxing! For me personally ! Thanks Joel

  195. I Love that Joel does research on things he is passionate about and and he and Sienna are Living their dream!l

  196. I’ve learned so much watching your live videos it’s hard to choose just one thing. I suppose one of the most important things I’ve learned is that if you don’t truly love what you’re doing, make a change. With every piece I’ve seen you make, I can see just how much passion you have for your work. I admire that, and an working towards it myself. It’s not worth it to be unhappy in your career.

  197. I learned that you CAN make a living doing what you love, you can make your dream happen. This pottery is so beautiful, something that you love and time is put into making, and the owner absolutely adores. I’m dying to own one of the cosmic mugs, they are so beautiful!

  198. I’ve learned that while handmade pottery may seem expensive when you really see the amount of work that goes into a single piece you see the value in the piece a lot more.

  199. Joel, your artistic talent and the love and passion that goes into it, is absolutely astounding. Reading about “Megan” and her adventure of interning at the studio, was a delight.
    Keep up the great love and passion for pottery and ….
    Sienna keep on making that beautiful paper!!!
    You’re both amazing—- like flowers opening your petals together. ❤️

  200. You show by example what it is to be in business as an artist. That being open to knowledge and spreading it is not only needed but required. I love that the interns were required to read and choose a quote from the readings that mean something to them. Best of luck out in the world

  201. What I have learned from you is putting value to what you do! It is not only the finished product but what it takes to get there. I never thought about the taxing it does to your body and mind and that has a value too! I also learned that perfection doesn’t equal quality. Just because it isn’t perfect doesn’t mean that it is something to be tossed aside or thrown away.
    I love watching you work and hope that you and Sienna will thrive in your new home and studio.

  202. Thank you for being my peace, relaxation and guilty pleasure. Nothing like having something to turn to when you’ve just had a bad day!!

  203. Well besides the basic pottery technique and tips I’ve learned, I have also learned how passion can make a job a hobby.

  204. That I really need to find a job where I get paid to read😊seriously though, that hard work always brings and spreads good.

  205. I’ve learned that sometimes the path others expect you to follow isn’t necessarily what is best for you. I’m sure there were people who didn’t agree with a pre-med student switching to art to make a living, but you’ve proved them wrong!

  206. I learned about Joel’s humble beginnings and that excites me because I know that what I learned yesterday will be pivotal in years to come. Cherrico Pottery does a great job at teaching everyone to look for inspiration everywhere. This was a fantastic read!

  207. I learned that Joel lets his staff read during their shift, so they can continue to learn and think about new ideas and perspectives,

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