Why We Treat Everyday Like Earth Day: Beautiful, Simple Ways To Be More Environmentally Friendly

*This is a guest blog post, edited by Joel Cherrico and written by Macy Kelly: CSB/SJU Marketing Intern at Cherrico Pottery. In this post, Macy addresses the ways we practice being eco-friendly at Cherrico Pottery. 

I’ve never met anyone who loves getting a box filled with packing peanuts. We know, they make a mess. At Cherrico Pottery, it’s important that we deliver your pottery as safely and as eco-friendly as possible. That’s why our peanuts are 100% biodegradable. Sustainability is a fun challenge that we take on in multiple parts of the Cherrico Pottery process.

Packing and Shipping

During Kickstarter, we used over 1,000 egg cartons to ship 1,000 pots. Egg cartons can always be requested via email during the checkout process in place of the biodegradable packing peanuts. When a shipment from Cherrico Pottery arrives, you will see the logo hand-painted on each box. This is because there is no point in branding with paper stickers or stamps on the boxes when we strive to be as unique and real as possible, while keeping the artistic vibe alive.

In The Studio

Joel sacrificed natural gas kiln firings and Copper Red Glazes, even though he used to get gorgeous results. You can view and learn about them in these three blog posts:




His business model is devoted to long-term environmentalism. Gas kilns are easier to load and can produce beautiful pottery in bigger batches, but natural gas is a non-renewable resource. It doesn’t give opportunities to utilize free solar energy raining down from the sky. Electricity does. The electric kiln is not more environmentally friendly currently, but solar energy has the power to change that.

Kiln placement is another simple, smart choice that saves energy. Joel’s kiln is located in the middle of the studio, so it doubles as a radiant heater all winter. He also dries pottery using the heat of the kiln, saving energy and money every time he fires by being able to turn off other heaters.

Saving energy can be simple and beautiful, even with an act as simple as bringing pots outside to dry in the sun instead of using fans.

After taking a three day workshop from Steven Hill Pottery, Joel learned how to successfully apply up to 8 glaze layers on one pot. In this video, you can learn some of Steven Hill’s process too.

Cosmic Mugs have 4-5 layers of glaze each, but Joel chose not to purchase steel spray guns that Steven uses to get his magnificent colors. Spray guns require energy to fill a compressed air tank, as well as a spray booth to catch the airborne glaze chemicals. Instead, Joel created innovative ways to get similar effects simply using brushes.

It’s the same reason Joel uses kick wheels to make pottery rather than electric, motorized wheels.

Why Donations Relate to Environmentalism

Businesses aren’t required to use environmentally friendly materials or donate anything, ever. Cherrico Pottery has shipped worldwide to 16 countries, so we think it is only right to explore how we can help make the earth a better place. All of these donations are impacting the world in positive ways:

What’s Next? 

Our goal is to break ground on a new pottery studio that supports future pottery production with 100% solar fired pottery. This is a ridiculously ambitious goal, but not out of reach. If Tesla can debut an entire product launch on stored sunlight, then it must be possible to power a kiln.

If you want to help us accomplish this goal, please consider buying a pot.

🎁🎉 April Pottery Giveaway 🎁🎉

What’s one thing you do to encourage environmental sustainability? Leave a comment below before this Friday telling us one thing you do to try and be more environmentally friendly in your daily life, your job, hobbies, travel, anything! Joel will pick the best 3 comments and give them one of three pots ($459 value) totally free: World Record planter #26/159 ($159 value + $20 packing & shipping), one Cosmic Mug inspired by a Planetary Nebula ($125 + $15 packing & shipping) and one Cosmic Mug inspired by a Molecular Cloud Cluster ($125 + $15 packing & shipping).

To enter, you must leave one, genuine comment, or the moderator will not approve your comment or include you in the giveaway. Please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Please allow 24-48 hours for your comment to appear. You must also be on our email newsletter distribution list to qualify, so please make sure you are signed up. Joel will pick one winner Friday around 6pm Central and you will receive the pottery shipped to you nearly anywhere globally, totally free.

*UPDATE 4/28: ENDED. Congrats Holly, Liz and Kelsey and thanks so much to everyone who participated! Did you know that the word, “solar” was mentioned on this post/comments about 27 times and the words “recycle” and “recycling” and “recyclable” were mentioned about 275 times WOW! I hope you had as much fun reading these comments as I did. – Joel

302 Replies to “Why We Treat Everyday Like Earth Day: Beautiful, Simple Ways To Be More Environmentally Friendly”

  1. I do a few things to try and be more environmentally friendly. At home, I try to buy food that has been grown or produced locally. I also make an effort to purchase things that have as little plastic as possible.
    At work, I recycle everything. Not a single paper goes to waste. If we print something and there is an error I use the backside as scratch paper prior to recycling it. I also take public transportation to work, rather than drive.

  2. I work from home so less use of gasoline and emissions. I also refurbish furniture and turn trash into treasure!

  3. I do the usual, use reusable bags at the grocery store, pick up litter on walks and hikes, recycle glass, plastic and cardboard. Recently I have been stockpiling my junk mail, old bills, etc. and will be shredding them and using them to create paper mache sculptures. It is a little thing but I hope it will be something that will inspire my son (only six months old right now) to be and think creatively in how he takes care of our planet for the generations after him.

  4. Me and my family planted a orchard and a garden on our property and and we have let over half of our property close to 8 acres go wild to give back to the wild animals because all or are neighbors are farmers or are logging or their woods.

  5. One little thing I do to be more environmentally friendly is to bring water to work with me in my own water bottle and refill it throughout the day. I eliminated wasting 2-3 plastic water bottles a day and $3-5 per day in spending.

  6. I find myself challenging me by staying aware of what’s in my hands. Is there a way to do it that uses less “energy” of all kinds. It’s sort of like mapping your day, things I have to do and things I want to do. Making my trip a nice round trip of accomplishment, using less gas than running back and forth. There are so many things that make a difference such as full laundry loads and the dishwasher as well. I truly believe all of us doing those little things add up to huge results!

  7. At work I am very observant of what we are doing with our waste products, so I first noticed that on our Pyxis we were using a chemical paper that needs to be incinerated which is toxic to the environment. I brought this to the attention of our pharmacy & administrators. We have stopped using the paper & it also saved the company a lot of money so it was a win-win. Also, we utilize 9 volt batteries for our patients Tele packs. We were throwing them away so I started by asking my fellow colleagues to place the old batteries in a bag in our break room & when the bag is full we drop them off at Best Buy where they are recycled. I didn’t stop there either. I assisted with a pharmacist to design a Waste Disposal Chart for Nursing where pharmaceutical waste is separated into bins and disposed of properly. I believe in doing everything possible that I can do to save our environment.

  8. I use vinegar and baking soda to clean almost any and everything. They do a great job of cleaning and disinfecting. Vinegar will even act as a fabric softener in your washing machine and costs only pennies. I hate the idea of exposing my family and pets to harsh cleaning chemicals. It is also harmful to put harsh chemicals down your drain and into the water systems. I also use diatremetrous earth as a flea and ant or insect killer. It is a natural product made of of microscopic shell partials that cut into an insect and causes dehydration and death to the insects with no harm to anything else!!

  9. I buy the water bottle that are made from recycled plastic and I use my refillable bottle as much as possible.

  10. My family has become very environmentally conscious over the past few years. We have changed our diet to eat as much natural organic foods as possible. We have been studying permaculture and believe that this is one of the best ways to sustain the earth through growing our foods with NO chemicals and enriching our soil to be alive with nutrients for our foods.

  11. I feel that being environmentally friendly should be a way of life and not just one or two things that you do on a daily basis – with everything i do, i try to be mindful of my impact on the world but i also know that there is more that i could and should do. Joel, your pottery is absolutely stunning and your passion is motivation for others to be as passionate about what they love doing.

  12. I walk instead of using my car. Recycle and compost everything. The only garbage I generate is cat & dog waste. Make my own weed killer (salt, vinegar, dish soap) it works on everything and it’s environmentally & pet friendly. And, last but not least: I’m a foster failure :). I fostered a heart worm positive dog that was found running with a pack of dogs. Took care of him while he went through treatment (it’s like doggy chemo) and 6 months later he tested negative. By that time I couldn’t let him go. He blossomed into such a happy, silly boy and stole my heart. Please adopt, don’t shop ❤️

  13. Hi! To help sustain our environment my family and I make sure to recycle, during carpool lines or drive-thrus we turn off our engines, and we carpool when we can. This year on earth day my son and I planted plants in our garden together! My son is 5 so this has been the perfect time to teach him about our environment and how to protect it! He is very knowledgeable thus far! He will even ask to pick up trash if he sees it and quickly reminds me that littering is bad. So to help sustain the environment I have started to instill knowledge into my son as he is the future of this world 🙂

  14. Being environmentally friendly is hard in this day and age but with willingness and determination anything is possible. Recycling, using organic foods, using recycled water for your lawn and cars, growing own garden if possible. There are many of ways to help the earth. For some reason humans think they own the earth , no it was lent to them and if we keep destroying her the way some humans do , than eventually we won’t have a place to live. Resources can only last so long, have to be Earth friendly 😍

  15. I try to use as little plastic as possible, and try and recycle what I do use, and try to reuse the jars that some of my food comes in. I have started making my own snacks using mason jars and I am trying to put leftovers in other jars so I don’t use ziplock bags. I currently live in an apartment on my collage campus but once I move out and get my own place I would love to have a rain barrel and a some sort of compost pile for my patio garden. I have so many plans for the future that all revolve around trying to be as environmentally conscious as posable that it would be hard to list it all but I am doing what I can with what I have at the moment even though I wish I could do more.

  16. I like to repurpose as many things as possible for creative projects. Mixed media art creates so many possibilities to recycle unique elements that would otherwise just end up in overflowing landfills.

  17. Hello! My name is Amber. I am a stay at home mom of 2 girls. We homeschool and we keep green by gardening, canning, and composting our foods. This also allows us to eat less packaged foods ,create less waste, and live a healthier lifestyle. Since we grow our own food organically there are no pesticides and no extr packaging needed 🙂 Thank you for staying green and creating a better future for future generations.

  18. I have become a recycle freak and encourage my family and friends. Will not throw trash outside on the ground ,will carry it in my purse till I can find a trash can. I love nature and intend to protect it anyway I can. I love your work, it’s amazing!

  19. We go out and plant a tree every year to combat the green house gases we also with our nature conservancy we get a plot by the river and grow our own fruits and veggies to reduce our carbon foot print and also looking into man lake bees to start our own honey bee colony

  20. I recycle my trash, separate the plastics, aluminum, paper, etc. I put compost to include coffee grounds into my vegetable garden. I’m not very good at growing yet but I’m trying!!

  21. I lke to reuse as much stuff as i can. As a crafter i can look at an object most people think is trash and transform it i to something beautiful. I have used old cans from soup or veggies and turned them into pencil holders. I reuse old clothes and turn them into doll clothes. I habe used toilet paper rolls and make toys for our guinea pig and hamster. So many little things that over time truely add up.

  22. We have always worked on being environmentally conscience by recycling and reusing products. But recently we’ve had to up our game because of our 10 year old. He’s become very passionate about all things environmental. He’s teaching us how to look at the world differently – not just by recycling but by making the world a better place.

  23. The most consistent environmentally friendly thing we do in our house is recycle. We have separate receptacles for recyclable items. Even our 4 year old does her part – which I love! Every time she has something to toss, she tells us which bin it needs to go in. 🙂 Fairly recently we also started using reusable containers for water/coffee. Sooooo much better, and much less waste. And, I drink more water, so win-win! We do a bit of composting, and also use collected rainwater to water our plants (4 year old pitches in here, as well. She has her own tiny watering can). 🙂

    1. Fantastic! Check your email please, because we’re sending you World Record Planter #26 with an Official Certificate of Authenticity 🙂 Great example of how environmentally friendly tasks don’t need to be complicated. Daily practice and teaching your loved ones about simple things can be powerful.

      Thanks so much for participating, everyone! Did you know that the word, “solar” was mentioned about 27 times and the words “recycle” and “recycling” and “recyclable” were mentioned about 275 times WOW! I hope you had as much fun reading these comments as I did.

  24. We are in the process of getting solar panels. We reuse items as much as we can. We have a garden and raise our own beef. We get our eggs from friends which are all raised organically. We no longer buy water bottles or soda bottles. We refill our water cups we have. We try to carpool as much as possible. We try to find more then one purpose or use for everything we buy.

  25. I work at an Aquarium and we reduce, reuse, and recycle everything! We help stranded animals found on our beaches and other places. Nine times out of ten, the animal is caught is come piece of plastic or netting or some other kind of material which has no business in our ocean. We teach children and even adults about the environment and how incredibly important it is to to conserve, protect, and respect where you live and really how you live. It has carried over to my personal life as well. I use no chemical cleaners anymore at my home, recycle as much as possible or repurpose it for another project. When I take my dog to the park or see something on the street or field where it doesn’t belong, I just pick up and put it where it belongs, be that a trash can or recycle bin. We only have one world and we need to protect it as much as we can.

  26. I make my own laundry soap. I’m not buying all of those plastic bottles that laundry soap comes in. I’m not using harsh chemicals and my clothes get just as clean and smell good too. I also do the normal recycling.

  27. I work from home using less gas, I use reusable grocery bags at the store, I watch very carefully what I buy so the trash is minimal. With 5 boys in the house I’m trying to teach them the foot print we leave is very important for their future.

  28. We recycle and compost, which in turn goes into our garden
    Don’t use harsh chemicals when cleaning , good old vinegar and soda get the job done. So there is a cut down in buying plastic bottles and containers.
    Always picking up garbage and recycles that are thrown out by people that aren’t concerned about our environment . Use led and solar for lighting to cut down on the power.

  29. My husband and I will make several trips to our little recycle center to drop off recyclables. Finally got our pack of seeds in the mail to plant for the honeybees! We try to remember to use our water bottles but that doesn’t always happen so that is when we go to the recycle center!

  30. I teach my family to reduce their consumer footprint and reuse what we have. We buy as much as we can second hand. There is enough junk already on the planet and I don’t create a “demand” for more. We buy used clothes and furniture which is more unique and exciting to find cool pieces versus buying generic crap that taxes our planet and people. We also have a garden (in Bloomington, Mn) and we grow lots of good food for the family and share with our neighbors. We even have our own compost where we can put our food waste back in the ground. There are so many ways to use what we have and make it work. Yesterday I found some swings on the side of the road and I turned them into a swing set for my 4 year old daughter. It is so much more satisfying than ordering stuff from a shelf!

  31. Once my kids went to school I bought stainless steal lunch boxes and reusable bags for snacks! Now everyday lunch is waste free!
    My biggest win was training myself to never forget my reusable grocery bags!
    Happy earth day!
    I love that you use eco friendly way in your work even though it would be easier to go with the electric when and spray gun!

  32. I “upgraded” my car from an SUV to a hybrid. While not completely environmentally friendly, it is a step in the right direction, both for the environment and financially.

    Similarly, we upgraded our life by downgrading to a smeller home. There’s less waste on everything because we live more purposefully. Items are only bought if there is a true need, our energy costs are drastically lower, and we’ve updated an old, ugly house, by salvaging as many components as possible.

    We installed rain barrels to capture water runoff which is used to water our raised bed garden bed. This year we’ll plant native prairie grasses near the edge of our property where there is perpetual wetlands. We’re hoping it will reduce soil erosion and disguise and be a natural habitat.

    1. Awesome! Check your email please, because we’re sending you a free Cosmic Mug 🙂 Congrats on making so many life choices to revolutionize how your minimize harmful impact to our planet, while actively working to improve by planting native prairie. Nice!

      Thanks so much for participating, everyone! Did you know that the word, “solar” was mentioned about 27 times and the words “recycle” and “recycling” and “recyclable” were mentioned about 275 times WOW! I hope you had as much fun reading these comments as I did.

  33. I used reusable grocery bags when I can. I do a lot of shopping at antique stores, thrift stores, Craigslist, Facebook garage sales for household items and other stuff. I make jewelry out of broken china and suncatchers out of tarnished and discarded silver service tea pots. So much of what people discard can be reused. Thirdly I used environmentally safe products around the house. They are safer for us and the earth. Double win there!

  34. Other than reusing and recycling and making sure to produce little waste myself, I make sure to teach my daycare kids why and how to recycle and reuse everyday products. They know that it helps the planet and the animals. Teaching them how to be environmentally friendly at a young age is key to helping them develop good habits when it comes to recycling and waste.

  35. We recycle pretty much everything at our house. I use reusable water bottles and reusable bags for when shopping. One thing I’m proud of is that I showed my son (he’s 5yrs old)never to litter. So he came up with the idea of going out and cleaning our streets. We walk around our neighborhood and parks cleaning them up. Of course we recycle what we find as we do at home♼. Some people really don’t think nothing of littering but it’s a major problem. I hope that what we do around our city and neighborhood inspires others to do the same. Especially with their children. They are the future and should learn how to take care and love our planet 🌱🌎

  36. There are a few things I do to be more environmentally friendly. I work with kindergarten students. I have a class full of 13 kiddos that I call a part of my family. In the classroom, I teach and model for them constantly about being more environmentally conscious. Together, we recycle paper and plastic. We take old items such as cans, and turn them into pencil holders. We learned to reduce the amount of water we use, as well as electricity. Personally, I bring in a reusable water bottle each day, and to buy more local organic foods.

  37. We are extremely fortunate in our little town to have an amazing recycling program. We also do our best to buy organic products.

  38. We recycle, and teach our children to do the same, while discussing just how important this is to the environment.

  39. I try to be more environmentally friendly by having mulitple uses for everything. I also work from home atleast half the week to use less gas. I have a huge garden that I grew each year. I don’t do huge things but I hope the few things I do help.

  40. I have worked in the restaurant business for nearly 20 years. Single use straws are my biggest pet peeve and, I believe, one of the largest contributors to plastic waste. Hundreds of millions are used by restaurants EVERY day and the least thought about when it comes to recycling. They are also made with polypropylene with requires fossil fuel extraction to make. I quit using straws a couple years ago, but I am automatically offered one every single time at restaurants. It is like a bad habit. Although it may seem small, it is a big part of the environmental picture. Check out the campaign, One less straw.

  41. I read this book when I was a kid, it was a Full House book on how Michelle Tanner wanted to win this Earth day competition. And she was gong too the extreme inn her house. Since then, I try to not be extreme for my family members who don’t do much. I don’t want to make them feel like their efforts don’t matter, when they do.

    So the few things I do and can get everyone on board with are:
    Recycling. Simplest one since the city provides the bin and doesn’t charge an extra fee to pick up.
    Glass water bottle at work. I can a plastic one, but the water would taste odd after half a day sitting there when I’d greet busy, so I would stump and refill. Not anymore!
    Not running water while i do anything at the sink. I get whatever i need wet and then turn off the water, do my thing. Then turn on to rinse or wash.
    Shorter showers. Less then 10 minutes.
    And then I’ve recently been getting my husband fyi use e85 over regular fuel. Since his car can run on it.

  42. My family and I have recently moved to the most beautiful homestead in the middle of our local state forest in hopes to be as close to “off grid” as possible. I am slowly, but surely, gaining all of what is needed to start up my own small ceramics studio. It hasn’t been easy but with the help of our budding gardens and our backyard chickens I can only hope that my dreams come true to have the ability to create pieces once again. I love your work and you are truly an inspiration. Good luck in all your endeavors! Thanks for sharing your journey with us!

    1. I fill the same water container daily instead of buying plastic water bottles. I also make sure I cut the plastic soda can holders so animals do not get entangled in it. Lastly, although I am a carnivore and eat meat. I like to dedicate one day out of the week (meatless Monday) where I am consciously limiting my consumption of the earths furry friends. ✌💜☕

  43. I don’t use chemicals in my garden and I’m working on adding more native plants to support birds, bees and butterflies..

  44. Hi all at Cherrico….I have pushed my family for years to be mindful of Mother Earth and the consequences if we don’t take care of her! Recycling and Upcycling are two great ways to start…also, turning up the thermostat in Summer and down in Winter. Shovel the snow rather than snowblow it, a good workout to boot! Try to take quicker showers, don’t run water while brushing teeth…so many ways we try to do our part! Every little action helps! Just wanted to say that I Love watching your incredible talent, so mesmerizing and relaxing!

  45. Over the past few years my family and I have been really trying to be conscious of what we use to clean and what we put in our bodies. We always use refillable cups and bottles so we aren’t putting more plastic in our landfills. We always recycle everything we possibly can in our small town. We don’t use harsh chemicals to clean with, we use energy saving light bulbs in our house and solar powered lights. We try to buy all locally grown fruits and veggies to not only be healthier but also help out small businesses. We are teaching our children how important it is to take care of our Earth 🌏. Thank you.

  46. As a homeschooling family we are always recycling. From our papers used for school to our pet rabbit poop (his name is Mr. Nibbles). We composte his waste and use it in our garden. No better way to teach the kids about the effects of composting, than growing and eating our own vegetables with the nitrogen-enriched soil provided by Mr. Nibbles (who also loves the vegetables we grow).

  47. I personally use my hobby to help with the sustainability of our wonderful planet. I literally trash pick some ‘well loved’ items and then upcycle them back into useful and pretty things!! I am also sharing my desire to be green with my children by planting our own veggies and trees. We have veggies to help feed us and reduce packaging waste and we plant trees every year to help with the over forestation that has been taking place for decades. I know it’s not a ton of help, but I teach my girls that you’re either part of the problem or part of the solution and any little bit is something! 🙂

  48. In our house we open up the curtains/blinds and let the natural light in as much as possible instead of turning on every light on in the house throughout the day.

    We use natural-based cleaners and vinegar to clean around the house. Vinegar is some tough stuff!

    We also grow our own garden of all of the fruits & veggies we like to eat over the summer and use the scraps to make amazing broths for soup or compost.

    Happy 🌎 Day! It’s great to hear all of the efforts you are making to make Cherrico Pottery an Earth Friendly company.

  49. Reduce,Reuse and Recycle. It’s that simple! I work from home as a childcare provider and teaching my little ones to be cautious of waste and making something out of nothing is daily fun in our house. Disposing things properly is so very important. I love that you are so passionate about everything you touch. You can tell you put so much thought in everything you do! We made a craft with your packing peanuts the cosmic tissue paper is stored away for something terrific. And the box you shipped my mug in is a little treasure storing things in my basement. When I see that little mountain painting it makes me smile every time!

  50. Easy: I recycle 95% of my trash cause I buy only recycled items.
    Since I just moved from North America to South America I’ve been educating the people on plastic. Everywhere you look is plastic. So maybe reasons why it isn’t good.
    Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your beautiful items.
    I love watching you 😍

  51. I use reusable grocery bags, grow my own plants (organic of course, no chemicals), recycle, and my future goal is to get a Tesla or any electric car for no emission.

  52. I’ve always been environmentally conscious. Even with the water bottles I drink I’ve always recycled them and most recently I’ve been giving them to the volunteers at a local chimp rescue. They use them for enrichment activities. They make the chimps smoothies and freeze them on a hot day, the chimps go nuts!

  53. Reduce, reuse and recycle. I practice all 3, however, the biggest impact for myself is slowly becoming a minimalist. Purging and donating all things that don’t bring happiness or don’t have a daily use has given me the most eye opening experience. If I win the cup, it would be the only cup I would use in my home.

  54. Coffee is life… but it can lead to waste- especially when you work in a world full of Keurigs. In my (very busy) office- several of us teamed together and donated several dozen mugs to the kitchens which could be reused and not wasted like the styrofoam cups. We also have donated French Presses to the kitchens- and keep fresh ground coffee in jars in each location. We have greatly reduced the number of wasteful k-cups and styrofoam by providing a more fun and hip way to enjoy your coffee. For those few that still use the keurigs, we have posted reminders about the importance of using the recycling boxes (reminding people that the cups are NOT fully recyclable- and that using the provided options are the best). People LOVE the new set up. …although sometimes they fight over who gets the coolest mug.

  55. Our family is trying to make a positive impact on the environment. My husband works for a solar power company here in Maine & we believe strongly in power of the sun. We have a small solar panel to charge the batteries on our tiny camper. It’s amazing to see it charging all year long.
    We also belong to a CSA so fresh, local & organic fruits, vegetables & eggs are delivered to us for the duration of the growing season. Nothing beats the taste of organic Maine strawberries. Delicious!
    We also recycle anything & everything that our recycling center will take. It’s so convenient & easy to recycle these days. All we have to do is sort cardboard & paper into one bin & everything else goes into another bin. Plus, we get 5 cents back on bottles & cans. Bonus!
    I also teach my kids about the importance of taking care of Mother Earth. Even our small family can make a difference. Whether it’s picking up litter/bottles on our hike, not keeping the water running while brushing our teeth, shutting off the lights when leaving a room, buying local or any other small change- it all adds up!

  56. I am blessed enough to work from home so that saves on some resources. On days such as this in Florida, lower humidity, I just open the windows and save the AC for truly hot days. I separate out the trash to make sure what can be recycled will be recycled.

    I also have started buying more whole Foods which this reduces waste by quite a bit!

    I just met up with a lady who plans mission trips. Their trips always include a sustainable action, such as solar electric, water systems, gardening that I will be joining up with. Love this!

    Really looking forward to seeing how your solar kiln works! Great work with the packing peanuts.

  57. First time your video popped up. You were so interesting and informative about your Art. I could tell I would learn from you and I have watching other videos. I bought a cup shared it at class told other clay players about you. I love your dedication and love my cup. Thanks for all you do.

  58. I’m only one person but every little thing helps. I try buying local produce. I try supporting organic food companies. I got into using essential oils for everything to cleaning, to beauty care, to perfumes. No more releasing chemical filled crap into the air for this girl!
    I recently started reading up on henna hair dyes too. I don’t like the idea that all those nasty chemicals from typical dye get washed down the drain 🙁

  59. Firstly I love what you do and how ecofriendly you are trying to be. The best thing I do on a daily basis to help our environment is trach my children what it means to respect our planet. Whether it’s teaching them about littering ourselves and how it’s our job even if the garbage is not ours to pick it up to keep our home(Earth) clean. If I don’t model this behavior for them then it’s not as effective. So it helps us all be more concionce. We talk about the animals and how to keep them safe, plant gardens, we talk about science all the time which helps because having a love of science can really help figure out solutions for larger scale problems. My youngest son would live outside if I let him. It makes me feel like I’m making an important contribution.

  60. I work at a school cleaning. Where a company will come and take our recycling for free. I try to encourage or set the example of recycling. I also rescue items from the trash. If it is usable I normally donate those items to a second hand store. Also I have a trash to cash projects. I will take items from the trash and turn them into art. Recently found three nice wood pallets. I painted them w Americana themed and sold them.
    Also I changed my diet to a vegan diet. I love animals and the mega farms produce so much animal waste and cruelty.
    Happy Earth Day Everyone.

  61. I shop at a grocery store that actually encourages conservation! So, naturally I bring my own shopping bags 😊

  62. I make my own weed killer with vinegar and dish soap. I reuse any packing materials that I can when I need to ship items. I feed the vegetable scraps to my goats instead of tossing them. I refurbish old furniture and give it a new life. My grandma lived through the depression, she is 96 years old and inspires me to reuse and recycle. I try to ask myself how something can be used again or in a different way.

  63. Around the house I try to buy as many paper products as I can to reduce waste. Our town actually has no recycling program (it kills me!!!!) because they say we don’t have the necessary population for it. I also buy in bulk since there’s next to zero packaging and we’ve started a BIG garden this year as well. It’s a fully organic garden so I refuse to use fertilizers and pesticides so I’m also making our own natural alternatives. This includes using a large portion of our kitchen scraps and some paper products for compost! It’s a great way to reduce our waste and our plants will flourish. I also plan on trading our extra produce with others in town especially for free range chicken eggs. Anything that keeps people out of plastic filled supermarkets and promotes a sense of community is a win in my book!

    I also love to raise money for important charities that help with conservation! Like you, we also plan to sell specialty items to help raise money for causes such as shark conservation, bee conservation, protecting our coral reefs, & other conservation efforts that people don’t often think about, but are so important. Be a voice to those without one! ♡

    Hope you have a wonderful day!
    – Stephanie

  64. As a nurse in the hospital we use a lot of product, most unfortunately is non recyclable. I have become more conscious in what can and can not be recycled. I will recycle any packaging and help break down boxes to be recycled when new supplies come in.

  65. So in our family we have switched all of our cleaning supplies to all natural supplies, I buy recycled household paper, when we leave a room the lights go out, we don’t leave the water running unnecessarily and we pick up all feast we see as we walk along. My kids do it without be told which is awesome to me, I try to buy locally as often as possible

  66. I think the biggest thing we can do is teach our children how to care for and appreciate the environment. Educate them and be a good example every day. Explore the world with them. Show them how to garden, compost, reduce waste, recycle, etc. Help them learn that we can all make a difference.

  67. I recycle at work…all paper and plastic. I have recently discovered DoTERRA essential oils which I now use to make my laundry soap (smells amazing by the way) to eliminate toxins as well as my dish soap and all of my household cleaners, oh and I use wool dryer balls instead of laundry softener dryer sheets. It makes me feel good to know the soap I’m using to wash our clothes is toxic free. The dish soap I’m using is safe for my kids and doesn’t leave a nasty residue. The household cleaner I use isn’t spraying a bunch of crap into the air when I use it. I’ll be honest, I didn’t start really caring about toxic waste or recycling until about two years ago. I feel pretty crummy about that. But I guess it’s better late than never.

  68. I do many things to lessen my impact on the environment. I recycle, have a compost bin and a garden. I never litter and pick up litter when possible, I also don’t buy disposable dishes/utensils. I use towels instead of paper towels for most things and I use reusable water bottles and grocery bags. I only shower every second day unless needed and have a low flow shower head. I also never leave the tap on when I’m brushing my teeth. I wash my dishes by hand using one sink for soapy water and the other plain water for rinsing. I turn off the tv, radio, etc. when not in use. I buy used items instead of new when possible and I try to take very good care of my belongings so that they last a long time and if something needs to be repaired I try to fix it first instead of buying new. I cut up used paper and envelopes from letters to write on instead of buying note paper or write my notes in my phone. I line dry my clothing and sometimes even hand wash items. I make my own cleaning supplies because I hate the thought of using chemicals. When cooking I use residual heat when possible. I also don’t eat animals which helps the environment in many ways.

  69. Just out of high school in 2011 I went to a community college and in my ecology class for our final we had to showcase something about ecology not discussed during lecture or lab or one of our field trips that should be discussed in the next classes. My aunt and a few friends that I know had bee hives to sell local fully organic honey. And they were passionate about stopping colony collapse disorder. In 2011 colony collapse disorder wasn’t too popular to the public yet and a lot of people were still skeptical about it.

    For the project I created an emergency news bulletin about how 75% of our local produce would not survive after the year to start off and all od the possibilities if bees were to die out. Not only did that discussion cause the professor to talk about colony collapse disorder I wad able to petition the college to create a garden with bee friendly plants and the classes now goes to local farms and ranches and helps teach them how to use less pesticides.

    Since then the bee population becoming endangered has become for public and I support bee growth 100% by having bee friendly plants in my garden, not using pesticides or herbicides. I also catch as much grey water from sinks as possible. I use the grey water for my paint brushes, and plants. I grow only chemical free plants. I can only do so much with the little yard that I have but I feel like getting my local bee and butter fly population up is the most important thing to do right now.

    I remember seeing hundreds of bees a day growing up and thdn suddenly not seeing any. My household also supports fisheries and practices safe catch and release when we fish.

    I walk wherever I can rather than driving and when I do drive its because the distance is greater than two miles from my house.

  70. I’m a preschool teacher/director
    And we reuse everything we can to make creative art /sculptures from older playdough our found art bins are always full!

  71. The office park where my non profit is located doesn’t recycle. I organized a community lead recycling schedule where we take shifts to bring the recycling to the center to keep it out of the garbage. As a fun incentive to recycle, I give out prizes from my own clothing business for the offices which remember to continuously recycle and the volunteers who take the gathered items to the recycling center. We share a space with the Girl Scouts and they also pitched in cookies as incentives to continue. It’s only one building but it’s pounds of plastic that would’ve ended up in the trash. I was amazing how much was going in the trash before my organization moved there 4 months ago.

  72. My husband, my son and I are huge nature lovers. Even on vacation [currently on one] we plan them around National & State Parks. We of course do all the daily norm by recycling, using reusable water bottles, buy second hand, limit plastic waste, buy from local, organic farmers, etc. But our largest contribution to the environment is being a Vegan family. Together as a family we save over 500 animals a year and vow to cause the least amount of harm to the Earth and all of its inhabitants that we can.

  73. The biggest thing that I’ve done besides regular recycling, is planting over a thousand trees last year! Trees off set your carbon footprint by absorbing roughly 50 pounds of carbon dioxide a year, as well as contributing roughly 260 pounds of oxygen per year. The best way to care for your future is to plant a tree! I also plant a garden and grow my own food, using composting techniques as well as rain water barrells (I live in a high altitude dessert so this only helps so much). The best was I can help the planet is to reduce my impact on it.

  74. I am just starting out in pottery and have 3 dogs who do a vast amount of pooing and am looking into how I can turn this poo into energy, my husband is also in the proses of making things from scrap, and we have just moved so intend to get chickens and have a veggi patch anything we can do to save our planet

  75. I have kids, 6 and 9, and I taught them we always leave a place better than we found it. When we hike, camp or go to the beach we always pick up trash we find. We have taught them to turn the water off when they brush their teeth and to take fast shower. Having lots of conversations with children about taking care of the planet is so very important and probably my biggest impact on the future of our planet. I recycle at home. My work did not recycle because it cost for recycling pick up. I have set up recycling bins at work and I take the recycling home from work and cover that cost. With kids events, we try to carpool with teammates for practices. We are also very aware of packaging, practice buy local and supporting small businesses.

  76. We do not buy styrofoam anything, We recycle everything possible, We reuse cups to conserve water, we take short showers, we teach our 2 daughters about water conservation and recycling, we pick up trash in our local parks and I make organic natural house hold cleaner.

  77. My friends and I put together Jimthorpeearthday.com it helps the community out every way possible. We had the celebration this passed Saturday! Always so much fun. River clean up to educating the kidos on environment.

  78. I’ve been teaching my 4 year old about being more Environmentally Conscious.
    And what I mean is to treat the Whole World with Respect.

    He likes taking the compost out, and going for walks, he loves Turning off the lights we are not using in the house, he helps me Hang the laundry on the the clothesline.

    I’ve also been teaching him about helping the animals because we are all a part of the Chain of Life, we feed a mamma deer on our front lawn every day, and put clover out for the Rabbits.

    I also teach him about connecting with our family members through other means of Entertainment (Not TV) we play Board games, and color.

    We Reuse, Recycle, always have, we grow our own Potato, Carrots and Sunflowers to feed the Birds each Summer, although last year the Deer ate most of our Carrots. (lol Not a happy little Boy)

    I’m trying to show my boy, that in this technology biased world that not every thing comes from the Internet. we try to live small, within our means, and try to lessen our Carbon Footprint as much as possible.

    I want to show my boy that yes, we have been wasteful in the past, but if we start now, we might be able to slow the Harmfulness we have caused. and there might be something left for our future to enjoy.

  79. My husband and I are beekeepers. Our goal is to provide bees to organic farms to aid in pollination. We use a hive that is very natural for the bees and allows them to make more wax. The wax can then be used to make chemicals free beauty products like lotions and soap.

  80. This past year I’ve switched my diet, to vegetarianism, to support the environment. Since, meat consumers enable the agricultural business to deforest and destroy natural habitats to crop land for cattle use. Also, most of the greenhouse gas, methane, production comes from cattle. So, by switching my diet I do not support the agricultural business in harming our planet and animals! 🙂

  81. My family does a couple of things to be environmentally friendly. We have two kids in diapers and only use cloth, this goes for wipes as well. We grow our own food using our own compost as fertilizer and some of our property (10 acres) is managed by our pigs. We recycle everything our local convenience centers will allow. We also don’t always water the garden with our well water, whenever available we have rain pails that store the water for animal and garden use. During the day if the temperatures are completely unbearable (the sweet southern summers) we turn our thermostat to a higher temp so we are not using as much electricity when we aren’t there and cool the house when we are.

  82. Hello, I watched you make pottery for the first time last week through a facebook live stream. It was memorizing. Its awesome that you are doing what you love to do and also being environmentlly conscious. I’ve tried pottery once time in my life, after watching you I would love to get back into it.

    Melissa P

  83. My husband and I have been taking small steps over the years to become more environmentally friendly in our home. We started out by recycling and cutting down on waste that was being sent to dumps. We even recycle electronics and glass! With that being said a lot of products we purchase can be recycled. We also have replaced every light bulb in our home to more energy efficient ones. It’s not solar panels but we definitely want to invent in those in the future! Instead of using plastic or paper bags at local grocery stores, we bring our own recycled bags. I just recently found out that products with micro beads are not good for the environment because they are so tiny they can slip through water treatment systems and find their ways into lakes, etc. These are made of plastic and sometimes the fish see these tiny plastic balls as food. So I’ve made it a point to triple check when buying something to make sure it doesn’t contain microbeads. I know I named more than one way we are environmentally friendly and i cools name more ways l, but I think it’s good to show people what options they have to take a step into saving our planet. Even starting out small can produce a big change!

  84. I walk my dog veryday. So much trash on the side of the roads. That I try and pick up has much has I can. I wanna get one of those garbage pickers instead of a walking stick. Me and my mom also recycle everything. I do has much has I can possible to keep our planet clean. Since we only have one to live on after all.

  85. My work doesn’t currently recycle, so I made a designated recycling bin and places it in the kitchen, at the end of the week I take those items to the recycling center. I also collect the K-Cups used in my office, I repurpose those by using them for crafts, and starting seeds.

  86. I try and make sure every dollar I spend goes to local eco friendly businesses and not to giant corporations. I think we sort of “vote” with our spending.

  87. There are many things we do to help decrease our carbon footprint in our home but I believe the thing we do that makes the biggest impact is recycling plastics, papers, and metals, among other items. Our city has a recycling program so my family and I have become conscience to breakdown and place all recyclable products in the recycle bin. I was absolutely shocked at the amount of “garbage” that we turned into recycle. We have decreased what goes into the garbage bin by over half!!! We have been doing this for over 10 years now. I love that all of the product packaging goes to the recycle plant rather than the landfill. We are also preparing to start a compost station that we will start using this summer with our garden. I believe it is super important for everyone to do what we can to reduce our carbon footprint and to keep earth as clean as we possible can. This is our home and we need to take care of it.

  88. i grew up in the countryside. when i moved to Hamburg i got myself a cheap apartment and a huge garden. all i need and want i build by myself, i avoid plastic and buy mostly second hand. i just started an apprenticeship to become a carpentress. i grow organic vegetables and fruits in my garden and on my balcony and passively inspire my friends and strangers from the city to a more sustainable lifestyle while i figure out new ways of upcycling. there’s a natural alternative to every product and process. every day i learn something new. i’d like to replace every garbage bin in the city with a composter some day..

  89. Ive had alot of struggles in my life recently and thanks to you I have fallen in love with the art of pottery! I love watching your videos! And now im thinking about learning to throw clay. I am a very crafty person and would LOVE to own one of your mugs! That would mean the world to me! Thank you for changing my life!

  90. I plant flowers that help save the bees. In the spring is crocus, hyacinth and wild lilacs. I. The summer is snapdragon, foxglove and hostas. In the fall is zinnias, asters and goldenrod. I encourage my neighbors to plant the same. I recycle and teach my children to recycle as well. I use reusable bags at the grocery store instead of plastic bags. I have changed all my light bulbs from fluorescent to LED to lower my energy consumption. I wash all my clothes in cold water to save energy. I shop local farmers markets (I am only 30 minutes from Amish country) for fresh vegetables, meats and cheeses. These are just a few things that I do to be more environmentally friendly. Thank you for your beautiful heart and the opportunity to read everyone’s comments. I am learning more things I can do!

  91. I use a Brita jug to filter my water instead of buying bottled water. Also, bringing my own reusable bags to the grocery store instead of using plastic. My girlfriend and I are currently building a vegetable garden to grow vegetables and fruits as organically as possible.

  92. I am in college currently, so I am able to be a little more environmentally friendly in my daily life. I always walk to class, and pretty much everywhere else that I can walk! At my house we recycle everything and always try to give things another purpose or a second life. We also have a little garden and we use natural and organic plant food only, no bad chemicals!

  93. I recycle *everything* in my house that can be recycled! I have a giant recycling container in my kitchen (95 gallons) and it is overflowing by the time the bi-weekly pickup comes around. All sorts of plastics, cardboard shipping (yes, even your pretty ones, Joel!) boxes that I can’t otherwise use for storage, cans, bottles, and even cotton fabrics sometimes that I don’t compost in my garden under the organic mulch.

  94. We have a backyard garden, shop at our farmers markets, use recycled grocery bags, ride our bikes to locations when we can.. we recycle our plastics and glass.. mend our clothes and home goods instead of tossing them and getting new things.. I repurpose items all the time.. learning about solar energy to one day start that.

  95. The one thing that I do that I feel is the most important to contribute to environmental sustainability is teaching what I know to my children to ensure that it doesn’t stop with me. My family and I try our best to do our part with small things such as recycling, conserving, reusing and so on, but to me if I don’t pass it on to my children and make sure that they know the importance and what they can do then there is no reason for me to even do it myself! It starts with knowledge and I’m making sure that my boys have it!

  96. Here’s a little something to help the environment that I am part of both on the job and at home. I work in the veterinary medicine field, so aside from owning a pup of my own, I see many on a daily basis. A lot of dogs means a lot of poo! We try to keep the premises clean, because our clients and patients deserve it, and it’s the courteous thing to do! At home, as a renter, I maintain the same level of respect for those I share the grounds with. While picking up after your pet is a great thing, you’re not necessarily doing the environment any favors depending on what type of bag you choose to clean up. Those extra shopping bags can be a tempting choice. I’m proud that I’m part of a business that only supplies biodegradable bags for waste, as well as any medications/supplies we send home! I make sure to apply this same simple practice at home as well. Maybe not the grandest of gestures, but cumulatively it has a large, positive impact on our mother earth!

  97. My family try to do several things like cloth diapering, recycling, using reusable bags but the main thing I try to do in my eco-friendly cleaning business is to show and educate other families on using eco-friendly cleaning products for the health of their families and the earth! We only have one & we are borrowing it from our children!

  98. Our small town just started picking up recycling! So encouraging! We separate everything now. I’ve been using natural things to clean my home for years, baking soda, lemon juice, etc. In my spare time, I love to redo old furniture and make things out of found objects.

  99. Bread baking! I know this sounds crazy, but in an effort to not only provide a sustainable income for our church as well as provide our neighbors with the freshest, healthiest loaves, our church is piloting a community supported bakery. We source our grains locally, and our bread is four ingredients: flour, water, salt, and a tiny bit of yeast. That’s it.

    Additionally, our church runs weekly meals using fresh produce from our partner organic farm. We gather together in the kitchen, making soup and baking bread for our dinner together around the table, discussing some of the toughest questions around. At our church, we pass the plate differently.

    We’re gearing up for our farmer’s market season at the moment, so we’re super excited to get back out into the field! That’s how we do sustainability.

  100. My husband and I try to reduce our footprint as much as possible. We recycle all that we can. We have stopped buying packs of bottled water, we use leftover coffee grinds and veggie scraps as fertilizer for our gardens, and I have picked up the hobby of up-cycling old furniture pieces. I guess if everyone does a little it goes a long way. 🙂

  101. Firstly, being a good human every day! I recycle what I can, pick up trash if I see it laying in the street, growing and eating locally to support the community. One of the hardest to accomplish with two small kids is using reusable containers in their lunch boxes every day, instead of baggies or foil. Which raises another question, is it more environmentally friendly if I’m using more water to wash these products and spending more money on the lost containers that need to be replaced?! Things that make you go hmmmm!! Either way, I try my best to keep earth clean!

  102. My husband is a cabinet maker. It’s not always the most environmentally friendly job, though he does try to use the most sustainable products possible. One thing I do to be environmentally friendly is to use his scraps to make signs & art. It makes me a little money, minimizes the amount of waste he creates, and I get to use my energy to create stuff that people display in their homes!

  103. As much as I hate plastic, I can’t get away from them when buying milk. My small town does not carry the glass bottles that I could refill with milk. I like to make empty jugs useful by planting herbs in them. All I do is cut the top portion off, fill it with dirt and some seeds, and poke a few small holes in the bottom for water drainage. I feel rewarded with this act of recycling because I get herbs to cook with and I get the satisfaction of helping the planet.

  104. I feel like constantly reminding myself of all the beauty and bounty that this shared planet offers our species is the best way to pay tribute to our Earth. With this perspective, I find it’s second nature to be respectful and grateful for what it offers us and, conversely, I find it very difficult to do anything that would adversely affect this home of ours. People, over time, tend to become desensitized to all that Earth offers us…they stop looking at the miracles around us with wonderment and perceive them as ordinary. I advocate for the Earth everyday by reminding myself and others that our home is a miraculous gift. One recieved everyday of life. I’m so thankful for it. What has it gifted you today?

  105. I’m a stay at home mom. And out of all the snacks and little meals that I fix everyday, it would be so easy to use paper plates & bowls, plastic spoons and forks. I could just toss the whole thing in the garbage when they’re done. But, instead we use real washable plates and bowls and silverware. It adds to my chore list to wash it all.. but it makes me feel better knowing that I am not adding to the already mountainous pile of paper and plastics in the landfill. That’s one way that I help to keep the earth beautiful : )

  106. I always feel like I should do more to recycle and reduce my household’s waste. One thing I do is make sure to save all of the plastic shopping bags we receive to reuse or take back to the store to be recycled.

  107. I don’t drive much anymore, I used to drive as a job and outside of work. Now I’m on maternity leave I walk everywhere (fresh air for me and baby) and I’m not driving my van and polluting that way either. Plus all baby clothes that he grows out of, are donated to a family in Gambia that my partners colleague sponsors so the clothes are recycled too!

  108. I am very very environmental conscious, I use reusable shopping 95% of the time and when I’m not using those I use brown paper bags, My boys like to color and paint on them and we use it as wrapping paper. We are extremely big on reusing or recycling, as well as composting so we have little waste. We purchase from and support companies that are “green”. We buy all natural products, We buy local as much as possible. One of our favorite things to do every spring is plant flowers that keep the bees around they are essential for the environment. And whenever we see litter no matter where we are we clean it up and dispose of properly weather it be recycling or trash. That trend is one my boys started makes me so proud that they are taking initiative for a better environment something we all should be doing 🙂

  109. I purchase items in smaller quantities so they are used by my family before they go bad. If an item goes bad, we put it in our compost pile to use as fertilizer on my flower gardens. When it is “chillier” during the winter, we keep the heat at a lower level to use less fuel oil and electricity to keep the house warm. My boys have learned, layers and socks are a necessity! 🙂 I refill water bottles and reuse ziploc bags rather than throwing them out after one use. Rather than washing an item of clothing after one wear – if it is not dirty – fold it up or hang it back in the closet for another time. With three teenage boys – this helps save on laundry for a few weeks.

  110. I try to be more ecologically conscious by trying to substitute almost all chemical based products with natural options. I use cucumbers and pie tins to prevent ants, soap to keep rabbits from eating the garden that I grow to donate to friends and family and limit the amount of pesticides we come into contact with. I cannot afford much but I do what I can to help out.

  111. I use reusable water bottles and bags for grocery shopping. We have a 3′ tall recycle bin and fill it every week with everything we can recycle. I make sure we limit our water use. I teach my daughter about trees and how important they are. We plant a new one every year.

  112. What a totally cool giveaway, thank you for this! I take my reusable water bottle with me everywhere and my coffee cup to work to not use all sorts of paper cups & also have been learning how to compost coffee grounds!

  113. I use reusable bags and if I get plastic. Bags I return them to the store for recycling. Also I reuse glass.

  114. I don’t throw things away and often list unwanted things on Craigslist. I gave away two bunk beds worth of cardboard shipping boxes, and the recipient planned to craft a divider in his basement. I also gave a big box of wine bottles to a lady who crafted lamps out of them. It’s great knowing that my “garbage” isn’t going in a landfill.

  115. I like to use reusable grocery sacks as much as possible, Recycle paper, plastic and glass items. I also take my own coffee mug to Starbucks for refills ♻️

  116. There are many things that I like to do that are environmentally friendly.

    The first is to buy produce and foods from locally sourced farmers. I usually do this through the farmers market. This also helps to support local farmers and produce which I think is important.

    I also try to be aware of what is in a product before I buy it. That way I know what I am contributing to the environment. If it contains something harmful then I will not buy it. I always make sure that my household recycles properly. Everything from household items to general waste. Because of this, we donate regularly to different charities so they can use items rather than throwing them out and harming the environment

    Since I work with children in a range of situations, I always try to be an example to them about the things we can do to help our environment. I teach them about proper recycling techniques. As well, I take them to different areas around my city to teach them about the different ecosystems and how each one works and how they depend on one another.

  117. I just try to love Earth. I use as little electricity as possible. I recycle everything that I can. I live by Valley Forge National Park, so I walk along the river there and pick up trash to try and keep the environment and river clean. And when I see people littering, I always ask them to please pick it up and put it in a trash can.

  118. We have used cloth diapers and wipes on our almost two year old son. Occasionally we use disposable diapers (like when our boy had a really bad rash) and I’m amazed at how quickly the garbage adds up! We’ve saved money and kept hundreds of diapers out of a landfill!

  119. I’ve been recycling for years. I use grocery bags for trash bags. I buy the bottled water that is made from recycled plastic bottles and we grow our own vegetables. I have a large parrot and not only is it better for her , it is better for the invironment, I clean with vinegar and baking soda. It cleans and smells good.

  120. Currently I am working to implement a ‘paperless office’ system at work. We have installed a new server and are upgrading our ERP package to automatically email invoices to our customer upon shipment. This eliminates so many wasted pages each day. Also cuts down on the number of envelopes we use each week. It is the responsibility of all of us to take steps in reducing our impact on the only Earth we have.

  121. I am always aware of keeping the environment clean. I carry my own cloth bags to the grocery store, I recycle cans & bags, and always pick up trash when out walking (this includes ALWAYS picking up after my dog uses the bathroom!😊). I fill my reusable cup with water, avoiding buying plastic bottles of water. I also carpool places when able.

  122. I do the normal recycling, using my own bags, reusable water bottle, using only environmentally friendly cleaning products, growing my own vegetables and supporting our local farmers, things like that. Since I’ve retired I’m trying to walk more places which is a win-win since I’m losing weight. I’m trying to pass the love of the earth to my grandkids. We play games as we hike to see who can fill their bag with the most trash they pick up, we have trash to treasure contests, etc. I love to see them do things on their own that tells me they are listening and have that love for the earth. My grandson’s kindergarten class had a party day and used kiddie pools for the kids to play. When they started emptying the pools onto the asphalt playground, my grandson suggested they use the water to water the plants around the school. The kids had a great time doing that. Sad that the teachers didn’t think of it.

  123. My daughter and I pick a place that needs to be cleaned up and go out with our bags and clean up all the litter. At home I recycle and reuse. I pack her lunch in reusable containers so no waste.

  124. My hobby is working in my flowerbed. So this weekend I purchased flowers and plants all in biodegradable containers instead of the plastic throwaway containers. This was my way of giving back to the environment while realizing how important it is for us to make a difference not only on Earth Day, but each and every day in our future.

  125. Our family lives a minimalist life, and is moving towards a more zero waste lifestyle – no easy feat with three young boys! We also try to buy from environmentally friendly companies, and use what products we buy until they are completely worn out and can’t be used in any other way.

  126. I rinse Ziploc bags for reuse, if they aren’t too far gone, that is! We keep a composter and place all our organic, vegetable-based food scraps/waste in it to enrich the soil in our 3 raised beds. We grow tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, basil, oregano, jalapenos (salsa, baby!), cilantro, and sometimes potatoes in our little garden. Sometimes our dogs actually leave us a few zucchini and squash! (they LOVE their vegetables fresh from the garden too!). I like to reuse jars for my beading, a hobby I started 3 years ago and absolutely love! I’m starting to actually get good at it! And we recycle all non-food items that our local rubbish company will take. We have at least one blue bag every week, with only one black bag of regular trash that is usually half full. I would say our little family of two-two leggeds and 2 four leggeds do our part in taking good care of our planet! We did not inherit the earth, we are saving it for our children, and their children’s children, and, well, you get the idea!

  127. Our family strives too be Eco friendly in all ways. We recycle as much as possible. We use water bottles and coffee mugs. We use reusable lunch kits. Using reusable bags when shopping. We have planted fruit bearing trees and berries as well. And share the fruits as much as possible.

  128. Well at work we shred and recycle all our paper waste. But at home my husband and I have a garden that we grow our own vegetables in. So at the end of the year all the leaves we take up go in the garden for a type of compost. It makes the soil so good for the next season. We also have a compost bin as well and after a certain amount of time use that in the garden. We try and recycle as much as we can. We also have one of the old school push mowers with the blades. No gas no oil. It’s actually kind of fun to use and you get a good work out pushing it.

  129. I make my own cleaning products, buy organic food, never eat meat, fish or dairy products, and Recycle plastic and paper products. Also, I practice sending positive energy, love, and light out into the world everyday.

  130. I have always taught my girls to take care of the earth .Growing up on a farm and doing things eco friendly gave me the skills to teach my kids to do the same. We always recycle and re-use. Our favorite thing to do is make recyclable art. We’re a big artsy family. So we would cherish anything we won . Thanks so much for a chance to win your beautiful art .

  131. To be friendly to the earth I recycle and compost. I started my family on that track. I clean with water ( Norwex) and vinegar. Our furnace is energy efficient. I buy second hand mostly. I am an artist as well and I look for ways to reuse and eliminate waste with my art. Every year I grow more and more of our own food. Adding rabbits and chickens soon. I am reusing a trampoline as a rabbit colony run. The rabbit nuggets will be added to our compost for an excellent garden 🙂

  132. To help our planet I pick up litter everywhere I go. On walks, around the neighborhood, when I go to the store or go anywhere. Especially enjoy picking up litter around the rivers and the beach. A small dent but I feel good about it.

  133. I think that being environmentally friendly means knowing what your personal footprint is and making changes to how you live in order to help protect the Earth and its resources. If anything that I no longer want or need can be reused, I will find ways to recycle. From giving clothing away to taking plastic, cardboard and paper to a recycle center. I buy recycled products and use a water cooler with recycled bottles. Reduce, reuse and recycle!

  134. My name is Venessa Carpenter and I work at a local business here in Austin, Tx. I love the company I work for because they do a great job of training everyone to recycle properly. I have never worked anywhere that is so aware of not just recycling, but what can be recycled according to the city’s guidelines. It has definitely made me more aware of how I recycle outside of work, and I’m proud to help keep Austin not only weird but most importantly GREEN:)))!

  135. Hi Joel my name is Diane. I give back to my earth by recycling as much as I can. I am an avid gardener of all plants, trees, herbs, and flowers. I try to buy local foods and organic foods. The best way I give back to our earth is by teaching others to do the same. My 3 year old grand daughter lives with me and she knows how to recycle and she helps me with my plants. I love astronomy too. My husband and I have 10″ and 6″ telescopes. I want to thank you for giving back to the earth as you do and I love watching you spin and create the clay into art and usable dinnerware.

  136. I try to grow my own food, which is hard in the desert. Everything I can recycle I do, even electronics. I have yard sales to try and keep things I no longer need out of landfills, what I don’t sell I donate to the needy. I have reusable grocery bags, and if I do get the plastic ones, I repurpose them. I make plarn and crochet reusable bags from disposable bags. I use energy efficient appliances and trying to save to go solar. I also use reusable water bottles.

  137. My daughter is very environmentally conscious therefore we all are as a family. We do not use plastic bags, plastic cups or untensils, styrofoam plates or cups and we do not burn anything plastic or styrofoam. We try to eat more on the organic side, fruits, vegis as well as chemical/antibiotic free red meat and chicken. We also recycle paper, platics, aluminum, etc at home.

  138. After moving to a new town, our daughter started a new high school. She came home after her first couple of days and told us that the high school does not recycle. We worked out a plan and got together with the administration at the school to implement a recycling program. We are happy to say, this program is still going strong after four years!

  139. Hi, I volunteer cleaning Ocean Beach in San Francisco. Before I started volunteering I felt that the little bit I was doing would not make much of an impact. There were not many volunteers. Started picking garbage up piece by piece and had been at it a few hours I didn’t realize how much ground I had covered until I turned around and what I saw it was so beautiful the beach was clean it looked like it did when I was a little kid. I was so inspired, happy and sad all at the same time. It made me realize that making a effort and with caring people it will make a difference one piece of garbage at a time. I’m now researching other ways I can help and educate people I want to do more. Thank you

  140. There are a few ways that my family and I strive to be environmentally friendly. We have a garden of herbs and vegetables and sometimes strawberries (if we can get them before the bunnies do!) We also have a compost bin. I buy biodegradable plates that can go in the compost. I teach my children about water usage and the importance of turning off the lights. We all use reusable water bottles to avoid plastic waste. I buy organic as much as possible and I personally am trying to lead a more vegetarian diet.

  141. I live in a neighborhood with several kids and I get them to pick up the trash around our neighborhood and put them in recycle bin. I also buy recycled plastic bottles are reuse them and I use empty milkjugs and go to the mountain and get the spring water that comes out the side of the mountain. I like to take my garbage to the country and burn it so it won”t end up in the landfill. When I am permitted then I like to walk the landfill and take stuff and reuse it. You would really be surprised at the good things people throw away. I found 4 blankets that I found, brought home and washed them then gave them to homeless men in my town.

  142. I do multiple things to try to be more environmentally friendly. One thing is reusing grocery bags and also using reusable grocery bags. So many people just throw them out but they can be used in so many ways! Another thing is bringing a giant water jug to work. We have bottled water in the fridge but I bring my own jug instead. One other thing I do is instead of using k-cups I have a reusable one that I put my own grains in. You don’t think about it too much, but those k-cups add up quickly! One last thing, and this might sound weird, but when I go to a restaurant such as chick-fil-a, I take home the containers that my food comes in. They are dishwasher and microwave safe and are great for taking lunch to work!

  143. I buy most of mine and my children’s clothing. If I buy something new, it’s of better quality that will last a long time. I do this with household things as well. There’s so much waste with cheap, nearly disposable things. Thrift shopping is like a giant treasure hunt and I enjoy every moment of it.

  144. I went to school I a place where sustainability was everything. I carried reusable water bottles, biked, walked, or used pubic transportation everywhere, and recycled obsessively. Recently though, I’ve gotten into composing my own food waste, which is really easy to do, and doesn’t smell at all if properly done. That way, my food doesn’t end up in a dump somewhere, and my garden gets extra love without me having to buy weird fertilizers!

  145. To be earth friendly I always recycle, reuse when possible, buy locally farmers market and local meat markets, never liter, before it was a law in my county I was using reusable grocery bags. I utilize the compost bin my apartment building offers. I highly doubt I’ll be picked to win but thank you for the chance.

  146. I don’t do anything major. I pick up litter whenever I can, and yell at friends and family when they attempt to throw something out the car window. I guess one weird thing I do is drink every glass of water completely, even if I severely overestimate how thirsty I am. I feel bad for wasting water, and taking it for granted. Seeing that so many people are without access to clean drinking water, I feel the I need to drink it all, even though it sometimes it makes me nauseous.

  147. I work from home occasionally, and always bring my lunch/coffee to work in reusable containers. While I do not have a job directly linked to sustainability, I do my best to incorporate it in my daily life. For this reason I am a big advocate and volunteer for my work’s Green Team. Recently I lead a subgroup to bring a bikeshare pilot to our offices. Offering a bikeshare membership to employees allows them to travel not only to work, but to/from local meetings in a green, sustainable way. Not only does it save my office money (e.g. no taxi fares), but it is good for the environment AND the employees utilizing the resource.

  148. I live about 45 minutes from any grocery store or city, so my family and I garden. We grow the vegetables we like. Saves us an hour and a half in a car, wasting gas, spending money on gas and vegetables. It may not be much, but we’re trying!! We also try to compost, cutting down on waste we take to the county dump.

  149. Being kind to the Earth is something that is of the utmost importance to me. Two years ago, I decided to start a lifestyle where I didn’t consume animal products. I am able to make my contribution towards helping the world by reducing the impact of climate change, rainforest destruction, and pollution, while saving water and other precious resources by living this way (yes, really!).

    I also ALWAYS carry my own water bottle instead of buying plastic ones. People always ask me how I manage to not lose it because it’s literally always with me! Gotta stay hydrated right? Minus all the plastic.

    I also loving supporting local organic farms. I subscribe to a monthly food share that gives my family access to fresh, seasonal produce that was grown literally only a few miles from my house! I wish more people would think about their environmental impact and act on it. We only have one home. Let’s take good care of it!

  150. I try to reuse everything. I have a recycling bin which I put milk cartons, paper bags, paper, plastic water bottles, butter tubs. I try to put everyting in it and they pick it up once a week with trash removal. I throw eggshells and coffee grounds on the vegetable garden soil so that isn’t going to waste. I give pop bottles, cans to a homeless man that rides around on a bike as well as giving him anything else. I wear my clothes until they fall off, I try to patch my jeans w/ cute fabrics. I use old shirts for cleaning rags. There are so many things that can be reused more than once. Sandwich bags is one I reuse all the time before discarding. I throw food out in the garden if is safe, and ok for the birds. (don’t want critters, vermin).
    I have a hard time throwing things away yet don’t want to hoard so have been recycling a lot this year and things have become less cluttery as I don’t have to spend as much money.

  151. Our family have been doing our best efforts to help save the bees. Over the past few years we have been building boxes and planting fruit trees and various other flowers plants that the bees access to make their beautiful honey. It’s so rewarding to know that we are helping our Mother Earth by contributing to the population of the little workers who help germinate our plants that we eat and the flowers that we love to see.

  152. I recycle all my plastic bags and plastic film packaging. Additionally, I try to use home cleaners and remedies whenever possible and reduce my use of chemicals that could hurt the environment.

  153. I do many things to encourage environmental sustainability and I’m extremely proud of doing so! When I was a child, I asked my mom why she kept a shopping bag full of trash in her car. She asked me if I noticed the trash on the side of roads or near the water, of course I said yes. She went on to explain to me how much it was hurting our earth and the beautiful creatures that call it their home. Since that day I pick every piece of trash I see on my path. I’ve given multiple presentation at my college about the importance of recycling and/or reusing. Every piece of trash picked up and every plastic, glass, or paper product recycled makes a huge difference. One step forward, one person at a time! <3

  154. Hi there! I’m a dairy farmer in Wisconsin. That being said I have to take every step possible to be eco friendly. We have to walk a fine line between eco friendly and taking care of our cows properly. So when you walk into the barns the fans are running but that’s to keep our cows comfortable.
    We reuse the water that’s used for cleaning all the milking equipment for cleaning the walls and floors daily.
    We keep the lights off unless we are actually milking the cows to not only save energy but keep it cooler.
    We use the minimum possible while using pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers on the land while rotating crops to take care of the soil.
    We recycle and reuse as many products around the farm as possible. We even reuse the manure as fertilizer for the land.

  155. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR WORK!! I always enjoy watching your videos especially when u are throwing PHAAAATTSS. LOL I use it as my therapy. Whenever I have a stressful day I watch one of your videos and I’m relaxed and at peace. I know it sounds cheesy but it’s true. The talent that Joel possess is definitely one of a kind !!! I’m so grateful to have found these videos!! Thanks for your time and I wish Joel all the best in the future and keep up the Amazing work the world needs more Joel’s in the world!!! Stay blessed!! 😊😊😊

  156. My family and I do not do near enough for our planet that we should, but we DO try our best to be environmentally friendly. Instead of purchasing millions of water bottles that generate more waste, we buy recycled containers to refill them with filtered water. We also recycle all of our cardboard and aluminum cans. Thankfully, we do have a new recycling center close to home now but they do not accept glass products at this facility. I hope that in the future our little recycling center will grow leaps and bounds by accepting all recyclable products making it more convenient for those who already recycle as well as those who want to. I pride myself in making sure that my family (especially my little one) are environmentally conscious because I want our planet to have a beautiful future; The change starts with YOU! Trust me, every little thing you can do to help is a huge milestone for our environment.

  157. Being environmentally friendly is something I believe we should all strive for everyday.
    I like to live by the three R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)
    One way I encourage this is by helping keep the environment around me clean. (Especially after winter) you’d be surprised how much trash gets thrown around in a season and reveals it’s self when the snow melts.
    We should take some pride in the world we live in, nature is beautiful. 😊
    Regardless of whether we tossed it or not we should all play a part, help clean it up, recycle and be a part of the solution not the problem.

  158. I love handmade objects made from the earth. They help me connect to nature and our wonderful world out there.

  159. I have been focused on the environment for as long as I can remember. I started my middle schools Earth Savers program in 6th grade, an after school club that focused locally to clean up our communities, plant trees and gardens around our school, and even adopted and sponsored animals at the Philadelphia Zoo. I’m proud to say that I am now 30 years old and that club still goes on today, raising money and volunteering locally to make communities cleaner and educated on environmental issues. As I have lead my life my volunteer efforts for our planet did not stop there, I’ve created greenhouse programs with local hospitals to help patients get out of a bed and give them the opportunity to plant and heal through an experience they might not get in a city of having a green space of their own to do so. In my personal life I have transitioned into a completely solar run home and rainwater collection and filtration for water usage. By doing small things, everyone can make a big difference in the world and our own carbon footprint, and that is very important to remember. Keep up the great work everyone and let’s leave a healthier planet for future generations. 🌎 ♻️ ❤️ ✌🏻

  160. There are many things I do to encourage environmental sustainability. I buy a lot of used clothes instead of new, I use reusable grocery bags, reusable glass water bottles, and buy local and organic food whenever I can. However, the biggest change I have made is adopting a plant-based lifestyle. Animal agriculture is one of the main contributors to climate change, animal extinction, and the destruction of the rainforest (among other things). So I do what I can to not contribute to that and have been plant-based for over a year and haven’t looked back! Thank you for all that you do to keep your business environmentally friendly! 🙂

  161. Hi!
    I try to do as much as I can think of to be environmentally conscience. I work in an elementary school as a psychologist so I try to use my smart board as much as possible instead of paper and other disposables.

    At home I recycle as much as I can! I use reusable water bottles, and reusable ziplock bags every day to cut down on waste.

    I’m an aspiring 46er (somebody who has climbed all 46 high peaks in the Adirondacks) I currently have 27/46. So out in the mountains I’m sure to leave no trace, and clean up when I see somebody has left something behind. Our mountains are just so beautiful I want them to stay that way for the kids I work with and my future kids 🙂

  162. I try to run as much as possible. Rather than get a bus or drive to somewhere local I like to run there. This is not only good for the environment but it is also very healthy, it gets me out of the house and it can save me money. More people should run to places rather than drive. It would not only be healthy for everyone but it would also be healthy for the planet.

  163. I have always struggled in my career because I am a chemist working in the adhesives/paint industry – there has been much movement to sustainable products but it slow, arduous and at time discouraging. On the professional front I research ways to eliminate isocyanates and other harmful materials from products as well as research low energy cure systems. So many of the items you touch daily have a coating on them that requires heating and even though some times a product requires a lower temperature – the dwell times are long and the production lines use natural gas ovens. Having the ability to cure things with visible light and/or at ambient temperature and still achieve the durability the product requires has a huge impact on the energy consumption of our customers.
    At home we use all of the principals others have mentioned and try to get our kids involved in thinking of things we can do which led to us deciding we would plant dandelions for the bees since we live in a subdivision where it seems everyone is obsessed with fertilizing and eradicating weeds from their lawns – it might stick out like an eyesore to some but my kids are delighted to see the bees enjoying the dandelions.

  164. My family does a few little things like pick up trash in the bush on and around our property. We also use reusable shopping bags.

  165. I was not brought up in an environmentally conscious house. But as an adult and having children, it has become an important part of our lives. My husband and I car pool for work. We actively sought an fuel efficient vehicle and are teaching our children about recycling and being active outside. I fear the damage being done to our planet and any discussion on the positive impact of sustainable resources can have a an impact. I’m just glad Joel is promoting reusable and sustainable resources, so with or without the mug. Three cheers for Joel Cheerico Pottery!

  166. Minimize, Maximize, Prioritize! Beyond my everyday movement towards sustainability including natural cleaners, reusing bags, and sulphate free shampoo/conditioners, there is one thing I do that makes me excited about helping the environment. Every spring I plant ten trees and build two birdhouses made from recycled materials.
    I grew up on a farm where my mom infused in me the love for trees and wildlife. Every summer I would delight in picking fruit fresh from our orchard. To do this day, I love picking out new varieties of trees to plant with my mom on the farm where I was born. Last year we planted hazelnut trees, blackberry bushes, Cranberry Wentworth, and a cedar.
    I look forward to seeing birds migrate home in early spring. Last season I built two birdhouses for tree swallows. It is a joy to see the birds choose the home I made and then have a successful nesting. This year I plan on making more houses for tree swallows as there is a high need for these types of cavities. I feel such positive energy when I implement actions to do things for our earth!

  167. The biggest thing I do is walk or ride a bike. I do not own a car and I limit my use of gas powered vehicles as much as possible. I also use reusable shopping bags. I recycle everything I can; I buy locally grown produce. Since I live in an upstairs apartment, I utilize my windows to help cool the inside.

  168. In a “nutshell” i try to organically grow and produce as much as my own food as possible, along with canning and food preserving. I organically grow as much as my own food as I can, or purchase locally from farmers markets. I don’t have a huge garden space but try to utilize the small space well and nourish it with a compost pile using grass clippings, fruit & vegetable peelings, egg shells from my mother’s farm raised organic eggs, and of course coffee grounds♡ I also pick wild berries and can homemade jams and jellies and other foods for myself and to share with family. I reuse my canning jars from year to year. Gotta be good to Mother Earth!

  169. We have made a habit of buying organic food, locally grown, whenever possible. It may cost a little more, but it keeps harmful pesticides out of our land and water, protecting farm workers, wildlife and our community. The benefits of supporting local farmers also helps minimize our carbon footprint. I’ve been educating my son on this, he in turn shares with this friends. I know it’s only a small difference, but I’m hoping for the ripple effect!! Thank you for being a great example for other businesses!!

  170. Awesome. Just some of the everyday practises for me are:
    Take no straws.
    Use bee wax cloth wraps instead of saran wrap.
    Buy no new plastics whenever possible.
    Educate kids.
    Recycle everything.
    Make pet food from real food instead of buying commercial made.
    Buy from bulk food distributors and use glass storage.
    Eat local produce.

  171. I too like to think of everyday as Earth Day. We recycle, Volunteer for community trash pick up, and produce our own electricity. I am a knitter and for the last year I have been getting thrift store items to take apart to recycle the yarn. It feels great to use things that would normally be thrown away.

  172. Frist I must adress what an awesome job you are doing, Booth with your pottery and your vision for the Earth! I live in the country of Denmark and on a Daily basis I buy ecological products, If I haven’t been able to grow Them myself. Everywhere I go I observe og Pick up anything, that doesn’t belong in the Nature. I am so proud of my three sons, they too Pick up Things on the Way home from school. The other Day my 8 year old had picked up some broken glass and he went straight home and made a Christmas gift out of it (yes – he is in good time…)
    We Also save the water, taking Quick showers, and we reuse all the product we Can. We make casettes out of cereal boxes, so We have places to store different kinds of Papers. Our House Aint pretty, but it is eco friendly!
    Keep up the good work – and Thank you for Sharing your talent and story with the World.

  173. I educate my children how to tread lightly on this earth, so they will continue the earth friendly practices they grew up with, and in turn teach their children.

    We are mindful to apply eco- friendly actions to even the simplest mundane actions in our day.

    There are too many things too list here, but here are some everyday things we do:

    Natural pinewood pellets are used as cat litter to avoid non-recyclable chemical waste. Reusable cloth rags cut from our old t-shirts are used for cleaning. We buy second-hand clothing whenever possible. Furniture items are repurposed or repainted with eco-friendly paint rather than discarded. We make our own cleaning products using vinegar. Food is stored in reusable glass containers. Grains, beans and spices are purchased in bulk and stored on glass jars to reduce packaging waste. Cars, video games, televisions and phones are used until they are no longer operational after repair, even if they are considered “outdated”.

    I hope that gives you a feeling for the types of things we do daily, and also what our children are learning.


  174. I try to do my part in recycling plastic bottles and papers. I also just bought a car that runs on electric rather than gas. Hopefully people will use either the electric cars or the hybrids a lot more in the future. Also when I’m mailing packages back and forth to my mom, we use the same box numerous times. Thanks for this opportunity Joel. Keep up the great work😃

  175. Once thing I do to be environmentally friendly is inform! Many of my relatives aren’t very knowledgable about environmental topics like pollution or recycling so I make it a priority to keep them informed about what they can do to improve the environment. I encourage them to use recycling bins, walk/bike instead of drive, and get reusable grocery bags. These are all small things they can do to help the environment, but they add up! Also, as a biochemist, I am a resource for them to ask questions about chemicals they hear in the news or see on food or cleaning labels. I help them understand how these chemicals work and if/when they can be harmful to the environment. Knowledge is power! And I’m committed to spreading it!

  176. I know its not making a huge difference, but I’m a smoker and I refuse to throw my butts on the ground. I keep a designated trash bag in my car, and if I’m out and about I’ll stick them in my pocket until I find a trashcan. The one thing I can’t stand, and therefore won’t do, is litter.

  177. I’ve always been a humanitarian/ earth lover and do everything I can to have a small carbon footprint, but up until 2 years ago still drove a car (2010 mustang convertible) but was feeling not so connected to Mother Earth so I got rid of it and started walking 2-8 miles a day.. rode my bike and took the bus to farther destinations and then got myself a scooter. All my friends were confused by this but eventually excepted this change in my life and then they started making small changes in their lives to be environmentally conscious. I love that this ( saving the earth) has turned in to a group effort between all of us!!

  178. I commute by bike and by community shuttle, I reuse veggie scraps to make vegetable broth for soup, I compost, and I am planting a garden in the city to decrease my dependence on shipped food. (This is my first growing season living in a city, so this is a new adventure for me!) All of these are good for the environment and good for my personal health! Win-win!

  179. As a child we didn’t weren’t very environment friendly. Today however, it has become a major part of my life as well as my 3 children and my granddaughters lives. Every year my kids and I donate trees to our county parks and we have also donated trees to our neighbors. We also compost. My oldest son and daughter have a large compost while mine is more on the smaller side. My youngest son took it upon himself to build a small greenhouse so we could grow veggies in the fall and winter. My daughter and I have designed and sewn our own shopping bags so no more use for those horrible plastic bags. We recycle like crazy! I buy from our local organic farmers. My granddaughter who is 3 yrs old now, picks up trash when we go to the park. She also loves going into our new greenhouse to help us plant veggies and herbs.

  180. I live in a city that doesn’t have the means to recycle, so all of my containers that I buy I use at least once more, glass bottles I take off the stickers and use them for sun tea, plastic containers I use acetone and wipe off the lettering and use it as Tupperware or storage containers! Even milk jugs I cut up and use as a scoop for kitty litter!! Containers are one of those things we have a lot of and might as well try and get at least one more use out of them!

  181. As a child I this wasnt really encouraged in my home. I dont use aerosol sprays, I do use alot of vinegar for cleaning purposes but most of all and most importantly I try to teach my children things they can start doing now at a young age. Recycle, using biodegradable items, cleaning up debris and trash even if it doesnt belong to us. Letting them know what they do will affect their future and future children they may have. Its important to establish a healthy cycle that wont be broke. By letting them know what they do makes a good difference and and Im proud, keeps them wanting to do this. Our children are the future for everything

  182. I grow native plants so that pollinators and other beneficial insects have a suitable habitat. Bee pollination accounts for a significant portion of the fruits that we eat!

  183. I have my own cleaning business and use eco-friendly products as often as possible. I also hang my clothing to dry instead of using a dryer and walk rather than drive when I can.

  184. 1) my grandkids an I use anything available in our compost bin.tben it’s used in our garden which we share with family an people in our community an food pantry which give to people who don’t have food..
    2) egg cartons are used to feed our night crawler worms for fishing..The fish caught are grilled in our fire pit outside no matter what time of year. the children love to cook the food they catch..
    3) veggies from garden are canned for winter outside in big pot using creek water an wood from fallen trees which reduces electricity an saves our well..
    4)instead of driving to the park&bike trail we ride our bikes it saves our atmosphere an we get the extra exercise in the summer months we pack veggie snacks for along the trail.
    Thank you for all you are doing for mother earth if we don’t take care of her who will..

  185. I use reusable grocery bags every time we shop. I also recycle everything we can, aluminum, plastic, paper and glass. We recycle cardboard, plastic, paper, and we follow strict EPA rules with hazardous waste at work.

  186. I love buy health foods for my family, when ever available. I recycle every day. I love pottery, I use to make it at school for art class. It is more durable then store pottery.

  187. I am disabled from a rare form of scoliosis and suffer from chronic pain and extensive nerve damage. In my day to day life I search for wholistic, natural, and sustainable forms of medicine and energy. I stay away from synthetic drugs focusing on those made from plants and natural, organic compounds. Since switching a year ago I’ve lost 60 pounds and gained 20% percent more muscle. I’ve also switched to sustainable grass feed meats and organic vegetables. I use a wheelchair in my day to day life and have both a manual and electric one. I am in the process of buying a solar panel system to recharge my wheelchair while away from home.

  188. I wish I could write that i am a master recycler , grow my own food and didnt drive .

    However I am a mom raising a daughter who just turned 11 . She is my idol and i envy her earth loving efforts and she forces me to be more loving towards mother earth everyday.

    She , everyday brings home garbage from school so she can create something , anything . Seriously she fills my car with stuff out of the garbage . What she makes always blows my mind .

    She recycles dilligently . She also encourages others to do the same . Young and old she is very vocal about her convictions .

    She has worn hand me downs her entire life . All of her clothing , with the exception of a few outfits at Christmas have all been previously enjoyed .
    When she is done with them , they usually get cut up and she sews them into doll clothes .

    She has been harrassing me to buy a composter which is her new passion .

    She is always turning off the lights . Prefers candles .

    Shes a great kid . Wish I could take credit for her awesomeness but i cant . She has taught me everything i know about the importance of being kinder to her planet .

    Thanks for reading about my girl 😆

  189. The biggest thing that I can do to encourage environmental sustainability is to teach my children how important it is. It is a lifestyle and a mind set. We must be conscious of what we are doing and the impact of our choices. We recycle and reuse. We try and avoid a lot of plastics. We wear and use a lot of natural things. I encourage them to love and cherish nature. What we take we give back two fold. Replenishing is number one to us.

  190. I once read about a lady that could fit an entire years actual garbage into a mason jar. I was super inspired by that. I try to be aware of the containers I drink from (carrying my own reusable containers as much as possible), reusable garbage bags so I don’t have to use any at the local grocery store, I eat a lot of fresh fruits and veggies (local is the best) so I compost all that I can to give back to nature, and essential oils has made it super easy to come up with great smelling body creams/washes/lotions and natural based cleaning products that won’t pollute our waterways. I found by reading about this girl in New York who has greatly minimized her garbage that we can make choices that at the very least allows us to recycle so much of what’s left over from our garbage. A little extra effort on our behalf can make a big different on our beautiful planet for years to come.

  191. Hello LOVE your work!
    I actually volunteer to pick up trash and unwanted debris from wildlife habits to protect all species of animals living their especially the endangers ones. I also do composting in my own home. I encourage everyone I know to do so also. Along with the usual recycle process, I always use canvas bags at the store! I use engergy efficient light bulbs. I also bring a bag along with me when I walk my dog to pick up any trash I see along the way. Haha I’m a little crazy I kno.. or atleast that’s what some of my friends say.. I just want the world to be beautiful for my kids and grandkids in the future. EVERY LITTLE BIT COUNTS! 👍🏽😁

  192. What I try to do to help our environment is to teach the younger generation at the elementry school I work at how to help our environment by just picking up some trash, or to ask their parents if they can start recycling if the family doesn’t already do so. Or just simply reusing items such as bottles, you can always gill them back up. I try to teach that just a few simple changes can go a long way. And the topic at school right know is to leave the bee’s alone. Most of the kids try to step on them cause they don’t want to be stung, but I’m trying to teach that if we leave them be and let them do their jobs they b won’t bother us, and that we need the bee’s to help things grow. I’m 1 rec aid in a sea of about 500 kids. My hope is that some listen and help make a difference.
    Mrs. K

  193. There’s just something about strong, universally inspired, everyday-use pottery that just speaks to me. Thanks for doing what you’re doing and I can’t wait to see what comes next… I love your style. Much respect to you.

    1. Forgot to add that I compost, cook and grow my own food, forage, recycle, buy local and support locally owned restaurants and not corporations. Also my property is certified by the NWF to support local species and plants/trees. I use zero chemicals on the lawn. I buy almost everything second hand plus still finding lots of other ways to protect the Earth.

  194. I’m a second year college student and I finally just got a job after not having one for 3 months so it’s hard sometimes to think about environmental things instead of what’s cheapest. However, I’m also a biology major so I always have a little voice in the back of my head telling me that some options might not be the easiest, but they can provide the best results for everyone and everything involved. I try to ride my bike to campus at least a couple times a week or I take the public bus or the school shuttle that they provide. I never drive my car to campus because it’s just not worth the gas and fumes. I’ve recently started to recycle because I noticed all the things that my roommates and I put in the garbage that are plastics that could be reused. I also try to reuse containers and boxes that might normally be thrown away. Does anyone have any ideas that I could start using to be more earth-friendly, but also wouldn’t cost a lot? I would appreciate any suggestions. Thanks so much!

  195. In my classroom, we use cloth rags and sponges instead of paper towels when throwing on the wheel. At home, we recycle as much as we can and are teaching our daughters, ages 3 and 5, to recognize which items can recycle. It’s their Earth that they need to learn to take care of. Lastly, and most fun of all, we support our local zoo. Teaching my kids the importance of the animals, plants and insects of the Earth is critical to gaining a love for its beauty.

  196. I live a minute from work so on nicer days I walk. We recycle at home. At work I go out side on break and pick up any garbage blowing around. Thanks to my stepfather growing up I sue to toss garbage out car windows but now I put my garbage in a bag and take care of it when its full.

  197. I try my best to use natural light as long as possible each day and at night limit myself to one light. I also buy more natural or organic products whenever possible to reduce the amount of chemicals and such that I leave on the planet.

  198. I try to make environmental concerns one of my priorities in every aspect of my life. I have limited my use of electronic appliances in my home by doing without a dishwasher or hot water tank. I have a small refrigerator so to cut down on electricity. I heat with wood gathered from dead trees on my property. I drive a hybrid car and recently have obtained employment closer to my home so I can avoid long daily commutes. I also grow a garden and try to eat in season vegetables to help decrease the reliance on transporting food. I am also a vegetarian which this diet has been shown to help decrease the impact on the environment. We only have one earth so we better treat her well.

  199. I recycle, reuse, and upcycle as much as I can. Instead of throwin’ somethin’ away I look at it and see if I can use it again or use it as somethin’ else. Sometimes just for fun I try and come up with a list of 5 or 10 things I can make from a particular object – it’s a fun way to to be creative!

  200. We are inspired by your amazing work. In our home we aim for zero waste and find it up most important to teach our young in this way. Watching the processes and ways you also uphold these values makes watching your videos even more of a family treat. You have inspired us to look at the sky around us in more awe. Thank you for your continual inspiration.

  201. Our family aims for zero waste by buying bulk using reusable jars and cloth bags. Our scraps go to the chickens which provide us the eggs amd meat we eat. We choose to walk to the park instead of drive, also picking up garbage on the way. I find it is important to teach the young to help in every moment possible all day, leading by example. I want it to natural to them to live this way. We grow our food in gardens and pressure or water bath canning to also waste less. I clean using vinrgar and essential oils. We are continually learning about our enviornment and are also choosing to live polyester free as we recently learned about it’s impact on our oceans. ♡ Every day we need to be aware and striving to better our planet.

  202. The biggest thing I do to be environmentally conscious is use a refillable water bottle instead of buying bottled water. This was easy to do in Alaska and Minnesota where we had great tap water, but now that I’m in grad school down in west Texas it is much more difficult. The tap water is notoriously bad and most of my classmates buy bottled water. I find myself having to plan ahead and take advantage when I have access to a water fountain. Another trick I’ll do is heat up the tap water in my water heater before I drink it. I refuse to buy bottled water, and it’s made me very appreciate of having better access to good water in Minnesota and Alaska.

  203. An ever giving mother
    Arms gaping wide
    Soot clouds her eyes
    Smoke fills her lungs
    Still she stands, amid the tide

    Onslaught, distraught
    Watches babes rear up and tear each other apart
    Endures the stabbing pain
    Heart bleeding like her brain
    Struggling in vain

    Still she stands
    Still she loves
    Still she lives

    Few decades encase my soul, though it is weighed down by a millenia. The eyes can tell you so.

    Every moment I breathe, every sight mine eyes set upon, every sound my ears hasten to hear, a gift from her. So I put in the hours, those precious few moments of my life, I give to her. As I study, I work at a hazardous waste disposal plant. FAR from glamorous, I use my knowledge gleaned upon her gleaming mottled blue and green hip, to dispose of the chemicals that marr her perfect surface. It is not enough, it is never enough, but every pesticide removed, every cyanide disabled, and every acid neutralized in layers of sweltering equipment that chafe the skin leads me closer to her. A dogged pursuit of impossibility, within which I latch onto with my dulled teeth and clipped claws, as if life itself would not be possible should I release. But it wouldn’t, so I won’t. Instead I learn, I soak up every tiny little tidbit I can wrestle from Them, they who murder my mother and beggar me with the cost of theit nefarious deeds. I bide my time, I smile, I learn, cajoling Them into thinking I am of the same mind. Until the day I can stand up and save my mother, rescue the great womb from which we all stem, before it becomes a distant memory, a failure lost in the annals of time. For as I learn of space I learn of her, and though I yearn for the stars I also yearn for a home to return to once my travelling is done.

    A letter to my mother.

  204. I LOVE your work…. I had to upgrade my data plan to watch. It’s so soothing she relaxing…. I use my cosmic cup daily at work and very lots of compliments and would love the green one… I would Actually love a set….
    Keep up the wonderful work young man…

  205. The most significant thing I do is recycle whenever and where ever I can. I try to use items made from recycled materials whenever possible and always try to use something at least twice before it gets recycled, thrown away or composted. Anything that is biodegradable gets composted, things like cartons get saved and used to do things like start seeds, etc. I use reusable shopping bags at the grocery store and if I only purchase one or two items I usually refuse a bag. I also opt for digital receipts when possible and at work I print as little as possible since my workplace doesn’t have a recycling option.

  206. Hi! As a college student I try to do my best to create as little waste as possible. One thing that I do is always having reusable bags at the grocery store. Another thing is my car when I finally purchased my own car I bought one that uses E85 gas so that I’m not using as much gas and more ethanol. Finally it’s just the little things that help the environment I feel make an impact so when I brush my teeth I turn off the water I don’t let it run, I turn off the air for most of the year which we can luckily do here in Iowa, and I air dry my clothes instead of running the dryer. Overall try to have the smallest footprint that I can.

  207. I must admit honestly I just got into more things to help the environment. I use vinegar and baking soda mixtures to clean out oven, dishwasher, and washing machine. I’m learning to make my own laundry detergent now. My husband works hard to grow an organic garden every year. We do what we can.

  208. We are recyclers. Recyclers of #allthethings.
    One way we like to recycle and to promote sustainability to our little girls, 3years and 1year, is that we home brew our kombucha and we use glass bottles that we reuse over and over again instead of buying and tossing bottles of mass produced kombucha.
    I love teaching my 3 year old about how we are in control of our bodies in every sense of the word, and one way to protect it and keep it well is to feed it well. Our scobys have names…I mean, they are alive! We cut fresh fruit to flavor our brews and we set our beautiful elixers on the counter to admire. We have our daily ‘booch and it’s such a joy to see the smiles that come with the sweet/sour fizzy drink! It’s really empowering to be raising the next generation and to be teaching them to be environmentally friendly, sustainable, and excited about Mother Nature and all the has to offer us.

  209. I love your work! I also really enjoy your Facebook live videos when you are throwing.
    At home we recycle, take reusable bags to the grocery store, use environmentally friendly cleaning products, use energy efficient light bulbs, and wait as long as possible to turn on the a/c or heat (Nebraska weather can give you whiplash, as I am sure you know being an Iowa native). We have perennial flowers for the bees, and then when the weather gets better we plant some more annual flowers. Bees are so important! Without them, we don’t have coffee, chocolate, strawberries, and many other fruits and vegetables. I also pick up trash when I am out and about on my walks. At work we recycle everything – working in a medical facility, most of it has to go through the shredder first. We also have and give out reusable water bottles in hopes to reduce single-use plastic water bottle waste. Even something small can go a long way. <3 #EveryDayIsEarthDay

  210. I was raised recycling aluminum, plastic and paper as part of our life style growing up and I’m 43! I became vegetarian at 18 and have always strived to live and environmentally conscious life. Traveling thru Europe in the 90’s, I brought home the habit of bringing my own bags to grocery stores, where I received strange looks until it became common to bring them. Landscaped my yard with plants that require less water, replace applicences and lights with ones that use less energy, and I have no problem wearing something twice or even 3 times before washing as long as it’s clean and smells fine (except underwear, because that’s just gross).
    I just try my best and hope the small differences I make will help.

  211. Did you know one disposable diaper can take 200-500 years to decompose? I surely did not when I was pregnant with my first baby and looking for the best diaper brand to use on her. I decided to cloth diaper her and I have to say it’s the best thing I have done! I now have another daughter and I am cloth diapering her as well. I love knowing I am making a difference of not having at least 1500 diapers in a landfill corrupting our beautiful world.

  212. I work from home to save on gas. I plan my trips to the city all the same day so I’m not running all the time. We keep the windows open to use less energy and also snuggle up with blankets to watch my favorite potter live on facebook. I also only use reusable waterbottles

  213. My family is large but we try our best to leave a small footprint. My husband is full blood native American, (navajo, choctaw, and creek.) So he was brought up believing that it’s our duty to take care of Mother Earth because she takes care of us. The earth provides everything we need to survive if we the the time to recognize it. We’re passing this mindset onto our children.

  214. There are many little things we try to do everyday, recycle, reuse, buy local, produce at home what we can, our strawberries are grown in old tires as their beds. Using cloth bags when shopping at all stores. Why just care about the earth on one day a year? We live here every day.

  215. I have solar panels installed on my roof and try to do little things like use a French press to reduce waste when making coffee. I use reusable bags and recycle anything that can be recycled. Also, I watch where my groceries come from and buy locally sourced when I can.

  216. I grow my own vegetables organically, compost, use a steel water cup and a silicone straw, I walk whenever possible, use natural light instead of electricity when I can, reef safe sunscreen, I never use pesticides or herbicides (essential oils and diatomaceous earth for house “pests”).

  217. I do several things at my home. #1 we recycle as much as possible, #2 conserve water whenever we can, we have low flow on showerheads, sinks, and toilets, #3 reuse items when we can and always donate so things can be reused. Try to limit the use of electricity, by always turning off lights or using sunlight when we can. Just a little bit of the things we do here in my house to help save our planet. 🙂

  218. I upcycle food jars into storage to hold my paint brushes & other supplies in my little studio.
    My two and half year old LOVES to help carry out the recycling to the bin. The biggest impact on the planet will be this next generation & molding them to subconsciously think about the environment so it’s an innate way of life.
    I also collect straws to someday make into some spectacular straw sculpture. 🙂 I have a huge soft spot for sea life!

  219. Here is just some small things I do…recycle, reuse, reduce…..instead of spraying my yard with unnecessary weed killer to remove dandelions, I use them for their true healing/health benefits by picking them and making dandelion oils, dandelion tea, eating them with salads, and making tinctures out of their root and leaves. I only use plant based cleaners in my home for mainly the health of my baby daughter. Every year I plant a garden and only buy local organic when it’s in season. My family are bee keepers because we recognize the extreme importance that the roll of bees play in keeping our environment alive and thriving and the fresh honey is a wonderful perk. And last during the day my blinds are open and the house is filled with natural light only.
    These ideologies are things I want my daughter to see, so she will grow up not only being kind to the environment but also it’s sometimes over looked inhabitants, I want it to live on through her because it shouldn’t and doesn’t need to end with us.

  220. I make sure to turn off & unplug all my devices when I’m done & before I leave the house, I car pool, and ride my bike (weather permitting, I’m from Saskatchewan) I recycle everything possible at home. I buy most of my groceries from local farmers. I also have a manual treadmill that as I run it creates energy (not much) As well as spend as much time outdoors as possible appreciating all that nature has to offer. Also I’m obsessed with your pottery. Can you do a live creating moon mugs soon?

  221. Being environmentally friendly is such a necessity. And on top of that it is so easy to do. Recycle, conserve energy, plant your own garden!!! It can be done and the rewards are beautiful!! I practice all of these behaviors and more because it is so important for our environment. How hard is it to open your window shades/curtains and let that awesome sunshine in your house? If you’re in a position where that is not possible, buy some energy efficient light bulbs to light up your room. A cool perk is money savings as well. Try growing your own vegetables and herbs! Save those kitchen scraps and get that compost pile going. Your plants will love you for it and the nutritional perks are not too shabby either 😀 Stop throwing everything away. I can openly admit that I was guilty of this but I learned that it is just as easy to recycle and so much better for us in the long run. For the people who don”t practice these things, start off with baby steps and before you know it, you will see that it becomes a day to day habit for a happier planet and a happier you!!! Lets take care of this beautiful world together <3

  222. One of a few things I do… collect the bubble wrap at work that comes in our totes. I reuse it to ship my handmade jewelry. I have my co workers collect it for me as well.

  223. Hi there! Thanks for the contest!! I use tubeless toilet paper! No cardboard tube inside the roll! Every little bit helps and adds up when it comes to the environment! Cheers!!

  224. Well, for one thing, I live in Florida, therefore, I get to plant my own garden twice a year. I grow everything except cucumbers and Brussel sprouts. For some strange reason, those two crops elude me! Ant food we have left over, which is very little, I have a 6′ x 6′ compost were leftover food, egg shells, coffee grounds, plants and leaves, and any thing else I can throw in there! When my plants are done producing, they get pulled up and placed in compost. We live on a big river and when we catch fish, not one piece is wasted,once it is cleaned, and we have our meat to eat, all of the fish goes in my compost! I LOVE to garden and grow my own food. The weather here is usually nice to grill out a lot, I do use charcoal but no charcoal lighter. One other thing, my son is a manager at a local hardware store and he told me to replace all bulbs to LED to help conserve energy. I have done that. One other thing, we recycle, recycle, recycle! Thanks

  225. We do our best to treat the environment with respect. We have 4 children- our biggest contribution is probably ly teaching our children to do their part to make sure they love and respect our earth as well. Conserving electricity, walking/ riding bikes, picking up garbage wherever you go for example. There was one time our son threw a bottle cap out the car window and we pulled over and mad him walk about 1/4 mile to pick up all of the trash on the side of the road. It’s important they grow up to respect our planet and do their best to conserve our environment. They even pick up trash in parking lots, on the way into businesses. We may not be the ones who caused the pollution, but we can do our best to clean it up.

  226. Mother Earth should be treated with respect and we should give back to her and help her thrive as much as possible!
    At work: I email/save documents as PDF. I recycle and encourage my coworkers to do the same! I use my kleen kanteen to drink from and I bring my lunch in washable containers.
    At home: Reduce, reuse, recycle! Compost and growing my own veggies.
    At grocery store: I take reusable bags with me.

  227. First off thank you for the opportunity. I’ve been following you for sometime and love love love your stuff. It has been fascinating to learn about pottery as well.

    I would love to win any of the choices. The number 26 is so important to our family. My first born Emerson was born on 4/26 and tomorrow he will turn 5!!!! He would get such a kick out of it. E is a little artist himself and I could see he asking to use the 26 cup to hold all his pencils, markers, crayons and so on. He loves being outside so draws a lot of landscapes. Emerson always wants us to make sure we have a bags in the car because he will demand to clean up trash he sees on our walks. He hates litterbugs. E even makes sure to keep the recyclables in a different bag. We love teaching both him and his sister Tallulah about the importance of being kind to the earth. It isn’t unusual to see them hugging trees and telling them to have a good day. Haha.

    Anyway sorry for the novel. My little man who I can’t believe will be 5 tomorrow would love to win something so beautiful for his birthday! Thanks again. 😊

  228. I don’t know how I stumbled upon your live video a few months ago, but I’m glad that I did. You have gotten my seven year old interested, also! He loves watching your videos and thinks it is amazing at how fast you go. Congrats on becoming successful by doing something you love!

    1. I forgot to add, my seven year old is concientious about recycling. He likes to sort the plastics, cans, etc. We also find many things to turn into fun crafts! He’s an artist in the making.

  229. Being a stay at home mom of 4 you learn quickly how to make what you can an not buy so much. A little goes a long way! We don’t buy bottled water we refill cups with lids!!

  230. I love that you are concerned about the environment!!! I moved from an area that seems to have no interest in recycling to an area ( Washington Missouri) that goes beyond their population in thinking ahead when it comes to the environment and community. It’s all about the children if we are going to save our planet. Thanks for bringing this to the attention of so many at a time when fame is knocking at your door. Stay humble 😊👍

  231. Since I was a teenager, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, I have strived to live a Mother Earth News lifestyle.

    Recycling is paramount, as is repurposing items, such as using the large 40 pound Tidy Cat litter boxes to collect rain water to water my raised garden beds and replenish water as needed in the koi pond I dug out myself a few years ago.

    I am a writer, photographer and musician, living the salt life in my home, Sur la Mer, situated one mile from the Atlantic Ocean, with two dogs, two cats, a blue and white betta, a tankful of ever increasing guppies, and an ancient, opinionated cockatiel, who is well past his sell by date, but I am thankful for that.

    My house got hit by a meteorite several months ago, leaving a good-sized hole in the roof directly over my bedroom, but I kind of like the idea that a piece of outer space saw fit to land on my home as it ended its astrological journey.

    Never miss watching the ISS when it glides silently over my piece of the world.

    One day, I will own a piece of your cosmic pottery.

    You are an inspiration to this 62-year-old flower child.

    Keep on keeping on!


  232. I would love to be the winner but it is far and in between with so many people trying so here is my try my name is Laressa and I did pottery like 17 years ago and had to give it up do to me starting a family and on top of that my wheel was stolen and when the police found the person who took it that person broke it all up to no repair so with that said keep up all the great and awesome work you do and THANK YOU so much for sharing your gift with all of us much LOVE and RESPECT
    Much Love
    Laressa Peterson

  233. My name is brandi one way I help is by recycling everything that can be recycled. I got a gas sufficient car and I also recycle at home as well as compost.I pick up liter to help out as well as the plastic that holds Gatorade together (and other drinks) I gut that up to small pieces. I have a n 8 month old daughter that just got her first plates and thdy were made out of 100% milk gallon jugs! I try and buy stuff made from recycle and easily decompose. For cleaning products at home I use natural cleaners for wood floors and that are not strong or bad for baby. I reuse jugs and jars if I can I use eco laundry soap and dish soap. At work i use soap and water to clean items not the cleaning solution they provide. I shower/bathe with my baby as well to save on water. We grow our own veggies at home. I unplug everything that is not being used. Phone chargers t.v. computer surround sound system straighteners etc. I no longer use hair spray etc for my hair just natural organic shampoo and oils. Changing. My life style to make my life environmentally friendly has made it so much better and such a happy healthy way of living not just for me but my family 🙂

  234. So helping the enviornment is actually part of my job. I work at Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium at the animal hospital where we rehabilitate sea turtles, and on special occasions dolphins and whales. Now some may ask, how does this help the environment? Well, besides the fact that we are helping to save an endangered species of animal, we are also educators. A lot of our turtles come in entangled in fishing line, hooks, nets etc. And it is not only our job to help them, but to make people aware of how forgetfulness, or carelessness is harming our enviornment. We teach a lot about making sure to recycle, reduce our use of plastics, throwing away our trash properly (i.e. fishing line, etc.) Taking shorter showers, as well as not using the drive through to save on gas emmisions, and even simple things like turning your lights off in rooms that dont need them or having one meatless meal a day that can save on carbon emmisions. We talk to people of all ages that come through our facility about these ways to help our earth, and usually it happens through taking care of the animals and showing people what we do. We also work in a very green enviornment. We have solar panels on our roof that powers the whole building, we recycle EVERYTHING we have a whole area that separates all recyclables properly, and we make sure to use our resources accordingly (i.e. the seafood we obtain to feed our animals). I am an animal keeper, an educator, and my staff and I are always teaching about ways we can help the earth and we practice them every day too. I think sometimes people tend to forget that everything in this world is connected. Take the turtles for example, they are a part of the food chain, but they also alert us to issues in the ocean. Things such as climate change, when their migrating paterns change, issues with jellyfish populations, and even when the red tide down here in florida is at a high level. As time goes by we have been losing a lot of species which in turn is hurting our planet, and hurting us and we are the reason they are disappearing. Everything is connected. And if they disappear, we disappear. Just another reason why we have to practice earth day every day. We only have on earth to live on and we shouldn’t be harming her, we should be helping. Thank you for doing this blog to make people more aware. It is nice to have someone else help to spread the word and help to protect the environment. If you decided to post this please omitt that I work at Mote Aquarium, I just wanted you to know where I come from! If you ever want to come for a visit and learn more from the aquarium please look me up! Mote is located in Sarasota, FL. Thank you again and your work is really very beautiful. The fact that you connect it to the enviornment and the universe makes it my favorite, and I have been saving my money to buy a piece to have. Thank you for spreading a great message!

  235. I’m an old lady lol of 63. I recycle. I sold my car and walk. I talk to others about not buying bottles of water whenever possible. I also try to explain the detriment to the environment of using disposable diapers. Hey, put cloth ones on me if I need diapers! I’m trying to figure out how to compost, and plan to start composting. Now I’m also trying to post to win the #26 pot. My son is a potter and teaches pottery at a community college. He keeps me out of his life as much as he can and I have very few pieces of pottery. I would cherish a piece of your pottery. And ok, maybe I would like to say, “yes ummm hummm look what I got Sam”. 😬

  236. First, I’d like to thank you for pursuing your passion as it inspires many of us out here in the cyber world to do more of that in a world that is not always encouraging. After a cancer diagnosis last year, I have made many life changes to seek out passion and a more healthy lifestyle. I began eating a completely plant based diet a year and a half ago and never looked back. While trying to keep myself healthy, I have also positively impacted my environmental footprint. Organic, sustainable, eating treads much lighter on the earth. An added bonus is feeling great inside and out! Life is fragile. Our planet is fragile. It is all connected. Your work found me for a reason. For that, again, I thank you. Keep on, keeping on!

  237. Supporting local or small businesses is a big part of environmental impact. Chain business thrive on consumerism, the need for something to be made in a cheap way so that it will break and a customer will need to purchase again. Industrial production creates more waste than we want to admit. When we support small businesses, we support the creation of a well made long lasting item. And we also support the passion of people who are working to sustain themselves. Many times small businesses such as Cherico Pottery are connected to their communities and give back to others when they are thriving. The product they make may cost more to buy, but the money is much more well spent and item is much more authentic. I love the moon mugs, and some day whether from a giveaway or from a purchase I would love to add one to my collection.

  238. I do my best to do what’s good for the environment. We recycle, I use a filtered water bottle and a filter on our faucet at home so we dont need to buy bottled water. We also use non toxic cleaners for our house. We have animals so its important to keep them safe as well. Good luck to you with your business your work is beautiful.

  239. I’m a mom of three children at home (and one adult child) I try to teach them to respect the environment in their daily lives. We also have discussions about the environment on a grander scale such as the pipelines, sustainable energy, cleaning up nature, global warming. I try to help them understand the process of where our food comes from as well, which is an important part of respecting what Earth provides us. This summer, we will visit farmers markets, farms, animal sanctuaries and bee hives.

  240. Hey Joel, well I’m an industrial designer working as a freelancer, every now and then I have a project that requires wood, well I like to use bamboo (as it is the most sustainable option i have found) also at home I have a special place for my garden(herbs, vegetables and fruits) in our house we planted fruit trees for this exact porpouse to be sustainable and more autosuficient as much as we can.
    My very soon next project is to Built an aquaponic system for my plants.
    And last but never least since been environmentally friendly has to be a must every single day as much you can, must of the products we buy like detergents, soaps, luiquid cleaners etc are suistainble brands.

  241. Our Family has always lived environmentally friendly and we try to incorporate everyone around us to as well. We all only has the big beautiful Earth and must take care if it. Our house uses all biodegradable products. We eat very clean and truly appreciate all that life gives us. Our family participates in clean up groups in our community and on a few trails within the beautiful mountains in Phoenix. Our family loves to get together and watch you make pottery your work is beautiful. You Joel are a great inspiration for many people including our family. Thank you for all you do.

  242. There are two thing that pop into my mind right off the bat. First, I Invested in a personal coffee cup that I take with me when I go to the local coffee shop, “Radinas”. By doing this, they don’t have to use their paper/plastic cups. They also give discounts for this. Did you know that you can bring in your own cup to Starbucks and they will do the same? They even give you 10 cents off (not much, but it’s something) for doing so!
    The second thing that I do is make and use my own produce and grocery sacks. I use old shirts and pillow cases to create bags that I take to the grocery store or farmers market. Everything I’m using to make these bags is reused. Or repurposed. I didn’t buy anything. Old pillowcase. Extra shoelaces. A sewing machine. 
    These are two practical things that I do that make me happy and help the environment.

  243. Hi Joel! First, I really love watching the videos. As a counselor in practice I never knew how therapeutic it was to just listen to music you’ve never heard before and watch someone spin a pottery wheel. Although, when I do get my license I may figure out how to incorporate that.
    Thing I do for the environment: there are a few things. I’m on what’s called the Green Team at work. We work to find ways to help the environment within our building and daily lives. This month we are working on cutting down on waste products such as plastic (we’ve ordered environmentally friendly cups), we are actually working on cutting down on red meat since the fuels it costs to produce red meat is actually more than that of most other kinds of meats, we are are also working on growing plants on our balcony to reproduce our own veggies and fruits which we then give to to the homeless people here at a park in Nashville. It’s something small but it can help a lot. Incorporating any of those into your daily lives or sharing makes a greater impact and that’s what we are trying to do. 🙂

  244. I make a serious effort to be environmentally friendly.
    I got a new job closer to home, which makes my carbon footprint a little smaller. We never use disposable dishes or utensils, even when camping we use reusable plastic (washable) plates. We never buy water, we always fill our own canteens from the sink.
    We recycle everything we can. We have a lot of local farms here in Wi, it’s such a treat to buy local veggies/fruits on the roadside!
    When I go to Starbucks (way too often) I always take my own mug 🙂
    We recycle our egg cartons with one of my patients at the pharmacy who has chickens.
    I’ve also started buying the washable diapers for when we have our babies, regular diapers sit in landfills forever!!

    One day I would love to run my home solely off solar panels.

    I try to be smart with everything I can. I’d like my children to have a beautiful planet to grow up in.

    Thank you for doing all that you do!

  245. people need to stop using there cars and use pedel power more for cleanner air women need to stop using arosol sprays like hairspray deodrants sprays your killing the ozone which by the way is melting our ice caps stop useing plastic bags which by the way are getting dumped in our ocean and killing the ocean life come on people it time to stop trashing our earth the big bussiness arent killing our planet humans are to be honest people are to ignorant to care they just want to complain well stop complaining and grow up and do something about it before you wake up one day and find that humanity no longer exsit because of humanity ingnorance peace out

  246. Hi Cherrico & Macy!
    I make candles out of broken crayons, melting different colors together gives it a galactic look ☺️.
    I love to watch the flicker of the 🔥. Nice calming effect. I also reuse mason jars and make a beach theme scene with actual sand from the beach and sell them for charity events. 🌊🏖

  247. Hi Cherrico & Macy!
    I make candles out of broken crayons, melting different colors together gives it a galactic look ☺️.
    I love to watch the flicker of the 🔥. Nice calming effect. I also reuse mason jars and make a beach theme scene with actual sand from the beach and donate them to various charity events. 🌊🏖

  248. My family and I recycle and reuse a lot. We try to buy food that is organically grown or produced locally. We have a compost pile that my dad uses in his garden. I like to reuse things and turn them in to fun crafts for my niece and nephew. I also try and be mindful to pick up trash off the ground when I see it. Thank you Joel for this awesome chance. I just want to tell you that my 4 year old niece and I love watching your videos.

  249. My FAVORITE part of my life and the environmental foot print I’m trying to leave for earth is my plants and wild flowers. Putting in my small part to save the bees ☺

  250. Working with PreK students, I feel lucky to plant the seed of environmental awareness at age 3 or 4. We teach “reduce, reuse, recycle” and implement those ideas by using recyclables in our collage art projects and by modeling responsible behavior with reusable water bottles and active recycling through our school. We follow up with a unit that covers plants and we watch our plants grow! Never underestimate the power of our youth. Even the smallest of children can understand the importance of a clean earth and sustainable resources. Their world is their future 🌎

  251. Heyo Joel!

    I am currently living in Montana going to school for Parks, Tourism and Recreational Resource management. Being environmentally friendly and the environment, in general, is super important to me and the field that I choose to work in and love every day. The college that I attend just put its first fully electric bus into the rotation for getting kids around town and campus, I think it’s a really rad program and for me, I try to ride my bike, walk, or catch the electric bus when commuting around town in order to reduce my impact on the environment. In addition, I use a reusable water bottle and coffee mug every day to reduce my impact and recycle when I can.

  252. We unplug all of our appliances when we’re not using them. A long time ago, my Dad told me that even when your not using an appliance, it is still drawing a small amount of electricity from the outlet to the point of the on/off switch. By removing the plug from the outlet, I stop the flow of electricity. I stop wasting energy. If you consider all the appliances in an average home that are plugged in, humming on idle and waiting to be used, it really can make a big difference to unplug some of them. These small actions have a big impact on my electric bill and on my overall environment. The less EMF’s (electric-magnetic fields) in my surroundings, the increased chances of better health! If you don’t already do this, why not try it for a couple months.I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

  253. I would so love to have GWR planter #26. April 26th is my birthday! What a birthday gift that would be. I am very excited to open my birthday present from daughter #2. It is some of your work!!!!! So excited! TOMORROW!!!
    Love your work! And love the videos!

    Recycling has become a way of life for me. I teach first grade and we recycle in our classroom. My students become quite serious about this during the school year! Our school, W.T. Henning Elementary, participates in the local recycling program sponsored by local businesses including Waste Management. Because of this, I now recycle at home as well. I’ve cut down on my weekly garbage by at least 80%. I bring my recyclables to our recycling bin at school. I figure every bit counts!
    Have a wonderful day!
    Good luck with the Guinness World Record visit!

  254. This is something I’ve been working on lately. Obviously, we recycle, but my favorite thing to do during the summer is to chill out around the house with no/minimal clothing. This helps cut down our need for air conditioning. The whole family participates, though, I’m sure it will change when the kids are older. My oldest kids are twins and 22 months old and the youngest is 7 months.

  255. Hello, my name is Mae V. I am a stay at home caretaker for my Fiance who is disabled and has a Trach so I have to do a lot of cleaning because of his breathing problems. He can not handle the fumes of chemical cleaners so I use a lot of baking soda & Vinegar. And have a lot of house plants that filter the air also. I use my coffee grounds, egg shells and fruit peelings in all my plants as fertilizer. Even the outdoor plants, I grow fruit and vegetable plants. I also repurpose an recycle a lot of things. Also have been getting into healthier things like natural deodorant and shampoo, coconut oil for cooking and moisturizing. Haven’t used sugar in a couple years, I love my Truvia LOL. And my spring water. There is so much more but will not take up to much of your time. Thank You and keep up the good work you do. SPIN ON !!!!

  256. I think teaching our next generations about being environmentally friendly is most important. I know we can’t be perfect but we try to show my son how the little things add up. I try to show him cause and effect when I get the chance. We recycle, plant a new tree every year, and I even use our junk mail for paper mache or as fire starters. When gardening, I use only organic materials and make sure my flowers attract bees. The declining honeybee population is dear me as so I recently bought a hive for the mason bees and can’t wait to see how many will use it!

  257. I try to do as much as possible to erase my carbon footprint. Besides the normal plastic, paper and aluminum and water conservation, like I take any grocery bags I may get to my church for food donations for the needy or homeless. I purposely purchase Archer Farms single coffee pods because the bottom of the cup is removable for recycling and grow any herbs and vegetables I can for someone who lives in a north facing apartment.

  258. I haven’t even thought about pottery since probably 8th grade. One night your live feed came across my Facebook feed. It took watching you for all of 30 seconds to really appreciate the hard work & thought that goes into pottery. After watching pretty much EVERY live feed since that night I appreciate my favorite coffee mug; because before that night it was simply a coffee mug. Thank you for letting us into your world. You are truly talented & dedicated to your craft. Keep up the great work & thank you! Also, thanks for the great music 🎶

  259. The ways I contribute to being environmentally friendly are always evolving. I started out with recycling common goods from trash. When that wasn’t enough I started growing our own food. We recycle clothing to make new outfits or even quilts for people that we giveaway. But my biggest contribution has been teaching my 3 sons about the importance of protecting our environment, keeping our trash to a minimum, use of clean energy, and their job to teach others as well.

  260. Thanks for your advocacy around us being better stewards of the earth! Also love the pottery! I try, as often as possible to bike to work and around town, this eliminating car usage. I also have eliminated the majority of plastic products from our home and try to use only products that are sustainable. We try to only buy things out of necessity, thus creating less stuff in our home and less waste. Thanks for all you do!

  261. Even if I won this I don’t think you’ll be shipping to Jordan! And I still don’t get it how pottery and space are embodied through the mind at the same time. People who have such minds I must talk to one day. Keep going the awesome work!

  262. Among all of the simple everyday activities like reusing and recycling, I made sure that when I moved out of home I was living somewhere sustainable. I live in an eco-friendly university dorm which utilizes solar power and aluminum insulation to minimize the impact on the rural environment.

  263. There are several daily things I do to stay green and be environmentally conscious including recycling, using all natural/organic/recycled/reusable products, reducing my consumption of red meat and simply just picking up trash on my walks. In the larger scope of things I’m studying sustainable architecture at the University of Oregon in hopes of contributing to the 2030 challenge; which aims to have all new buildings/developments carbon neutral by the year 2030. Currently, buildings consume half of all the energy produced in the US and even more worldwide, so practicing sustainable design can have a significant impact on energy use and the environment.

    p.s. Love your work and your environmental awareness!

  264. Something I do to be more friendly to the Earth and environment. As a crafter I try to always reuse things to make something out of it or use it for another purpose than it was originally meant for. Coffee tins and plastic chip containers for storage, glass baby food jars for my beads to prevent them from mixing together. Anything I can get my hands on to organize my supplies is awesome and keeps them from ending up in a land fill somewhere or worse. If I can’t reuse it, I recycle it, hoping that it will be reused for something else. I donate things like books and clothes instead of throwing them away or even reusing them for something else. There’s so many things that can be reused for something else instead of throwing it away that it’s amazing more people don’t do it. But I do my best to make sure to do my part as best I can, even if it means pulling something out of the garbage that I know should go in the recycling bin instead of the trash. I hope to eventually move onto bigger items, like furniture and such and turn it into beautiful pieces of art or repair it so that it can continue to live on instead of being put in the ground somewhere or in a ditch where it’ll affect it’s surroundings. I can admit that I’ve dragged things from a ditch before just to reuse them from something else or to clean it up and use it as it was meant for.
    And out of curiosity, I wonder if you read every comment that is left here. I can only imagine how long it takes to read them all.

  265. At work we use our errors as scratch paper, I print double sided as well. Our house has solar panels, and I try to buy stuff with as little packaging as possible as it creates less waste. Right now I’m also particularly concerned about the bees, so my mom and I created a “bee fountain” where bees can come rest and get a drink of water without fear of drowning, we have planted a garden with a lot of lavender and other plants that bees love to pollinate, and we are currently planning our next garden. I am also trying to convince my parents to plant a garden in our front yard instead of having a lawn because I have been reading about how wasteful lawns are. In our garden we do not use any pesticides

  266. Some little things,
    that I do to be kinder to the earth,
    are using natural cleaning products,
    supporting small local businesses and their
    eco-friendly endeavours,
    and buying everything second hand – first.

    Everything has a purpose,
    at the Treehouse, our humble little home,
    so we reduce, reuse, recycle as often as we can,
    and our fruit & veges are our own (with the excess left quietly on our neighbours doorsteps as a little act of kindness).

    I work in Natural Health,
    where we teach through courses the importance
    of looking to nature for solutions to simple ailments,
    just like our ancestors did, humbly.

    Thank you 🙂

  267. I work from home… We grow most of our own veggies…. I love to craft but only use items that I can recycle or up-cycle to make awesome art…. we of course recycle anything that can not be used for said art…. we unplug any electrical item that is not in current use… we grill outdoors instead of using the oven….when shopping we always use reusable bags… I also make flower bombs, it is something I make with recycled paper and adding flower seeds to them… as you are driving, walking, or hiking they can be tossed and when it rains they soak into the ground and flowers will grow in that spot….

  268. We started becoming more environmentally friendly before we even realized it. Small town living and lack of work for my parents forced us to start growing and maintaining our own food which eventually created a business for my family. We even make our own compost. Now we grow and sell fruits, vegetables, trees, and plants at the farmers market so others can enjoy it too.

    We also volunteer to clean up and restore “hoarders” homes per the request of the individual. We do this completely free and the items are refurbished and donated to other families. We recycle everything else.

  269. Hey Joel! To help save our environment, for years, I have been recycling as much as possible such as plastic, paper, cardboard, glass, using cloth grocery bags and mixing water and vinegar to clean. I buy and wear used clothing and grow vegetables when possible.

    I truly wish the # 26 planter which you threw on your famous kick wheel, when you participated in the Guinness World Record last year, is destined to me, a former pottery and teacher. Bernard Leach’s book was also part of my learning and reference book.

    Also, based on my birth date, my Life path # is 8 which is derived from the numbers 2 and 6.

    Finally, my comment was read today, April 26, while you were being filmed and interviewed by the GWR crew: “Love your down to earth approach while reaching the stars through your moon and cosmic mugs!”

    Is that enough synchronicity for you? 😉

    Wishing you all the best and thank you for sharing your process, dedication and beautiful art!

  270. Hey Joel,
    I love your question and the environmental awareness you bring into your work. I encourage environmental mindfulness and sustainability everyday. I am graduating in May with a BA in Environmental Studies and currently I am a Co-director at the Campus Center for Appropriate Technology (CCAT) on the Humboldt State University campus in Arcata, Ca. CCAT is a student funded, student run, sustainable living demonstration house. We showcase numerous pieces of appropriate technology like a solar PV array, grey water reuse, a grey water marsh, rainwater collection, solar hotwater/CO2 heat pump and radiant floor heating, permaculture, composting to create our soil for the gardens (we grow all of our food/herbs), a composting toilet, and multiple human powered technologies like a bike blender, bike TV, bike tool sharpener, and our MEOW- mobile energy on wheels- powered by PV panels and bicycles peddled by people to provide energy for local festivals! I teach the local community and HSU students about how to live lighter in a world of finite resources, while using appropriate technology to meet our needs. Also I am currently a volunteer for Grid Alternatives installing PV systems (solar arrays) for low income families in the North Coast region of California. I am a roof team leader for Grid Alternatives and have led installs with numerous volunteers, teaching my peers how to install safely while also spreading the knowledge of solar power, renewable energy, and reducing our footprint. I would love to help you create the world first renewable energy pottery studio and kilns! I love your work and the environmental thought you bring into the studio, keep it up 🙂

    1. Fantastic, Kelsey! Check your email please, because we’re sending you a free Cosmic Mug 🙂 Congrats on your achievements so far and keep up the great work.

      Thanks so much for participating, everyone! Did you know that the word, “solar” was mentioned about 27 times and the words “recycle” and “recycling” and “recyclable” were mentioned about 275 times WOW! I hope you had as much fun reading these comments as I did.

  271. I do all the basics… Recycle, buy eco friendly, and try to leave a small footprint. But I think the most important “eco” thing I do is teach my children about visionaries like you – artists who not only create beautiful pieces but do it in a way that is in harmony with nature and reflect the universe around them. My kiddos watch all your videos and we discuss your work and your dreams. They now talk about one day seeing a pottery workshop that is completely run by solar, and that dream blows their mind… They’re excited about the possibilities and are eager to do their part to make the world a better place. It helps them to view the future as eco friendly and gets them discussing all the “super cool” people who are making a difference in our world. By you sharing your eco dreams of the future with us, it has inspired a whole new generation of youngsters to strive towards making not only their daily lives but the future more eco friendly.

    Side note – My boys and myself adore your videos. You are an inspiration to them and a great role model. They now want to do more art classes and have been asking for a kick wheel.

  272. Love your energy, philosophies, and the passion you have for what you do. I find it exciting that your work is being recognized and can’t wait to order my first piece. Environmentally, I do a lot of what others have mentioned, recycling, using only natural products, creating my own cleaning products, using vegan make up and know that as in everything, there is always room to improve…So looking for ways to reduce my driving, grow and make more of my food rather than purchasing it. Being a good role model to my children and students will hopefully help to inspire them to do the same in their lives. Ripple effect. Keep throwing on Facebook live, it’s meditative and enjoyable to watch!

  273. I can’t pick just one!
    I drive a hybrid, and plan to work at least partly from home in the future.
    Repair instead of replace.
    When possible, buy things in glass containers instead of plastic or cans.
    Use only natural cleaning products.

    I guess mostly just trying to be conscious of what I’m using, what was involved in making the products I’m buying, and how I’m impacting the environment..
    I love reading all these comments and getting more tips on how to be nice to our earth!

  274. About 2 years ago, I saw the documentary Cowspiracy, and it changed my entire world view. I grew up in North Carolina next to A farm. My grandparents had a farm, all my friends had farms, I lived and breathed farmtown, USA. When I saw the documentary and learned about how damaging the farming industry is to our environment, I started doing research on my own about other things in my life that were killing the environment.
    I stopped eating meat except for 1 day a week, and even then, I only eat locally sourced meat. I traded in my SUV for a compact car with low emissions. I looked into composting, and now compost whatever I can from my kitchen. I changed my showerheaed to a low pressure, water saving one, and I’m working on replacing our household toilets with environmentally friendly options (but it’s a process, because it’s pretty pricy.)
    I’m still actively trying to reduce my trash output, and am always looking for new ways to save energy.

    Thanks for your consideration!


  275. I do what I can to protect the environment the best I can. I’m an avid recycler. I compost and don’t litter. I don’t run my washing machine at peak times, which is sometimes hard with 3 young kids. I turn lights off when I leave rooms. I also grow my own fruits and veggies in the summer and try to buy organic in the other seasons. I live in Canada so I can’t grow fruits and veggies all year. I walk instead of drive if I don’t have to go far. I also try not to be too wasteful.
    I would love to win one of your cosmic mugs. I’ve been watching your videos for awhile and think your art is amazing.

  276. My family has planted a huge garden for as long as I can remember. We preserve and dry nearly all our food. I have taught many imterested high schoolers how to can pickles, fish, jams, and so much more. We forage the woods of northern Michigan for berries, morel mushrooms, chicken of the woods and anything nature provides freely. We recycle probably 85% of our waste. We have planted at least 25 pine trees every year to create a sustainable forest on our own property. We also plant 5 acres of sunflowers every spring for the deer, elk, birds, and turkeys. This also benefits the bees and butterflies. Though, I would love to win one of your mugs, for my own beautiful potter daughter, who admires everything you create and strives to be as good as you someday, I will continue my plight of making the world a more beautiful place for future generations, regardless. Thank you for inspiring my girl and so graciously answering all her questions when she emails, and of course for this opportunity!

  277. Hi Joel! I do all of the typical run of the mill things to help our environment: recycle at home and at work, buy economic friendly products when possible, pick up litter, walk when I can instead of driving, reuse things around the home whenever possible, etc.
    I am most proud of instilling these values into my two young boys (ages 5 & 8). They are our future and if we don’t teach them how to care for our planet, then who will?? We all play a very small part in protecting our environment, but those “small parts” add up to something powerful! To quote my boys’ favorite movie: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Dr. Seuss-The Lorax

    Love your work and really enjoy watching your live streams! Peace
    Kim Young, Rochester, MN

  278. I am a strong supporter of preserving our ecological system. I do this in a number of ways at home and at work. It is extremely important to repurpose man-made functional items which can either be recycled in some way or repurposed into something useful. Here at work, we recycled water bottles and made them into refillable ink pens. Our planet is the only one we will have, and it’s important that we educate young people about the environment, and the importance of not poisoning our planet with harmful pesticides, and pollution. These two things even by themselves affect human life, aquatic life, earth’s atmosphere, animal life and plant life. Our actions today, affect our youngsters tomorrow. If we make a difference and share the experience with others, we can change the mindset of others.

  279. One thing I do everyday to be more environmentally friendly in my daily life is to take military showers. Which for people who might not know is to keep the total time of the water flow to under two minutes – using an initial thirty seconds or so to get wet, followed by shutting off the water, using soap and lathering, then rinsing for a minute or less.

  280. I make sure to recycle in any way I can and donate items for a good cause instead of throwing them away. I like to use products that are environmentally friendly and make uses for things I already have instead of buying more. For my commute to work, I have gotten a compact car that takes much less gas than my old one. Thanks for the chance to win a beautiful piece of artwork!

  281. One of the many things that I do to be more environmentally friendly is I use a dehumidifier to pull the moisture from my basement. When the water is collected in the bucket I than use this water to wash my laundry in. Hanging all laundry outdoors to dry. Thank for the opportunity to win one of your mugs!

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